Helluva Boss 3:
Toxic Star: (Helluva Boss x Male Toxtricity Reader)
General Info:
So in this story you're the lead guitarist of a famous rock band in Hell.
This band is known as "Red Sun."
You and your band had played in every circle of Hell and you all never failed to pump a crowd and raise the roof.
You and your band are like a really weird family, you've always got each other's backs, you won't let anybody talk shit about each other and you all trust in each other.
This story follows what you and your crew get up into in Hell and sometimes even in the human realm.
Your full Demon Form:
Not only are you the lead guitarist, you're also seen as the leader of the entire band.
They look to you for guidance and leave major decision making to you.
Because of that you are protective of each bandmate, especially your little brother V.
You are quite the stoic individual and rarely ever lose that scowling expression you wear.
However that doesn't mean you can't get angry and if someone does manage to piss you off they'll usually end up regretting it.
In your true Demon Form you lose all forms of your stoic and quiet personality and become a wild and deranged psychopath and unleash all your fury on whoever forced you to transform.
Also you have a deep and intimidating British accent and when you go into your full demon form it becomes much higher pitched and distorted.
You also stutter and every word with an S in it will replace the S with a prolonged Z.
Stop - Zzzztop.
Destroy - Dezzztroy.
It's like you're constantly being zapped.
Your yellow Mohawk is actually pure electricity which surges even more the angrier you become.
You have power over electricity and Poison and are extremely offensive in how you wield it.
V's True Demon Form:
Your younger brother V plays the bass in the band and is much more shy than you and lacks confidence.
He rarely talks to anyone except those he feels comfortable around, being you and the other members of Red Sun.
He looks up to you a lot and hopes one day to make you proud of him in some way like how he's proud to be your little brother.
His shy personality betrays just how strong he can be if he's pushed hard enough.
Like you, he can use electricity and poison though his fighting style centers more on him using electricity to increase his speed for evasion and is generally more defensive.
Unlike your true form which stands proudly on two legs, his is quadrupedal and stands on all fours.
He also cannot speak in this state and just let's out roars.
His voice is British like yours but higher and less intimidating.
Joe's True Demon Form:
The drummer of Red Sun and a generally fun dude, you'd mistake him for being high.
Joe is pretty chill and laid-back and deeply treasures his drumset and will do a complete 180 if it is threatened.
Go absolutely bananas like the ape he is.
If you're not around, he acts as the peacemaker of the group and breaks up any fight.
Usually by tying up the fighting bandmates in plant vines, yeah he has plant powers on top of his super strength.
He loves his drumset so much it even transforms with him when he goes full Demon.
Even when it's not with him and he transforms it appears with him no matter what.
Wave's True Demon Form:
The Keyboard player of Red Sun and the loudest member as well.
He is rather arrogant and by far the most promiscuous member of the band being an absolute womanizer.
Flirty and horny, Wave has picked up a lot of women and every time he wakes up in the morning one or multiple girls usually end up waking up too.
He also tends to brag to the others about what he did to the women in bed and he goes into disgusting detail about it.
All of you dread going to the Lust ring again.
However when push comes to shove he's family and cares about everyone.
He can launch loud soundwaves from his glowing blue ears you'd be forgiven for mistaking for headphones.
He also has hidden bat wings which allow him to fly and he can use a use various wind powers in addition to a lot more.
In his true form all his abilities get a power boost and his flashing wings can create a blinding light.
Whwre you all came from:
Now I don't know where any of you could come from.
Like which rings you originate from.
I also can't make any member of the band a Sinner, because if that were the case that bandmate would never be allowed to leave the Pride Ring.
So you guys decide which rings each band mate and us should come from.
Love Interests:
Verosika Mayday: (Your love interest)
Milky: (V's Love interest)
Kiki: (Joe's love interest)
Apple and Coco: (Wave's love interests)
Yeah Wave gets 2, because he's horny.
You and Verosika have met quite a few times due to you both being famous musical artists in Hell.
At first you both didn't really care for each other, but somehow you both ended up drunk at a party and when morning came you woke up with her naked and next to you.
Obviously when she woke up there was a long awkward silence between you both.
Memories were hazy but you both slowly began recalling the night.
You remembered that in her drunken stupor Verosika mentioned someone named "Blitzo" who you apparently were much better with in bed.
You asked who that was and Verosika immediately told you to shut up.
It didn't take long for you to realize that this "Blitzo" was most likey an ex-lover and so you did as she asked and shut up about it.
You both agreed to never speak of this again and it was just a drunken mistake.
When you both exited the room you were both greeted with Wave along with Apple and Coco who had their own fun while you and Verosika got it on.
Both You and Verosika immediately ordered them to keep quiet about this to which they agreed with no issue.
But he did say he'd call both Apple and Coco for some more fuck session and they say they'd happily accept.
Also, during the party Milky was trying to get V in bed, but your little brother didn't seem interested and just kept tyring to avoid her all night.
Eventually though something happened and Milky got over trying to fuck him and just hung out and bonded for the whole night.
You were shocked to find him talking to her without any issue.
Joe and Kiki had fucked in someone else's car after getting more wasted than anyone else there and promised to call each other.
In the future when both you and Verosika would see each other again things will no doubt be awkward as while you both agreed to never mention that night again both of you couldn't help but feel a certain way towards each other after that.
There we go.
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