Anthro Pokemon Harem 3:
Here's some more girls.
Bertha the Snorlax (Bugkiller98)
Bertha nicknamed "Big Bertha" was a Snorlax you met at a park while you were exercising.
You had stopped eating for a long time out of fear of gaining weight and hid it well from the other girls.
However, Bertha could tell from the way you moved that you were starving yourself and she could not allow that.
She walked up to you and with her being a Snorlax was far stronger than you, dragged you off to a Pizza Hut and ordered a double pepperoni pizza for you with stuffed crust and told you to eat it.
You refused at first.
(A/N: A woman bought you a pizza...YOU FUCKING ACCEPT IT!)
However, Bertha talked some sense into you and you realized starving yourself wasn't the right coarse of action(obviously).
So you ate the pizza voraciously as Bertha watched happily.
After that you thanked her for the meal, she told you it was no issue, though you felt you needed to at least pay her back for buying you the pizza.
She told you the best way to repay her was to just not starve yourself.
You 2 became friends after that and you'd hang out often.
The Snorlax woman eventually grew feelings for you through hanging out so much and the fact that you started buying food for her certainly helped with that.
Bertha of course adores food, even before becoming a Snorlax and while a few people have made fun of her for her weight she never let it get to her.
She's proud of her body and isn't afraid to show off her thiccness, especially for you.
She loves her friends and will protect them from anything.
Spring the Meowscarada: (Furret_Walcc101)
Spring was a street Magician you met one day among a crowd and...well let's just say she's not very good.
She embarrassed herself and lost the crowd which left, you remained however and decided to console her.
Apparently she had always been interested in magic, but she kinda always sucked at it.
She thought her new Meowscarada form would have helped her improve, but sadly as shown by her poor performance that wasn't the case.
You didn't like seeing her sad and did your best to encourage and motivate her to keep going.
You told her you'd help her practice magic as her assistant, an act that meant a lot to her and was the beginning of her growing feelings for you.
You'd meet up and help her and it didn't take long for her attraction to blossom into true love.
Spring was a shy and soft-spoken girl with stage fright which contributed to her being bad at magic.
So, not only are you helping her with magic, you're also helping her with her stage fright.
Sometimes she thinks of herself as a burden and annoyance to you, but you're more than happy to reassure her otherwise and remind her of the amazing progress she's made.
Spring loves you deeply and always wants to do her best for you and hopes you'll remain her assistant and eventually become her husband.
Burn the Skeliderge:
A rambunctious and fiery woman with dreams of making it big as the lead singer of a rock band.
Right now she and her bands consisting of a Rilaboom, a Toxicitry and a Noivern are performing small gigs, but they are extremely good.
You met Burn and her band at a festival and you loved their music.
During her song she noticed you in the crowd and while she continued singing, inside she was fangirling as she recognized you as the new Champion of Kalos.
When she and her band were done she immediately ran up and greeted you excitedly.
The Tomboy Skeliderge stated she was a big fan and adored the way you battled and her fiery hair turned a bright pink when you said you loved her performance.
You said you'd like to meet the rest of her band mates something she was more than happy to do.
Burn while fiery and aggressive most of the time, around you she becomes a different person entirely.
She squeals every time you compliment or praise her and her fire is a constant bright pink and her band mates are more than happy to poke fun at her for this.
Rilynn the Rilaboom:
She's the drummer of Burn's band and the most mature member of the group and the one who keeps Burn from doing anything too stupid.
She considers the band family and the others have labeled her the mom of the group.
With you here, that could become more true than they realize.
Like any girl stronger than you, she likes to pick you up much to your embarrassment.
Her flirting is a lot more subtle than the other girls, and she likes seeing your reactions when you finally understand what she's doing.
Poison the Toxtricity:
The Lead guitarist of the band and just as fiery and wild as Burn.
Poison is the most forward of the band members as she just straight up asked if you'd like to fuck upon first meeting her only to receive a bonk on the head from Rilynn.
Poison and Burn get along the most, but when they do end up competing with each other it gets intense.
And now with both of them competing for your affection, sparks and flames will fly much to Rilynn's dismay.
While Poison may be a forward girl she doesn't just sleep with anyone and wants a genuine relationship with you.
She just likes to cut to the chase.
Good luck.
Echo the Noivern:
The base player of the band and despite being a Noivern is the shyest band member.
Greeting her only got a soft "Hi" in response much to your confusion until Burn explained she was shy.
She doesn't speak unless spoken to and even when she replies her voice is barley above a whisper.
It is strange to find a Soft-spoken Noivern but you couldn't deny it added toher cuteness.
Calling her cute made her let out a loud scream that nearly made everyone deaf which she apologized for profusely for in rapid whispers.
After calming her down and assuring her it was fine, she blushed as she looked at your smiling face and hid behind her wings in fear.
She's a screamer in bed...bring ear plugs.
Flow the Quaquaval:
Flow is a Quaquaval you met while visiting an arcade.
She was absolutely obliterating the DDR game and her name was all across the scoreboard.
So...yeah she was pretty good.
You decided to try your luck and challenge to see who could last longer.
Flow asked if you were joking and she got her answer from you walking up to the second dance pad and she shrugged deciding to humor you.
She did end up winning your little endurance match obviously But Flow was impressed that you managed to last as long as you did.
In fact you lasted longer than anyone and even managed to take second place on the scoreboard.
She decided to reward you for this and payed for everything you wanted to do in the arcade no catch.
You 2 had fun for that entire day and Flow revealed she had always wanted to be a dancer and DDR was good practice.
She fell in love with you on that day and she'd come over to show you a few of her moves.
Occasionally she'd get bold and outright give you a lapdance which led to many awkward moments when one of the other girls would walk in and visit.
Ronda the Rotom (Robcartree):
Before Ronda became a Rotom she was a gamer and a Hacker.
She was an extremely good hacker as well and developed a crush on you in highschool.
She was too shy to even talk to you, and so she used her hacking skills to do little favors and give you a few gifts.
She helps keep your bank account at least full and there was this one time where she managed to reroute a delivery and give you a free PS5.
(A/N: Marry this woman)
You found these events strange, but hey you never look a gift horse in the mouth.
Ronda could just never work up the nerve to introduce herself to you and tell you she was the one behind all that.
So fate decided to have you meet by you randomly bumping into her on the street.
All the poor girl could do was Blush and stutter, unable to form full sentences in your presence.
The moment you held her hand to help her up though she found herself unable to let go and brought you in close.
She had wanted to touch and be held by you for so long that she brought you in for a hug and took in your scent.
You were silent and confused throughout it all and when Ronda realized what she was doing she simply ran away.
When she got home Ronda locked her door and felt nothing but shame.
Hopefully one day she'll work up enough courage to at least talk to you one day.
Also, don't worry she doesn't invade your privacy or looks at things you don't want her too, she's not a Stalker.
Morris the Porygon (Robcartree):
Now Morris is a very interesting case as she was never a human.
Instead she was a Porygon Dr Voir made as her personal assistant.
However the perverted Gardevoir Dr being as Mischievous as she was coded this Porygon a little differently.
She gave this one a gender and a more humanoid form and gave her thiccness and made her deeply in love with you.
She's the only one who can code a Porygon to this extent and won't tell anyone how she did it.
Morris is a deligent assistant to Dr Voir and a horny, flirty woman for you.
Around others she's proper and civil, around you she's one of the more lewd girls and it honestly scares you sometimes.
We won't get into what she does with her powers cause you're imaginations will fill in the blanks.
Beatrice the Gliscor:
Beatrice is a Grand Duchess within the Battle Cheatue who took a liking to you after you payed a visit to it on your journey.
Beatrice was enthralled by your battling skills and desired nothing more than to battle you.
She got her wish and you both battled hard, but in the end you were victorious.
This made her admire you more and after the battle she decided you'd be the one she'd spend the rest of the day with.
You accepted her hangout and talked for a while.
Beatrice revealed she was an Heiress of a fashion company her father owned.
She loved her life and had no problems...apart from one.
There were suitors or admirers who wanted her hand in marriage and would not leave her alone.
All of them either only wanted her for her money and status or were complete simps who couldn't stand up for themselves.
She wanted a strong man in her life and one who wants to be with her for more than just her money and status.
That's why she was attracted to you, you were strong obviously and hanging out with you proved you saw her as more than just an Heiress.
You both genuinely had fun with each other and developed a deep friendship.
Beatrice from the moment she saw you battling knew you were the one for her and marrying you became her goal.
She attended the Pokemon league to cheer you on and she was overjoyed that you won.
Not only was she happy you achieved, her father would no doubt approve of you now.
She'd fight him tooth and nail to be with you either way, but this will make things less complicated.
After planning her dream wedding with you and talking to her father all that's left now is to make her move.
Ebony the Zoroark:
Ebony is an exotic dancer you met late at night after a party with some friends.
She was drunk as Hell and was more forward than she usually was.
She attempted to take you to an alley for some "fun" but she threw up and fell unconscious.
(A/N: Don't worry she didn't barf in your mouth...poor Denji)
You couldn't just leave her and so you took her back to your home, put her in your bed and you slept on the couch.
Ebony woke up with a bad hangover but managed to drag herself out of bed and found you sleeping.
After you woke up and explained where she was, she was honestly surprised you didn't try anything with her.
Her surprise was then replaced with irritation when her hangover headache so you offered her a glass of water which she happily accepted.
You spent the morning talking and getting to know one another.
You offered to walk her home and she gladly accepted.
When you both reached her home she asked if you'd like a private performance from her making you blush but you politely refused.
She was a bit disappointed, but Ebony knew she'd have you eventually.
Sally the Mega Lopunny:
Sally is a famous MMA fighter with a real passion for her work.
She absolutely adores fighting and is willing to take on any opponent no matter the size.
She finds it very difficult to hold back though so her opponent may end up with a broken bone or two...or three...or more.
You met her one day when an Alolan Raticate crook tried to mug you.
You could have taken him, he was a weakling, but Sally suddenly jumped from a roof and beat up the guy for you.
She was in the middle of some parkour when she saw what was going on and decided to make a dynamic entrance by kicking the crook in the face and breaking his face.
She then introduced herself to you like nothing happened and asked if you'd like to join her in her parkour.
You said you'd take a raincheck and join her some other time, something she was looking forward to.
The next day you woke up and found her waiting for you by your front door asking if you were ready yet.
A little shocked and confused you said you'd still need to get ready and she waited for you in the living room.
When you came back you asked her why she wanted you to workout with her.
She told you it's because you were the Kalos champion and you looked strong and she wanted someone who was able to keep up with her and she hoped it would be you.
She sounded so sad when she said that and so you decided to try your best and if that failed you'd introduce her to the girls who stood a far better chance.
Sally said there was only one person who could keep up with her, but she was a complete bitch and Sally didn't like her.
She wanted a friend who could keep up with her and the Kalos champion seemed nice enough.
So that's how you became friends and seeing all the effort you put into at least trying to keep up with her made Sally fall in love with you.
Even if she had competition.
Carrie the Blaziken:
Carrie is the rival of Sally and the only one so far who's managed to keep up with her.
However unlike the upbeat and bright Sally, Carrie is arrogant and angry.
She boasts about her skill constantly and can more than back it up.
You and her met when you were first training with Sally and while jumping from roof to roof you slipped and you would have needed a trip to the hospital...or worse.
Luckily Carrie was walking by and caught you in her arms and she immediately fell in love with you because of your handsome face.
"Oh, it seems Arceus has given me a gift."
You asked if she could put you down and she refused saying she liked holding you.
She did drop you however when Sally yelled her to let you go.
A fight started between the girls with you in the middle, thankfully the police broke them up before anyone got too hurt.
Carrie is now determined to make you her boyfriend and she won't rest until you're hers piss of Sally some more.
Carmen the Maractus:
Carmen was originally from a desert village who wanted to set off and explore.
She wanted to see sights, meet new people and experience new things and now she's in Kalos.
You found the Maractus girl street performing for some money with her dance skills and she was killing it.
When she was done, she took a bow and was about to leave until she noticed the crowd had gathered around you and she overheard them referring to you as the Champion of Kalos.
That excited her as she realized since you're a champion that means you went on a Journey in this region and that means you could give her a tour.
So when the crowd dispersed she asked if you had time to give her a tour and you agreed.
You showed her around the city and showed her a hotel she could stay at.
As you showed her around, she developed a crush and decided to stay for a while longer to get to know you better.
Hey, there are actually more girls that were requested to be put in, but they'll be added later so if one you requested isn't here, don't worry they'll be put in.
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