Pizza Tower:
Now, this isn't just Pizza Tower, it's more of a massive crossover.
Pizza Time: (Male Reader x Massive Crossover)
This is set in a weird and wacky world similar to Chowder or Looney Tunes.
Humans and other species live together and both cartoon and video game logic are the norm.
One can even find power-ups in certain areas like it's a Mario game and for your job, they are a big help.
The major characters that will appear in this story, these are just short and rough descriptions of how you all met them and your relationship with them.
They'll probably change or get more refined when I do the actual story.
Your name is (Y/N) (L/N).
You currently work as a Delivery boy for Peppino's Pizza and you perform your job with pride and dedication.
Nothing will stop you from delivering whatever the customer ordered, be it powerful monsters, a tough obstacle coarse or any other weird or dangerous elements from this world.
You'll climb any mountain, cross any sea and fight any enemy to make sure the customer gets what they paid for and collect your pay for your boss.
You've traveled through dark forests, haunted mansions.
You are an upbeat and enthusiastic young man and try your best no matter what.
You're extremely friendly and somewhat naive, but if anyone betrays your trust or does anything to hurt your friends, you won't hesitate to hurt them as well.
Treat people the way you wanna be treated, that's your philosophy.
You're quite fast, agile and strong and you're pretty much Mario and you got a lot of his moves.
Spin jump, ground pound, wall jump and more and your job requires putting all of them to the test.
You go through a lot, but you love your job.
Role: Friend and Employee
Cappy is one of your closest companions and a big help on your deliveries.
He is a ghost-like creature living in your hat, giving it eyes and has the ability to let you possess nearly anything by tossing him on their heads.
With this ability to he's gotten you out of some tight spots.
You've known him since you were a kid and you're both inseparable.
He'll risk his life to save you because he knows you'll do the same for him.
You're a team and other than his capture ability you can also toss him at enemies as an attack and he helps in other ways like extending your jumps allowing you to reach places even your amazing gravity defying jumps normally can't.
You both live in the same apartment and are roommates and luckily since he counts as an Employee, Peppino pays him too, so rent isn't an issue.
Peppino Spaghetti:
Role: Boss and Father Figure
The owner of Peppino's Pizza and your boss.
Peppino is a prime example of what anxiety looks like.
He switches from being scared to very afraid very frequently, but overall is a very good boss and treats his Employees very well.
He is particularly fond of you and is planning to have you inherit his restaurant once he eventually retires.
It is a surprise though and only if you last long enough which he hopes you will.
He views you as the son he never had and is quite protective of you.
He is strong enough to smash rocks, he's also fast and quite agile despite being so portly.
Gustavo and Brick:
Role: Head Chef and friend
Gustavo is the head chef of Peppino's Pizza and a good friend of yours.
Generally caring and nice, but can get angry when pushed too far.
And then there's his pet rat Brick who just kind of hangs around outside the restaurant.
Sadly Brick can't be inside because a giant rat is unacceptable in a restaurant and Peppino actually wants customers.
Brick is not very bright, pretty stupid actually.
You think Brick is cute though, and you love him unconditionally and so do most of the staff.
Role: Assistant Chef
Loves: You
The Assistant chef of Peppino's Pizza, Yuma is a curious creature who has been very helpful to Gustavo in the kitchen.
She is upbeat, enthusiastic and strong.
She was working here before you became the Delivery boy and you both got along great.
Your kind, caring and daring nature drew her in and she eventually developed a crush on you.
Role: Cashier
Loves: You
Gwen, a former contest of the now canceled Total Drama series, now works as the cashier of Peppino's Pizza.
She much prefers this over the horrors she was put through on Chris McClain's very illegal show.
She still has some PTSD from her experience.
She is rather abrasive towards customers and somewhat lazy, but she does the minimum of what is required and since no one else is applying Peppino deals with her.
Gwen won't admit it, but you make her day better.
At first she found you a bit irritating, but as time progressed and she got to know you better you became one of her reasons to wake up in the morning.
You brighten up her mood and make things just a bit more bearable, especially the more horrible customers that genuinely make her mad.
Danielle Phantom:
Role: Janitor
Loves: You
Danielle or just Dani as most call her is a half ghost girl who came to Peppino looking for a job.
The only job he had that was suited for her was that of a janitor, one she begrudgingly accepted.
Originally she just wanted a bit of cash and she'd leave, but the moment she met you she decided to stay.
You both connected instantly and became best friends.
You were amazed when she showed you her ghost transformation and she was equally amazed when you showed her what Cappy could do.
She can get very protective of you at times which makes sense as you are her first crush.
Princess Unikitty:
Role: Mascot
Loves: You
An anthropomorphic Unicorn/Cat hybrid who seems to almost always be on a sugar rush.
She's apparently a princess from another dimension who's on vacation.
You bumped into her on the streets and she was in search of a job to make money to provide for herself on this vacation.
Feeling as though you couldn't leave this adorable cutie to fend for herself you brought her to Peppino and the only job he could possibly offer her was as the Pizzareia mascot.
That was a position she was more than happy to fill, she just needed to stay outside and entice people to come in and either eat or order.
Peppino didn't want this hyperactive hybrid near the kitchen or anything important.
That was a wise decision as while Unikitty is happy all the time you all eventually learned about her rage mode and safe to say you all aren't very eager to see that side of her again.
Role: Friend
Loves: You
Tips is an Employee from another Pizza restaurant known as Pizza Thot.
It is basically Hooters if it were a Pizzareia.
A restaurant filled with hot attractive people to give the customers some eye candy and flirt with them, they don't get too lewd however.
You've run into Tips a few times both on and off the job and she is very much attracted to you.
She's quite forward, flirtatious and doesn't understand personal space which creates many awkward situations for you.
Even being in public won't stop her from pushing her tits and ass against you or licking your face.
You're the cutest guy on the planet to her and she won't stop until she has you.
You aren't sure if she genuinely likes you or she just wants you for sex and nothing else.
Though if that's all she wanted she would have gone on and tried to seduce someone else.
She hasn't and always steps up her game with you.
Role: Acquaintance
Loves: Peppino
The manager of Pizza Thot.
You don't know if "Boss" is her actual name or just a nickname given to her by her Employees.
She is rather strict and a bit of a Tsundere most of the time with a bit of a temper.
She and Peppino have a bit of history together and this causes some tension whenever they're together in the same room.
No one knows what happened between them, but there seems to be some hidden romantic feeling between them both.
You and Tips have teamed up to get them together as well as find out if they did have any history together.
So far you both have come up short but you both refuse to give up.
Role: Friend
Loves: You
You met Mandy after you became friends with a dumb big-nosed kid named Billy.
Billy introduced her to you and when she layed eyes on you it was love at first sight for her.
Like this:
After that she managed to calm herself down and you, her, Billy and the Grim Reaper all hung out up until the present.
She came over and said she had moved out of her parent's home and asked if she could live with you while she looks for a job.
You agreed, more than happy to help a friend out.
Mandy had never fallen in love with anyone before and when her feelings for you first came up she considered having Grim cut her heart out but decided against it out of a curiosity to learn more about you.
Normally a kind, upbeat person like you would disgust her, but you just don't disgust her, quite the opposite.
It could be out of curiosity, or maybe she just doesn't want these feelings to go away.
Gaz Membrane:
Role: Friend
Loves: You
Gaz Membrane was a girl who you met at a game store when you were still going to school.
That store in particular had Bloodborne on sale and you had your sights set on it.
Gaz had the same idea, and so you both reached for the game and your hands ended up touching.
She then immediately socked you in the face, took the game and ran to the cash register.
Unfortunately, Gaz did not have enough and you did.
So you decided to make a deal with her, you pay for the game and keep it and she can come over to your home and play it there.
Either that or you keep the game.
Gaz relented and let you buy the game before following you home and playing with you.
Gaz hated this at first, but you both eventually managed to connect and bond over your mutual love of video games.
Gaz was impressed with your gamer skills, she was better than you but you were a close second compared to her.
Eventually she started coming over for more than just games.
She started coming over just to hang out and see you and from there feelings developed.
Like Mandy, she never fell in love with anyone before and has no idea how to deal with these feelings.
She'll get close to you anytime she can, rest her head on your shoulder while your sitting on the couch and hold hands if the opportunity presents itself.
Frankie Foster:
Role: Friend
Loves: You
At one point you delivered a pizza to Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends and when you knocked Frankie was the one who answered the door.
She immediately became smitten and flirty with you and from that day every time she ordered from Peppino she would try and work up the courage to ask you out only to choke and back out every time.
She'd hype herself up, get all dolled up with make up and immediately choke once you actually came.
The best she could manage was a bit of small talk and you'd occasionally stay and hang out a bit and even help her around the house.
She appreciates that more than you know and it just made her love you more.
Hopefully one day she'll be able to get over her shyness and ask you out.
Role: Imaginary Friend
Starlow is your childhood Imaginary friend which you unfortunately had to give up once you got older to focus on college.
You both had a heartwarming reunion when you came to Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends.
Despite not visiting for a while, your bond was still strong and during her time here she was assisting Frankie in maintaining the house.
You'll take any opportunity you can to come visit and catch up with Starlow.
When you left she'd try and urge Frankie to just confess to you or she will eventually.
Toy Chica:
Role: Friend
Loves: You
Toy Chica is an Animatronic from a kid's pizzareia which you used to visit in your younger days.
Out of all the Animatronics she was your favorite and you were her favorite kid to play with.
As you got older, you visited less and less which saddened her until you stopped visiting completely.
Years later however, she was surprised to see a much older and more handsome version of you step in.
Despite changing so much she could still recognize you and seeing you so grown up awakened something within her.
And what you awakened got worse when you hugged her, every part of her got so hot she was literally steaming.
Yep, you were hot now and she was in love.
She calmed down and for the rest of the day you hung out with her and the other Toy Animatronics.
You promised to visit more often now and you looked forward to spending more time with her.
She was looking forward to it too.
Elizabeth Afton:
Role: Friend
Loves: You
Your next door neighbor and daughter of William Afton the head of Afton Robotics.
Her father was never home in her younger days and her brothers would never hang out with her so she was a very lonely girl.
That all ended when you offered to play with her one day on the playground.
Elizabeth, eager to make friends accepted and you introduced her to your other friends.
Elizabeth went from a sad lonely girl to an upbeat and energetic ball of sunshine with a crush on you.
That crush remained and developed into a real romantic attraction.
As you got older and both had to focus on college, you grew further apart but Elizabeth's feelings remained strong.
So she was pretty happy when she got a home right next to yours.
It couldn't be more perfect for her, now she just needs to find the right time to confess.
Role: Friend
Loves: You
You met Nikusa when someone named Agoti ordered a pizza.
Hearing that name got you excited as he was a pretty famous singer and one of your favorite in fact and you excitedly delivered it.
When you arrived you were greeted by Nikusa who you also recognized.
She was another singer you were a huge fan of and you found yourself a stuttering mess in front of her.
She found you adorable and insisted you stay for a bit and all you could do was nod and accept.
After that you got introduced to the others including Agoti, Aldryx and Solazar and you all became friends.
Nikusa at a few moments got a little too friendly, not that you really minded but you nearly fainted from blushing intensely.
You even sang with them and singing with Nikusa was one of the happiest moments of your life.
Which then immediately got topped by her giving you her phone number and giving you a kiss on the cheek.
Role: Antagonist/Later Friend/Security Guard
Loves: You
A ghost haunting a manor atop a hill.
You got a call to deliver a pizza up there and despite being afraid you went through with it.
Upon reaching the manor you immediately fell through a trap door and trapped inside.
You were assaulted with all manor of creepy horrors and Spooky herself who assured you all you needed to do was go through her mansion to escape.
You Unleashed your inner Peppino at that moment and began barreling through everything just like your boss.
Eventually this resulted in Spooky's mansion getting destroyed leaving her homeless.
She was extremely distraught and angry, but she did apologize for trying to kill you.
She stated she wanted to turn you into a ghost to finally have a friend as all the other abominations in the Manor were no fun.
You scolded her for this, but out of the kindess of your heart you allowed her to come stay at Peppino's Pizza and you convinced the others to let her stay as a night guard.
As a pure ghost she never slept so she was perfect and now you have a ghost haunting the pizzareia.
Without the threat of her killing you, Spooky and you could talk and bond and despite the occasional mischief she does her job well.
She fell for you a bit after she began working there.
Now, these aren't all the characters or love interests or even all of Peppino's love interests.
Yeah he's getting a Harem too cause why not?
You'll also have a lot more guy friends you hang out with too, I just don't wanna go into too much backstory here.
If you guys have any suggestions of who I can add as either a friend, a love interest for either you or Peppino, I'm all ears.
Just one though to make things easier for me and if you suggest a girl I'm already intending to add I'll tell you and you can add someone else.
Anyway, see ya.
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