RWBY: Cult of the Lamb:
There are two well-known Gods who created the world of Remnant, the God of Light and the God of Darkness.
God of Light and God of Darkness:
The god of Light created the forces of life and the God of Darkness created the forces of Death including the Grimm.
The brothers then at one point ended their feud and created humanity.
And for a while Remnant knew peace.
However at one point they organized a crusade, a crusade to eliminate every Sheep Faunus in existence.
No one knows why they did this, all they knew is no Sheep Faunus was safe.
They were executed and eventually you as the last Sheep Faunus was left.
You were but a child and so you were afraid as you were led up to have your head severed by one of the Gods followers.
However, as the axe was raised and you closed your eyes awaiting your never came.
You opened your eyes and found yourself in a white space, still wrapped in chains.
You looked up and your eyes widened as before you was a giant chained figure.
A female, a Primordial Deity known as Narinder.
She introduced herself to you and could see you were confused and explained the situation.
Those Gods were pretenders.
Lesser deities who imprisoned her in this realm and the chains limited her power greatly and the reason they tried to bring Sheep to extinction was because of a prophecy.
A prophecy that stated a sheep Faunus will eventually release her and she will bring them down.
Narinder was going to make sure this prophecy came to pass and so when they were about to kill you, Narinder used what little power she had to teleport you to her realm and save you.
You were sad knowing you were the last Lamb, but that anger soon turned to rage.
You were angry at those "Gods" for trying to kill you and killing the rest of your kind.
That is what Narinder wanted.
She wanted you angry in order to begin training you.
Narinder promised she could help you get revenge and all you had to do was release her.
She needed worship and sacrifice to restore her power, so all you needed to do was form a cult in her name and gather enough followers to the point she can break her chains and get her revenge.
First you would need Training and she could provide it.
Narinder created a sword from her own essence and thus your training began.
Narinder used her powers peer into the world of Remnant and you both observed fights, training and techniques with multiple weapons, all the while observing how the world of Remnant grew and changed as time went on.
This realm you were in halted the aging process so you still remained young-looking while you kept on maturing.
You also did not need to eat or sleep.
You saw battle, bloodshed and kept on learning for essentially centuries.
And you also studied magic under Narinder to further prepare you for the challenges ahead.
When the Gods left Remnant, Narinder was very happy.
This would make gathering cultists much easier, though Salem and Ozpin would be a bit of a problem, problems that could be easily remedied.
You kept focusing on your training, perfecting and honing your physical prowess and magical capabilities.
And finally after a long long time you were ready.
Narinder gave you some new drip to make yourself look like a true cult leader and gave you a crown that would allow you to communicate with her between realms.
You and your new fit:
Now you may look cute but the heart on your hand should tell everyone that you mean business.
You decided to start your Conquest by traveling to the Evernight castle with a sword made from Narinder's essence.
The stronghold of Salem.
Yes, a fine base for your cult.
You entered, easily slicing down any Grimm that crossed your path.
Eventually you found your way to the main chamber where Salem was having a meeting with her inner circle.
They were all shocked by your arrival and Tyrian, a Scorpion Faunus attempted to kill you, only for you to stab your sword into his throat killing him immediately.
And it didn't take long for you to eventually kill Salem much to the shock of everyone who were under the impression she was immortal.
She was.
But this blade was made from Narinder's essence who transcended the gods and thus could bypass Salem's immortality.
Now you had the attention of her inner circle.
You gave them all 2 options.
Either join your cult...
Or die.
The first to immediately join was Cinder Fall.
She was smart and knew that since you managed to kill Salem she knew it was better being your ally rather than your enemy.
Of course Emerlad and Mercury followed suit.
Watts however refused and so he had to die.
Thankfully Cinder took care of that for you.
Then there was Hazel who you managed to convince to your side by promising you could revive his sister.
Well Narinder could once she was free, something she told you through the crown.
And from there, you could truly begin your Conquest and start up your cult.
The Cult of the Lamb.
Due to your time in Narinder's realm, watching the world develop and grow, you are quite intelligent and you've become quite good at talking to people.
Many who meet you say you have this charming quality about you and you aren't above using cuteness to get your way.
Your usually calm and quite upbeat for a cult leader, very welcoming with great people skills.
But you can turn and become quite scary and vicious if pushed too far, like with needy and whiny cultists or mentioning how the gods basically genocided your fellow sheep Faunus.
Many will either back away or run when you're pissed.
You do seem to enjoy combat a lot as while you're in combat you will usually be seen with quite a Sadistic smile on your adorable face as you slice down your foes getting covered in their blood.
By the time the battle is over you will return to your happy go-lucky self and ask any survivors of a large battle of they'd like to join your cult.
You do care for the people you indoctrinate, you have to in order to keep the cult strong.
You're a good listener and will do everything you can to make your cultists happy.
However, if they ask for something unreasonable or try to take advantage of your generosity.
It's sacrifice time for them to feed Narinder.
It's mostly ones who want to eat their own poop you sacrifice because that is absolutely vile and those freaks deserve to be sacrificed.
Narinder hates them too but hey, sacrifice is sacrific.
Your ultimate goal is not only to release Narinder to kill those horrendous "Gods."
But to tear down everything they created.
You utilize dark arts to create new Grimm and use them to kill Ancient Grimm that the God of Darkness created.
You will turn their precious humans against them.
You will not rest until their gone once and for all.
Powers and Abilities:
The crown atop your head allows you to communicate and talk with Narinder telepathically and with her knowledge and eye it gives you quite the advantage in battle.
You're skilled with every single weapon you pick up due to your centuries of training.
The Red Crown allows you to create weapons from Narinder's essence giving them the ability to kill anything no matter what among other abilities.
You're fast, agile and very hard to hit making you even more of a menace in combat.
You may not have a semblance but it is uneeded when you have access to Primordial magic taught by Narinder.
Truly you are hard to kill but not impossible.
You can ewirll still die if you're hit hard enough but they'll have to hit really really hard.
Love Interests:
Cinder Fall:
Cinder did not hesitate to join your cult after Salem's death.
You managed to kill Salem so she had every reason to take your offer.
To prove her loyalty she killed Watts, burned him to ash.
As your first official cultist Cinder became your second-in-command and the secretary of your cult.
She keeps track of all cultists wants and needs and tells you their requests.
You gave her special instructions to torture and re-educate anyone who requests to eat poop.
Cause that's just not right and Cinder shares this view and happily does so.
And if they don't change, then it's sacrifice time.
Cinder has a desire to gain the powers of the Fall Maiden, something you promised you'd help her with so long as she serves you with loyalty and devotion.
So Cinder was determined to prove herself to you.
She helped build your cult and as you became more known across Remnant she fought alongside you against those who tried to stop you.
Eventually you decided to reward Cinder for her service and give her a power-up.
You used Narinder's power to upgrade her current fire abilities.
Cinder's flames are now black, they can never be put out unless she commands them to.
Not even with water.
(A/N: That's right, you gave her Amaterasu.)
Cinder was grateful for your gift, more power is just fine with her.
Cinder soon became one of your most loyal followers and eventually developed feelings for you.
You treated her with respect and valued her, something she felt Salem never did and she appreciated it.
Cinder vowed to serve you til the end and to give her life to you.
Now Neo is not a member of your cult, but she is an associate of Roman Torchwick, a criminal you had repeatedly hired for various purposes.
Stealing dust or other resources for your cult and he does a good job.
You took a particular liking to Neo as you could appreciate a fellow sociopath.
You liked speaking to her, she was a very good listener and Neo liked listening to you, she would develop feelings for you as you kept bonding with her and hiring Torchwick for jobs.
Cinder is quite jealous of Neo and will often shoot her glares and try to impress you in front of her but doesn't hurt Neo as that would most likely upset you.
Character theme:
Now before any of you ask.
Narinder is of course a love interest too.
I figured it was obvious since why would I make them female if they weren't.
Anyway, have a good day and I'll see you all later.
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