Happy Tree Friends:
Happy Tree Friends x Male Treecko Reader:
Reader Info:
You are a retired war veteran much like Flippy.
Unlike Flippy though you never lost your entire team due to your own mistakes so you weren't as traumatized.
You weren't okay though, war always left a mark on those who took part.
Back in Happy Tree Town if you were taken by surprise in any way your war instincts would kick in and you'd either immediately attack them and knock them out or incapacitate them by holding them down.
And hearing any sound that triggered memories of the war would make you flinch, duck for cover or something else.
Like Flippy's PTSD, but to a far far lesser degree.
When you finally retired you and Flippy became fast friends due to both of you having been in the war.
You're a pretty friendly dude and you do your best to help out others in this town.
However your time in the war left you with a small bit of Hemophobia.
Yeah, you don't like blood, so living in Happy Tree Town certainly is not ideal for you where death is an everyday thing.
But you push through and even try to save others from death as well as try to prevent Flippy from flipping out on others.
You don't always succeed but it's no less appreciated.
° Now the reason I chose to make the Reader Treecko is because there are no reptiles in Happy Tree Friends.
I love reptiles, Snakes, Chameleons, Geckos, they're all cool and I was a bit disappointed we didn't get a lizard in HTF so you'll be one here.
° You aren't immune to death. Like most HTF characters you will die and you will be completely fine by the next chapter.
You won't die too often though, maybe 5 or 6 times.
I actually watched all of Happy Tree Friends and made a list of every main Tree Friend and kept count of how many times they died.
Flippy only died about 11 times, that's a pretty low number of deaths for this series.
But it's pretty understandable considering he's a war vet and is usually the one doing the killing.
The only one who died less than Flippy was Splendid the Flying Squirrel who only died 2 times in the whole series.
But he's basically Squirrel Superman so it makes sense he's very hard to kill.
Love Interest:
So you have 3 options for your love interest.
You guys vote on who you want to end up with between these 3.
Now the reason Flaky isn't an option is because Flippy x Flaky is my favorite ship and they'll be official in this story.
See ya'll later.
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