Delicious in Dungeon
Shovelry in Dungeon: (Delicious in Dungeon x Male Shovel Knight Reader)
It all began in a tiny village.
One day the ground shook and the floor of the catacombs split.
From the fissure emerged a man, he claimed to rule the golden country which vanished 1000 years ago.
"The land had prospered." He said, until a Mad Mage cast a spell that sunk it deep underground trapping his subjects there.
"I shall bestow my kingdom to whoever defeats the Mage!" He cried before crumbling to dust and blowing away in the wind.
That tale and promise has caused many Adventurers go to the island the village was on and deep underground into the sunken kingdom to try and conquer it.
The sunken kingdom had become a sprawling Dungeon with it's own ecosystem and many many monsters.
It would be a great challenge for any to attempt to conquer this Dungeon and indeed, to this day no one has.
But soon that may change with the arrival of certain individuals.
Deep within the Dungeon a party came face to face with a powerful Red Dragon.
You, a Tall-Man named Laios and his sister Falin, a Half-Elf named Marcille a Half-foot named Chilchuck and more.
Unfortunately Falin was devoured by the Red Dragon, but before she was completely eaten she teleported the party out of the Dungeon.
After that, most of the party members quit leaving only you, Chilchuck, Laios and Marcille and all of you were determined to go back in and save her.
Though Laios states that you all will have to eat monsters to survive as none of you had enough money to purchase food.
Luckily you all met a Dwarf named Senshi who was very knowledgeable on how to cook monsters.
Will you all be able to save Falin?
We'll see.
Major characters Info:
(Y/N) (L/N):
Other names:
Shovel Knight
Your name is (Y/N) (L/N), and from the day you were born you had yearned for Adventure.
You grew up on a farm with your parents and always helped them around the farm by the age of 8.
You'd help tend to the animals, help plow the fields and do all sorts of farmwork.
You were always a helpful lad, always setting aside everything to aid others in your small villages if they needed it.
Delivering packages, gardening and anything you could help with, you'd do it.
This made you very popular in your tiny village.
You were just a selfless and jovial young man who dreamed of one day heading off on Adventures and helping many more people out there.
You wanted to become a great knight and hero, one who exemplified chivalry and justice.
Your parents were a bit concerned for you as any good parents should be but they supported your dream.
One day as a teenager you came across a young Tall-Man by the name of Laios.
You found him starved and near death and so with you being the kind helpful soul you were you immediately brought him back to your home and you and your parents fed him.
Once his strength was regained, he explained he ran away from his village in order to become an Adventurer.
From there he stayed with you and your family for a while and you both bonded and eventually you decided to become adventurers together.
So the day came for you both to set off and start Adventuring.
It was a bit of a rough start, but eventually you both found your footing as Adventurers.
A major problem you used to have was finding a weapon, swords did not feel right to wield.
Axes, spears and other classic weaponry just did not feel right.
But through circumstance you managed to find your perfect weapon, a very unconventional one.
The Mighty Shovel.
Yes, you wield a shovel as your weapon.
A bit unorthodox but it has proven its effectiveness, it was versatile, especially for Adventuring.
And for about 2 years you and Laios adventured until eventually he took you back to his village and introduced you to his sister Falin.
Surprisingly Falin decided to join you both saying she was tired of being seen as outcast by her village and seeing no reason to refuse a good magic user she joined you both forming a party of 3.
From there you went on a few more adventures, meeting a few more party members like Chilchuck, Marcille and more.
At one point you all entered the infamous Dungeon of the former Golden country.
At one point while far into the Dungeon you all encountered a powerful Red Dragon and Falin ended up getting devoured by said dragon.
Before she was swallowed however she used a spell to teleport you and the whole party out of the Dungeon.
Once out you and Laios resolved to save Falin from the bowels of the Red Dragon and revive her.
Laios tried to convince you to leave and let him do it alone but you refused to leave your best friend.
He may have been a bit strange with his obsession with monsters but he was far from a bad person.
And even Marcille and Chillchuck decided to help you both out.
Of course you all had no money for food and so Laios suggested eating monsters in the Dungeon.
Unlike Marcille and Chilchuck, you were fine with eating monsters.
They were just animals in your opinion and like animals they can be eaten if prepared right?
You weren't as obsessed with eating them as Laios was though, just curious.
But you're mostly focused on saving Falin and making sure she's okay.
Love Interests:
Falin Touden:
Marcille Donato:
Specter Knight:
True Name:
A former renowned thief known as Donovan, Specter Knight had entered the Dungeon for unknown reason.
However, at some point he met his end after making it quite far into the Dungeon.
The Mad Mage Thistle found his corpse and was impressed that Donovan made it this far on his own and thus he decided to revive Donovan as an undead Wraith he dubbed "Specter Knight."
With that Specter Knight under Thistle's control proceeded to patrol the Dungeon and kill any Adventurers he came across.
Eventually, you and your party while on your way to rescue Falin from the bowels of the Red Dragon came across Specter Knight and a fight broke out.
Somehow you managed to shatter Thistle's control and Specter Knight came to his senses.
After that he was set on getting revenge on the Mad Mage and joined your party to do it.
He knows he can't take out the Red Dragon alone and so he'll need back-up which is why he decided to join.
Specter Knight is normally quitr stoaic and rarely speaks if he doesn't need to.
He also refuses to talk about his past and you have asked him many times why he was down here.
He gets extremely angry when the Mad Mage is brought up and after seeing him turn Falin into a Chimera his hatred for Thistle only increased.
Despite his rough exterior, Specter Knight does have a soft spot for dogs and he even bonded with a Mimic Dog creature he named Memmec.
Specter Knight and Memmec:
Memmec became Specter Knight's companion and he threatened Laios if he even thought about eating Memmec.
Laios has attempted to eat Memmec many times, but Specter Knight or someone else in the party stopped him.
Chilchuck and Izutsumi both dislike Memmec.
Chilchuck dislikes him because he's a Mimic and Izutsumi dislikes him because as a cat Chimera she just naturally dislikes dogs.
Specter Knight doesn't care, he loves his boy.
Specter Knight primarily fights using a scythe, as Donovan he used a short sword in addition to other items he picked up in the Dungeon.
Love Interest:
Plague Knight:
True Name:
A deranged Alchemist you and the others encountered at many points.
He's in the Dungeon on the hunt to collect samples from and study monsters.
He's caused a lot of trouble for you and your party, simply a nusiance, but eventually he became an ally.
He has occasionally helped out before officially joining your party and it was usually for his own reasons.
In fact the only reason he joined you all was because he was curious about Falin's Chimera form and wanted to study her.
You all reluctantly allowed him to join as despite his deranged personality he was extremely intelligent and his concoctions could prove useful.
Plague Knight primarily fights using various bombs and potions, but mostly bombs.
He is extremely hyper, fast and loves jokes and puns...even if they aren't particularly good.
He has made you all groan on more than one occasion.
No one can tell if Plague Knight is some kind of bird creature or something else.
Love Interest:
King Knight:
True Name:
Refuses to say
King Knight is not actual King, he just believes he's destined for greatness and thus dresses accordingly.
King Knight is vain and narcissistic to a fault and believes himself to be greater than he actually is.
He looks down on others and the reason he came into this Dungeon in the first place was to claim what he believes to be his right.
To be king.
It is said whoever slays the Mad Mage becomes the new king of the golden country and so King Knight thought it only fitting that someone like him should rule the Golden Country.
When King Knight wants something he will work to get it and he got pretty far in the Dungeon on his own.
However he inserted himself into the party calling everyone his servants much to everyone's annoyance.
King Knight is incredibly strong and durable and is the party's tank.
His main weapon is his scepter and his strength is truly terrifying.
In fights he does get humiliated quite a bit but he always ends up coming out on top and pulls his weight when it counts.
The only person he shows any kind of affection towards is his mother though since she isn't here it doesn't come out often.
Love Interest:
° There are extra characters from Shovel Knight who will appear like Treasure Knight who simply wants to raid the Dungeon for it's Treasure. The only one not here is Propeller Knight as I don't believe he'd be caught dead underground.
° Every main knight will eventually get every single artifact/relic/curio from their respective campaigns.
There, I just got into Delicious in Dungeon and I love the anime.
See ya'll later and I hope ya'll enjoy the rest of your day.
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