Shovel Knight 2:
Rise of the Pseudos: (Shovel Knight x Male ??? Reader)
This is a story set in the world of Shovel Knight.
It will feature it's characters, lore and other things from it's universe.
It will also have a bit of my own things thrown in here and there.
It will also show events before, after and during the main plot.
The closest thing I can compare this to is Adventure Time really.
And I'll need you all to vote which character you want the Reader to be.
Here are the options:
Dragon Knight:
A powerful knight with amazing strength and surprising speed clad in armor resembling a Dragon.
Despite his large and imposing figure he is quite the jolly and kindhearted individual.
He will never turn away if someone needs help and will happily put his own life on the line to defend complete strangers.
It matters not the circumstances, if someone looks like they need help, he will jump in and defend them.
This noble behavior can be taken advantage of as he has been used by other Villains to further their goals, like retrieving artifacts or defeating foes for them.
However, Dragon Knight doesn't take betrayal lightly, if he is betrayed or knows he has been used he will not rest until whoever used him is at his feet begging for mercy or even dead.
Do not mistake kindesss for weakness as it is the kindest people you don't want to make an enemy out of.
Dragon Knight, may not be a dragon, but has the strength of one and can harness Elemental power as if he were one.
Fire, water, lightning, earth.
While he may not be the only warrior capable manipulating Elemental power, he may not even be the best at utilizing a specific one, but the amount of elements he can manipulate is quite a lot.
A sort of jack of all trades master of none really.
Mountain Knight:
Mountain Knight is a name that strikes both fear and awe in all who you mention it to.
The Legendary Mountain Knight is called this because he is rumored to be as immovable and unshakable as one.
No attack has ever harmed him according to most tales, no attacks have ever pierced his armor or shield and he has never lost a fight.
It is said that whenever an earthquake occurres that is him in the middle of a battle.
Truly the Mountain Knight feels more like a mythological figure than an actual person.
But he is real and he wanders the land searching for opponents that can give him the challenge he desires.
He uses a combination of earth magic and dark magic with pure physical power.
His shield is seemingly unbreakable and can endure any attack no matter what.
Sky Knight:
A truly terrifying foe for even the most seasoned warriors.
Sky Knight is an arrogant and prideful Dragonborn warrior, a Dragonborn being a dragon/human hybrid.
The reason he isn't known as the Dragon Knight despite being half dragon is because the thing he takes the most pride in is his wings.
He adores his wings so much that he even modeled his weapon to resemble them and can normally be found flying around and attacks mostly from the air.
He views all who are incapable of flight as inferior and beneath him and believes anyone who cannot fly stands no chance of victory.
Sky Knight will never allow his wings to be insulted or tarnished, if an opponent does manage to damage his wings, even slightly, he will unleash the burning fury of a thousand suns upon them and the land itself.
A combination of draconic power, Ariel attacks and a few other elements will scorch and wreck the land.
Metal Knight:
This Knight is incredibly stoic and almost never speaks.
Many people who have met him don't even believe he is human, but some kind of automaton.
That isn't too hard too believe as he is always seen in his armor and his helmet has never been removed.
Many find this a bit unsettling, but they are also glad he seems to not mean any harm to the innocent.
He defends others and is incredibly intelligent.
His battle tactics, strategies, ability to plan ahead and general intelligence is seemingly unmatche.
He may not talk, but it is clear it's not because he's stupid.
Metal Knight is so intelligent that he has even unlocked Psychic abilities.
Telekinesis, flight, psycho blasts, the ability to see brief glimpses into the future so he can predict whatever his opponent will do next.
And on top of that, extreme physical strength, durability and resistance to most forms of magic with a huge hammer.
Metal Knight is a powerhouse and is one of the few said to be able to actually defeat Mountain Knight.
Blade Knight:
Called this due to the numerous intimidating spikes all over his armor as well as his large blade.
Blade Knight normally resides near a desert area and will gladly accept any challenger that wanders into his territory.
Those he sees as weak he will simply ignore.
Occasionally he will help others, but it is usually because there's something in it for him.
If you want his help, something must be in it for him.
While he isn't a Dragon, he certainly loves money like one and hordes treasure like one.
In his territory there is a secret cave hidden and filled with all his treasures and while no one has managed to find it yet.
If something ends up missing from his horde, he will know and he will come for whoever had the audacity to steal from him.
He is a master of earth magic, even able to completely swim through the ground as if he were underwater.
He is also very adept at using his gigantic blade and spikes and possesses extreme physical strength and speed.
Hydra Knight:
A truly vile and vicious villain who's only goal is to murder everyone in his path.
The Hydra Knight is one of the most feared Villains in all the land.
Clad in purple armor with a Sadistic disposition, the Hydra Knight is a true nightmare.
He was dubbed the Hydra Knight due to his main method of attacking.
He has no weapons to speak of, instead he can summon 2 Snake-like heads from his body which can either tear foes apart or shoot out various elemental attacks in addition to his mastery over dark magic.
It is unknown if these heads are sentient and choose to aid Hydra Knight or if they are mindless and he is in full control of them.
It is unkown why Hydra Knight is the way he is, an absolutely verocious monster one can barley call human.
Especially since rumors say in the past he used to be a kind and gentle knight with a good heart.
Perhaps the snake heads he summons are actually corrupting him.
Who knows?
Hydra Knight is also extremely weak to light magic.
Slime Knight:
A knight who is just as jolly, happy and kind hearted as Dragon Knight.
Slime Knight can best be described as a Himbo.
Overly affectionate, not very bright and just a very good boy who is more than happy to help others out.
And apparently his mother was some kind of slime while his father was a human making him a hybrid.
Because of this, he can actually turn his solid body into slime which can be surprisingly helpful in certain situations.
His armor was made to allow him to shoot out slime which he can manipulate to be either very slippery or very sticky to disorientate or trap foes as well as other uses.
Whenever he gets really happy, his body becomes a halfway form of solid and slime and slime leaks through his armor.
And whenever he is happy, he loves to hug others which leaves them covered in the stuff.
But he is such a cutie he is usually forgiven.
He is very well-meaning if a bit bumbling.
He is also incredibly strong, stronger than some would expect as with his snail shell shaped mace he is able to send catapults flying.
So while he may not be easy to anger, if you do somehow make him angry, pray.
Warrior Knight:
A Knight who only exists to fight the strongest foes he can find.
Warrior Knight is a foreigner and from some sort of tribe who value battle strength above all else.
His armor is made up of what appears to be linked metal circles which create a lot of noise when moving or when standing still in the wind.
The reason the armor is designed this way is because Warrior Knight wishes for his foe to know he is nearby.
He is no coward, he will not ambush anyone or hide in the shadows or run away.
He will fight and make his presence known.
Before he charges into battle he even let's out a warrior cry his tribe most likely uses and when alone can be seen performing a ritualistic dance.
Even though he has a weapon, Warrior Knight is just as adept at hand-to-hand combat and the plates on his armor can seemingly reflect most magic.
But like Hydra Knight is severely weak to light magic.
Shadow Knight:
A mysterious and deadly Assassin with seemingly supernatural powers.
Shadow Knight is the exact opposite of Warrior Knight, he prefers stealth and hiding in the shadows.
He is deceptive, thoughtful and isn't afraid to fight dirty.
He is an Assassin after all and whatever is needed to get the job done, he will do.
He possesses ghostly abilities, similar in many ways to Specter Knight.
Shadow Knight also has 2 little pets that he uses to help with some jobs.
2 little dragon creatures known as "Dreepy."
These 2 little creatures are incredibly loyal to Shadow Knight and they fly off gather information, stealthily retrieve things and even aid him in combat.
To Shadow Knight these creatures are the most precious thing in his life and if they are in danger, he will drop everything to make sure they are safe.
Love Interest:
You all can also vote on who you want as a love interest.
Either someone from Shovel Knight, genderbent or not or someone else who you think can fit if you can't choose.
Just not any other Pokemon, cause that's too easy.
It can be one or two love interests.
So, vote away.
There we have it, got Shovel Knight Treasure Trove for Christmas and I love it which inspired this little idea.
See ya'll later for now.
Also yes, Baxcalibur isn't here because I couldn't find art of it as a knight or warrior.
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