Invader (Y/N): (My Hero Academia x Male Zim Reader)
In the deep reaches of space there is a planet known as "Irk."
Irk is of course inhabited by Irkens.
What are Irkens you ask?
Why only the most superior race in the entire galaxy.
There is no race more perfect than the Irkens, at least that's what they believe.
Which is why the leader of the Irkins the Almighty Tallests have been training invaders to go out to infiltrate enemy planets, study them and lower their defenses to make way for their armada.
The Almighty Tallests, Tallest Red and Tallest Purple:
They have dubbed this "Operation Impending Doom 2."
Now it was time for the Invader graduation ceremony where each Invader would be assigned their respective planet.
However the ceremony was suddenly interrupted by an uninvited guest.
Hearing a certain voice in the crowd and seeing a certain someone push their way through the audience of Irkins filled the Tallests with absolute fear.
This uninvited guest was none other than you.
You are an Irkin named (Y/N) and you were banished to the planet Foodcourtia a long time ago.
But you returned to participate in Operation impending Doom 2 after hearing about it.
Why were you banished you ask?'re the reason this is called "Operation Impending Doom 2" and not just "Operation Impending Doom."
You see a long time ago during the first Operation Impending Doom you ended up going on a rampage in a giant mech...on your home planet.
Why did you do this?
Well you're not exactly right in the head.
You see the backpack all Irkins have actually function as your brains and a long time ago when you were birthed from your cloning tube the Tallests decided to play a prank and give one of the many Irkins a defective backpack.
This unfortunate Irkin was you and so you basically have a defective brain which is why you're so insane.
Honestly the Tallests didn't expect you to show up after your banishment and they weren't thrilled to see you.
However you begged and pleaded for them to make you an Invader.
All you wanted was to help conquer the galaxy in the name of the Irkin empire and prove your race's superiority.
The Tallests though, wanted nothing to do with you because of your insanity.
They also didn't like you cause you're short, the Tallest valued height above all else and you are a midget.
So they came up with a plan to get you out of their metaphorical hair.
They told you they had a special mission for you on a special planet so mysterious no one even knew it's name.
In reality the coordinates they gave you would simply lead to what they believed to be an empty quadrant.
However what they didn't know is that those coordinates would send you directly to planet Earth.
You not understanding the Tallests hated you eagerly accepted the "mission" and was given your very own S.I.R unit.
Standard-issue Information Retrieval Units.
These robots would help Invaders scout out planets and gather info.
All S.I.R units were loyal and effecient.
However, since the Tallests don't like you they gave you a "special" S.I.R unit.
One that was an absolute moron and kept referring to itself as GIR.
You suspected it was a moron but the Tallests managed to convince you the stupidity was just an act the S.I.R unit was putting up to fool the enemy.
So with your S.I.R Unit you set off to this secret planet.
The trip was...less than pleasant with GIR singing what he called "The Doom Song."
Upon finally arriving though you decided to settle in a place known as "Japan" and asked GIR to scan the city to find out about the species of this planet.
When you landed with your ship you asked GIR to tell you what he discovered.
What he gave you though was not very useful.
You were starting to think GIR's stupidity wasn't an act.
But nevertheless you decided to gather info yourself and after a quick look around you got a good idea of what these humans looked like.
Their appearances varied wildly from one another.
Some had animal body parts, some had odd abilities, different colored skin and more.
Good, this meant you wouldn't need to change your appearance too much as you didn't want to look too much like these squishy meatbags.
And so you made your human disguise.
Your human disguise:
And in addition to your disguise you gave GIR a disguise as well, this time a disguise which made him resemble a common earth dog.
GIR and his dog disguise:
It was honestly brilliant if you do say so yourself.
With your disguises chosen you decided it was time to build your base of operations.
You built your base in almost an instant with the use of Irkin tech in an empty area between two other homes.
Your base:
This house may inconspicuous, but deep underground was your base filled with many kinds of tech that would aid you in your quest for planetary domination.
From here we follow your adventures as you learn about the planet of Earth with GIR.
You discover and learn a lot, get up to many misadventures and even face many other villains who get in the way of your goals.
° You're not disguised as a kid here, you just say you're a very short human adult male.
° You're currently look for a job to better blend in with humanity.
° You'll encounter and stop villains who come close to discovering you and with heroes you simply erase their memories cause you know harming a hero could be very bad for you.
° You do keep in touch with the Tallests and keep them updated even though they could care less about anything to do with you.
° Polluted water is like acid to you and even the preservatives in meat really burn you.
° Your backpack brain also requires occasional mantineancs, so you have to remove it but if you're seperated from it for more than 10 minutes you'll just die.
° You're also a lot more physically resilient than humans and can heal from what would be considered fatal or disabilitating injury. Like if you're eyes get burned you'll go blind but be okay in a few hours. But if your body sustains too much physical trauma and not given time to heal you will die.
Love Interest:
Inara/Ippan Josei:
A woman with a Quirk that gave her the characteristics of a Fox.
Inara is a kind woman who is also your neighbor.
She welcomed you to the neighborhood even though she was confused about a new house appearing overnight.
To be honest, at first you hated her, mainly cause she was taller than you.
Sure, almost every other human was taller than you but this woman was absolutely towering and you always thought she was looking down on you.
Even though this woman doesn't have a mean bone in her body.
She's an absolute sweetheart and since she was the first and so far only human to ever be really nice to you, you decided to use her to better blend in with humanity.
By making her your friend.
You learned that not having a friend would be seen as odd by other humans and so you "befriended" her.
You hung out for a while and over some time the unthinkable happened.
You began falling for this human.
You got over your short height inferiority complex and began to like having her around.
Thanks to her you saw more value in humanity than just slaves and began to rethink your takeover plan.
Now it was up to you to make a decision...either continue with your plans or betray the Tallests and your whole race for a single human.
Even though they really don't care about you or Earth.
There we have another pretty odd story I came up with.
It's strange but I think I could make it work.
I like Invader Zim a lot and so I thought of this story where I make the Reader like Zim.
Well, enjoy the rest of your day everyone and thanks for your time and see ya'll later.
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