Pizza Tower 2:
Pizza Tower: Undercrust (Male Reader insert)
This story takes place after the original Pizza Tower.
It seemed things were finally calming down for Peppino and he could finally relax and go back to running his moderately successful Pizza business.
Peppino Spaghetti:
However, the portly Italian Pizzarea owner got the surprise of his life when a relitave of his made a surprise visit.
Peppina Ramen:
She is Peppino's niece hailing from Japan, but moved to open up her own Pizza and Ramen restaurant.
Since she and her uncle ran pretty much the same business they were rivals, but there was no bad blood between them.
Normally, Peppino would be happy to see his Niece, but she was in a lot of distress when she came and it wasn't just her usual nervous disposition, something that seemed to run in Peppino's family.
Peppina woke up one day and saw that her restaurant was burnt to the ground and destroyed.
So she came to the only person she could turn to right now.
She has no idea who did it or why, but she needed a new job until she could get back on her feet.
Peppino couldn't just leave her to fend for herself so she became a new Waitress at his Pizzarea.
Peppino was still curious as to who caused his niece such grief, but he'd get his answer soon.
One day, an odd living Olive creature waddled into his restaurant with a piece of paper taped to it.
The little creature clearly wanted him to take the piece of paper and so he did.
The paper was a letter and whoever wrote it said they'd like to meet Peppino and whatever staff he has working at his Pizzarea.
It was signed:
Pizza the Hutt.
Upon reading that name, Gustavo began freaking out confusing Peppino and Peppina.
They had never heard that name before and Gustavo was clearly terrified.
Gustavo went on to explain that Pizza the Hutt was the owner of a very successful Pizza franchise and owned restaurants in multiple locations.
However, his main source of income was his Mega Pizzaplex, a large facility with games, attractions and more.
Both Peppino and Peppina have never heard of this guy, but clearly this guy was a big deal and so they decided to go and see what this guy wanted with them.
They arrived and saw that the Pizzaplex was indeed large and bustling with a lot of customers.
Waiting for them by the entrance was you.
You welcomed them and said:
"The Hutt was expecting you."
Peppina's face went bright pink the moment she saw you, despite your face being covered and found herself more of a nervous mess than usual.
You seemed not to notice and simply led them through the entertainment center.
Peppino, Peppina, Gustavo and Brick were all amazed, it seemed bigger on the inside than it did on the outside
It was fantastical, like stepping into a completely different world, there were even floating Sardine workers doing various jobs, these Sardines were a particular species known as "Wishiwashi."
Eventually you led them to a strange room that had an "Out of Order" sign on it.
"The Hutt will see you now." You informed and they all went inside, but not before Peppina attempted to flirt with you.
Peppina: " come here often?"
(Y/N): "I work here ma'am."
Peppina: "Oh..."
Peppino immediately dragged her inside to save her from further embarrassment.
In the room, instead of this "Pizza the Hutt" they found a large monitor screen.
The moment the door closed behind them the monitor turned on and on the screen was who they assumed to be Pizza the Hutt.
Pizza the Hutt:
It was indeed and apparently the reason he wanted to talk to Peppino was to thank him for dealing with Pizza Head.
Apparently he disliked the Pizza man and to show his appreciation to Peppino for getting rid of him he offered Peppino and his staff a job at his Pizzaplex.
Peppino of course refused as he did not like the vibe Pizza the Hutt was giving off.
This of course made the Hutt angry and he responded:
"I implore you to reconsider Mr Spaghetti, or your restaurant could end up like that Pizza and Ramen place I had destroyed recently.
Him saying that led to an awkward silence as they all came to the realization that he had destroyed her restaurant.
Immediately Peppina asked why he did that and all the Hutt replied with was:
"'re the girl who owned it?'re restaurant was in the same area as one of my smaller businesses and NO ONE muscles in on my turf."
Yeah, apparently that restaurant was losing profits and customers were flocking to Peppina's and to the Hutt that was unacceptable.
Peppina was understandably very angry and Peppino was as well.
Immediately she demanded he pay for the damage he caused to her restaurant and have it rebuilt.
The Hutt simply chuckled and replied:
"Be glad I only had your restaurant destroyed, I've done far worse, like with that Papa John punk, I'm still picking pieces of him out of my teeth."
That threat did little to deter them and they still wanted him to pay.
The Hutt then offered them a challenge.
Pizza the Hutt is located deep under the Pizzaplex and he rarely comes out because there is normally no need for him to do so.
The only way to reach him is through a secret door.
And other than his voice command, the door can only be opened by 4 special key cards held by his Elite staff.
This included you the Pizza Knight, the living Pizza Oven...Pizza Oven, the Sizzling cook Chef Pepper Jack and the head of the Wishiwashi work force Sargeant Dine.
If they wanted to get to Pizza the Hutt, they'd have to go through several gauntlets of obstacles, enemies and traps in the Pizzaplex to gain access to the elites and battle them to gain the key cards and get to the Hutt.
Only then shall he consider rebuilding her restaurant.
Before he signed off he warned them:
"No one out-pizza's the Hutt!"
Peppino really didn't want to go through something like this again, but since it was for his Niece he'd suck it up and help her.
Gustavo and Brick despite being scared of the Hutt would also lend them support in anyway they could.
He was not going to get away with this.
The Guardians:
Guardians 1:
Pizza Oven:
Chef Pepper Jack:
The dynamic cooking duo who normally dwell within the maze-like kitchen of the Pizzaplex.
Together they burn hotter than the sun and are ready to fry anyone who oppose them to a crisp.
Pizza Oven is hotheaded with a major Sailor mouth and the angrier he gets the hotter his flames burn.
Chef Pepper Jack is much more calm and considers his cooking art, but when pushed you will find he can get as fired up as his companion.
In phase 2 they will constantly burn and be impossible to harm unless they can be put out.
Boss theme:
Guardians 2:
Sargeant Dine:
School form phase 1:
School form phase 2:
Sargeant Dine, unlike the rest of his kind sports a different yellow coloring than the usual white, a very rare occurrence.
He is a nervous wreck at times and has a constant stream of tears running from his eyes, but he will still put up a fight with his comrades.
He resides mainly in the pond of the Golf course.
The other Worker Wishiwashi obey him and during battle they converge and make a behemoth of a beast known as their "School Form."
This behemoth floats through the air and unleashes devestating attacks and the school form must be broken to expose the Golden Sargeant Dine.
He must then be struck before the others can re-form the beast.
During phase 2, Sargeant Dine despite his fear glares defiantly and with his Wishiwashi brethren re-forms the School form only this time the form has glowing gold bioluminescent lights of Power.
It is more aggressive, has greater speed and a plethora of new attacks.
Including a special move known as "Hydro Vortex."
This is an instant kill move that requires a charge up period.
The School form Wishiwashi gains super armor which needs to be broken with constant attacks before it can be launched.
Truly there is strength in numbers.
Boss theme:
Guardian 3:
(Y/N), the Pizza Knight:
You are Pizza the Hutt's most powerful and skilled guardian.
You have a strict sense of honor and will always offer your foe a weapon before a fight.
You'll hand them a Pizza Spear since you have the Pizza blade.
You take your job very seriously and you will follow any order given to you and see it through without fail.
When not given orders however you are surprisingly chill and easy to talk to.
You do have self-esteem issues though and hate the way you look which is why you wear that odd head covering.
In reality you look fine, a solid 8/10,but you just think you're ugly.
In your fight you keep your sword sheathed and use it like a baseball bat to smack foes away.
You have delayed attacks, crazy combos and are very fast and never stay in one place for too long.
During phase 2, you finally unsheathe your sword in all it's glory.
Your Sword:
You gain even greater speed, ranged attacks which involve throwing sharp peperoni discs which cut your enemies.
They also bounce around the stage to cause damage.
You even gain the devestating "Pizza Cutter" technique, a flurry of fast slashes that releases rifts of sharp wind in all directions which do double damage.
And when on your last HP, you go crazy and begin zipping around the stage non-stop slicing anything in your way without relenting and those slashes also do double damage.
You are the Pizza Knight and you will fight for the glory of Pizza the Hutt.
When you lose a fight, your mask will break off and you'll pull out a hand mirror and see your face has been revealed and you'll scream before running away not wanting anyone to gaze upon your face.
Boss theme:
Unofficial Guardian:
Fake Peppina/Anippep:
This was a bit of a surprise for everyone.
As Peppino and Peppina kept advancing through the trials, Pizza the Hutt decided to clone her because maybe she'll be able to stop herself.
However, the cloning was rushed and clone Peppina came out wrong...very wrong.
She's deformed, twisted and can't even speak, making a whole host of odd noises that sound like she's suffering.
He determined she was good enough and let her loose, programming her with a hatred for her original counterpart.
Once in the Pizzaplex she began stalking Peppina...and you since she has the same taste in men as her original counterpart.
Yeah, she likes you.
After your fight, you were going to give Peppino and Peppina your key card, however you found it was missing.
Turns out Anippep took it forcing Peppino and Peppina to chase her down.
She is fought in the Boiler Room which is also where the door to Pizza the Hutt is located so she's a penultimate boss.
She takes a lot of cues from Fake Peppino and copies most of his attacks with a few of her own thrown in for good measure.
She grows spikes out of her body and runs all around before launching the spikes in various directions, this leaves her vulnerable.
She can morph her arms into tentacles and use them as whips, barf out acid to limit mobility and more.
During phase 2 she begins go nuts and becomes more deformed.
Her aggression goes up, she goes on all fours and fights more like an animal, she'll even turn completely invisible and ambush her opponent.
Boss Theme:
Pizza the Hutt:
The big man himself, the head honcho of the Pizzaplex.
Despite his appearance he is incredibly fast and agile, helped by his ability to morph and shapeshift due to his goopy body.
No one knows how he fights or attacks, but you confirmed that every Guardian together cannot even defeat him.
Boss theme:
Your Love Interests:
Peppina Ramen:
Extra Notes:
Previous bosses and characters from the original Pizza Tower will show up to the Pizzaplex and just hang out.
The Noise, Pepper Man, Vigilante, Noisette, Fake Peppino and even Pizza Head himself.
And the guardians will even join on the fun when Peppino and Peppina aren't going through hell.
This was an idea I had brewing for a while now.
It was hard for me to write it down, but I managed.
Also, if any of you guys have any good names for their boss themes, I'd love to hear em.
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