BNHA 4: (Updated)
The Ghoul Hero:
Reader Info:
In this world, about 80% of the population have Quirks, Quirks being special powers or abilities individuals are usually born with.
You yourself have a Quirk, though you honestly wish you didn't.
At least not this one.
Your Quirk allows you to form various weapons with your blood.
Weapons you dubbed "Kagune."
Kagune translating into "Shining Child."
It started with simply a long bladed tail you dubbed the Bikaku.
Your Bikaku tail:
On top of that you also had increased agility and strength.
However as you grew up something odd began happening.
You couldn't eat normal food, any vegetables, sweets and other essential foods became disgusting to you.
Your body rejected them and you'd just immediately throw up upon trying to eat them.
However, you could eat raw animal meat.
Unfortunately, even raw animal meat became disgusting to you.
Your parents were worried about you, you became malnourished and weak.
Eventually though, they did find a solution...though they and you don't like it.
One day at school you met a bully who mocked you for your malnourished appearance.
You didn't want any trouble and tried to leave until the Bully punched you in the face knocking you to the ground.
At that moment something inside you snapped and you blacked out.
The moment you came to your eyes widened in horror as you felt blood on your lips and saw the bully crying with a large chunk bitten out of his arm.
Every student panicked and you didn't feel weak anymore.
You felt full as well and that's when it donned on you and your parents, your Quirk altered your biology and now the only thing you could eat and digest is human flesh.
Thankfully your parents managed to smooth things over with the parents of the bully and luckily you weren't expelled.
Which was good cause now they could focus on dealing with your extremely troubling situation.
Quirks usually had a drawback, but so far no Quirk had ever made someone have to resort to cannibalism to survive.
Your parents however refused to let you starve to death and so they did something extremely morally questionable.
You see, there's a tall drop somewhere in the forest known as "Deadman's point."
That's a popular place for people to commit suicide...usually there's always a body there and so your parents decided the best coarse of action would be to take dead bodies from the people who committed suicide and bring them back for you to eat.
It really was the best coarse of action lest you go into a hunger frenzy and suddenly kill someone for food.
You were originally apprehensive about eating people who killed themselves, but your growling stomach soon changed your tune.
You still didn't like the fact that you had to cannibalize people, but you had no choice if you wanted to keep living.
One body a month is enough to keep you satisfied so your parents just needed to make a trip there once a month.
Most of the people that killed themselves were Quirkless and because of that authorities really didn't care enough to really look for them.
Quirkless people are not treated well and it just made you feel worse eating them.
As you grew up you you really started feeling for the Quirkless and you felt like you had to make it up to them somehow for eating so many of them.
You decided maybe becoming a pro hero would allow you to help the Quirkless in some way.
Pro Heroes did have more influence on the world and so that is what you wanted to become.
Of course you do still need to feed but if you managed to keep this a secret for so long surely you can keep it forever...right?
No...but you can try.
You told your parents about wanting to apply to U.A and become a pro hero and of course your parents were concerned like any good parents woule be.
Being a hero was a dangerous profession and no one needed to tell you.
You were prepared and determined and so your parents relented and allowed you to apply for the hero coarse.
You did manage to make it in thankfully and performed decently in the entrance exam.
It was scary standing before the building where many great heroes once took classes in but you stepped forward to begin your Journey.
If your Quirk had a name it would be accurate to call it "Ghoul" due to your need to devour humans.
But since you don't want people to find that out you decided not to name your Quirk.
Your Quirk allows you to manipulate the blood in your body and form various weapons you call Kagune.
As explained before.
Your tail was something you had dubbed your Bikaku which can be translated into "Shining Tail."
And as your Quirk developed you eventually managed to form your blood into other weapons each with their own strengths and weaknesses.
Your Bikaku is the most balanced, it gives you a slight boost in your strength, speed and agility but not much else.
Then you unlocked your Ukaku during the USJ incident.
Your Ukaku:
Ukaku can be translated into Shining Feather.
Your Ukaku when active gives you a major speed boost and even allows you to shoot out sharp shards of hardened crystal.
A drawback to the Ukaku is that you lose stamina quickly.
Next came your Koukaku.
Your Koukaku:
It translates into Shining Shell.
You unlocked this during yours, Midoriya's, Iida's and Todoroki's battle against the Hero Killer.
Your Koukaku is incredibly dense and heavy and it even managed to cleave through any of the Hero Killer's blades.
You can coil it around your arm and it makes a great shield and you can launch it out for long range stabs.
The only issue with your Koukaku is that it is heavy and it took time for you to get used to the weight.
In fact it was the hardest for you to Master.
The only reason you wielded it compotently against the Hero Killer was because you were in a feral state at the time.
You do occasionally go feral due to many different factors.
Usally extreme rage or stress.
And finally you unlocked your Rinkaku.
Your Rinkaku:
Rinkaku translates into Shining Scales.
You can generate up to 4 tentacles that hit hard and fast.
They are also quite strong, allowing you to catch construction beams with ease.
The Rinkaku also provides you with high regeneration, giving you the ability to regenerate lost limbs and mend your own broken bones in seconds.
The Rinkaku though are quite frail and can be shredded easily to leave you open.
So you see each weapon has it's own strengths and weaknesses apart from the Bikaku.
But you did eventually manage to unlock something else.
Something you wish you didn't.
Your Kakuja.
Your Kakuja:
Kakuja translates into "Red One" and is your most powerful form.
You acheived this form during the battle against All For One while rescuing Bakugou and it even made him struggle.
In this form you are bigger, faster, stronger and at your strongest.
The problem is you are extremely feral and will attack anything that moves near you.
It was only thanks to All Might punching you out of this form that your classmates didn't end up as food.
This form also helped you find out about an extra quirk of your...quirk.
You can use the Quirk of those you devoured to a degree.
The Quirk isn't as strong as when the originals use it unless you're in your Kakuja state.
Your Kakuja came from you devouring pieces of the USJ Nomu which is why your Kakuja somewhat resembles it.
You had also gained the Nomu's shock absorption Quirk among the others it had.
Since the Nomu was a heavily altered human it reacted oddly to your biology granting you the Kakuja.
You hope to one day tame this form.
Also your Kakuja can breathe out fire and ice because some of Shoto's blood landed in your mouth during the fight against the Hero Killer.
You are normally very quiet and prefer to keep to yourself.
You do this because you feel it is the best way to keep your secret.
When talking to others you do come off as a bit awkward as you had no friends growing up.
But this is Class 1-A and friendship is inevitible.
You were thankful you did manage to make a few friends but it just made you more nervous about your neccessary cannibalism.
You do care deeply about the friends you managed to make and will do anything to protect them as well.
In fact you'll defend anyone close to you with your life.
You also can't stand bullied since Quirkless people are always bullied by those with bullies just suck.
This does lead into conflicts with Bakugou quite a few times.
You do care deeply for animals.
Like you really love animals and you would often go to alleyways to feed stray cats and dogs.
You honestly wish you could kill and eat animal abusers, no one would miss them.
Extra Info:
° You are very close to your parents, you trust them more than anyone, unsurprising considering the lengths they went through for you.
° Your parents are Yuri (Y/N), a police detective and your mother is Orihime (L/N) a nurse at a hospital.
Yuri (L/N):
Orihime (L/N):
Yuri's Quirk is simple and just negates any recoil on firearms when he uses them. Orihime's however allows her to completely reject and negate phenomanon restoring something to a previous state. She mostly uses this power on wounds completely healing people.
° Like Eri your Quirk is nothing like your parents' at all.
° You absolutely despise the Hero Killer. You hate how he believes he's doing the world a favor when he is nothing more than a Serial Killer. At least most other villains know what they're doing is bad.
° There is a coffee shop you frequent as another odd thing about your Quirk is that while you can't have normal drinks coffee is fine.
° Also Mineta doesn't exist since you replace him in 1-A.
° Something that should be mentioned is that when your Kagunes are active your eyes become black and red like this.
° There is an extra member of the League of Villains. A man named Noro. You don't know who Noro is but he seems to know you and in fact his Quirk is quite similar to your own.
Theme songs:
Character theme:
Kakuja theme:
Love Interests:
Ochako Uraraka:
One of the friendliest faces in Class 1-A and your first real friend.
Ochako noticed how lonely you looked at your own table and decided you needed a friend.
So she came over and introduced herself to you and you being your awkward self did not know how to react.
You honestly tried to ignore her at first, but you really couldn't keep ignoring her sweet and bubbly nature.
She offered you some of her food since you had none and you of course declined saying you weren't hungry.
Which technically wasn't a lie.
It really didn't take long for Uraraka to grow on you, especially after she told you why she wanted to become a hero.
Supporting your parents was a noble goal and something you could relate to a bit.
You really felt like you owed your parents for helping you with your problem, of course you never told Ochako that.
It was Ochako that helped you open up more and make more friends like Tsuyu, Izuku and Fumikage.
Ochako can tell you're hiding something for her and wishes you would tell her, but she never pries as she feels you'll tell her when you're ready.
When she found out you wanted to make Japan better for the Quirkless she grew to admire you too.
Your bond grew and eventually feelings blossomed.
You would often hang out with each other at the coffee shop you frequent and many would call you a couple much to your embarassment.
You held off on telling her for obvious reasons.
Tsuyu Asui:
One of your other new friends
A girl with a frog quirk that instantly made her 100x cuter in your eyes.
As an animal lover you had to resist the urge to pat Tsu uppon first meeting her and you squealed internally when you saw her when she was younger.
She was too cute and even without the tail she was super cute.
Tsu finds your love of animals endearing and enjoys your company.
It didn't take long for feelings to develop between you two especially due to your frequent hangouts in swamp areas to look at the wildlife.
Like with Ochako you held off on telling her your feelings because of what she may think of you when she finds out about your cannibalism.
Himiko Toga:
You first met Toga when she ambushed you in an alleyway and held a knife to your neck.
On instinct you activated your Bikaku and flung her off you.
You then pinned her to the wall, your Ghoul Eyes active and you threatened her.
However Toga was immediately enamored by you and how dangerous you looked.
She gave you a lovestruck smile that usnettled you and you simply let her go, which is honestly the best mistake of your life.
A few nights later Toga found your home and snuck in and managed to find the freezer where you stored your latest body.
This made her love you more and she ran to your room to wake you up and when you did wake up you of course screamed.
Immediately your parents burst into your room with guns at the ready.
Your dad even had a Shotgun.
You stopped them when you heard Toga declare her love for you and you asked Toga to explain herself.
She said you were the one for her and asked you if she could have your blood.
You denied her and she told you she found the body much to your and your parents' horror.
If she had knowlege of what your cannibalism then who knows what could happen.
Sure she can't go to the cops as a villain but she could inform other villains of your and your parents body collecting and you didn't need that chaos.
So you made a deal, she'll get a steady supply of your blood and she doesn't tell anybody about the bodies.
Toga agreed and from then on she'd make regular visits to your home and from there an odd relationshop formed.
You and Toga would talk and Toga was shocked by how...understanding your parents were.
How they were willing to risk everything to make sure you were healthy and fed, a farcry from her own parents.
When Toga explained her own upbringing to you you felt sympathy for her as did your parents.
Your parents however were still very warry of Toga as she had blood on her hands.
Sure your parents have take bodies of suicide victims but they never actively took lives.
They still despised her parents though for basically driving their daughter to this.
You are hoping to somehow reform Toga or at least start her on the road to reformation now that you got to know her.
Hopefully you'll be able to save her.
Saki Yoshida:
Now when it was said Ochako was your first friend, that was a lie.
You did have one friend back in middle school, a Quirkless woman named Saki Yoshida.
Saki is a shy and sweet girl who doesn't have a mean bone in her body.
However due to her being Quirkless she was a major victim of bullying, she was mocked, spat on and even occasionally beaten by the children with Quirks and one day you had enough.
You walked up to them and proceeded to beat them up to make them back off of her.
From there you became Saki's best and only friend and even began defending other Quirkless kids in school.
At one point you began noticing that despite her beatings stopping she still came with bruises, most of which she tried to hide.
You were very concerned for her and one day you decided enough was enough and followed her home without her knowledge.
Once you did you were shocked to see Saki was in a very bad situation at home, her father abused her and her mom just did not care.
It made you sick seeing Saki abused and neglected and you would not stand for this.
So you recorded the things they did to her on your phone through the window and snuck off.
You showed your father what was happening and told him it was most likely happening for a long time.
He was outraged and as a police detective got the law involved.
It did not take long for Saki's parents to be arrested and Saki was taken in by someone else, someone kinder and who would treat her like a parent should a child.
Unfortunately this did mean Saki would have to move away somewhere else and you wouldn't see her again but you were happy she finally had a better life.
Years passed and you got accepted into UA and one day while walking back home you rescued a girl who was being bullied.
It took you a while to realize but it was Saki who now looked very different from how she used to look.
How Saki used to look:
You were shocked but very happy to see Saki again after so long and embraced her, an embrace she gladly returned.
And Saki's home turned out to be a coffee shop ran by the man who adopted her and this coffee shop eventually became your hangout spot.
Saki to this day still loves you and couldn't be more grateful to you for what you did for her.
She is still as shy as ever though and has a hard time forming sentences around you.
So a question.
Which pro hero should we intern under after the Sports festival?
There you go. A Ghoul Reader from Tokyo Ghoul in BNHA.
Hope you all like it.
Enjoy the rest of your day and I will see you later.
Also shout out to kaizerkingkoopa for helping me out with this idea.
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