Anthro Pokemon Harem 2:
More additions to Harem with the few added last chapter.
Evelyn the Mismagius:
You met Evelyn on your journey.
After you had a run-in with with a Tyranitar and a Garchomp you were pretty injured and lost consciousness in a forest.
Luckily, Evelyn who lived in a house within that very forest found your unconscious body and brought you back to heal your wounds.
You woke up in a rather large and extravagant bed and found a beautiful woman tending to your wounds.
Evelyn introduced herself to you and said it would take a few days for you to be fully healed.
She had been living in the forest for a good while now and helping travelers who needed healing or rest.
Unfortunately when people saw her approach they assumed she was some kind of Forest Witch or evil spirit or something along those lines and ran off.
This disheartened her a small bit, but the very few who accepted her help kept her spirits up.
You felt bad for her and so you deiced to stay with her for a bit to cheer her up.
During that time you both learned a lot about each other and she grew to love you.
When it came time to leave she was sad and so you promised to visit her again once you become champion and to remember each other you each gave the other something to remember each other by
You gave her your cap and she gave you a special necklace she made.
You will see each other soon and she plans to tell you her feelings when you do.
Mori the Hisuian Decidueye:
After Lotus came back, she wanted you to come and visit her village and you agreed.
Once there you were introduced to the 3 leaders of the village who were all sisters.
Mori was one of them and she had been turned into a Hisuian Decidueye.
She is rather strict and serious most of the time, so much so her sisters consider her uptight.
The moment she saw you though, she immediately lost her composure and found her words stuck in her throat.
Lotus had described you to her but she never expected you to be this...cute.
Her other sisters were quick to notice and immediately began teasing Mori about it.
Mori insisted it was nothing but couldn't help but blush when you shook her wing.
The sisters then decided to have a little competition while you were here.
See who can make you fall in love with them first as well as who can bed you first.
Mori would have a hard time with this as her sisters are far better at seduction than her.
Let's see if she can win.
Kaiyo the Hisuian Samurott:
The second leader of the clan.
Kaiyo is a loud boisterous woman who will never say no to a good fight.
She can usually be found training outside the village by the waterfall which is where you first found her when Lotus brought you to her clan.
She was also naked much to yours and Lotus' embarrassment though she didn't mind you looking at her body.
When she saw how in shape you were she demanded you strip and fight her in the water too.
You politely declined but Kaiyo promised she'd fight you eventually while you were here.
Kaiyo liked strong men and she had her sights on you.
Most boys really can't keep up with her so when you actually managed to get through a day of training with her and wanted to keep training with her she was the happiest girl on earth.
She hopes you can handle her just as well in bed too.
Taiyo the Hisuian Typhlosion:
The 3rd and final sister.
Taiyo, despite having been turned into a Fire type is the chillest of the 3 sisters.
She tries not to let things get to her and is rather carefree and a little lazy.
She enjoys the little things in life and found herself attracted to you when you came by to her home.
She wasn't really looking for a relationship until you came along.
She just wanted to spend long nights cuddling you and warming you up with her flames.
She is far more nurturing and motherly than her sisters and is the best when it comes to seduction.
Her soft and warm body, her soothing voice, she's going to do everything in her power to make you hers.
Moya the Hisuian Zoroark:
Moya was a hitwoman hired by the group of Rogue Ninjas to assassinate their enemies, namely you and Lotus when you were both pursuing them.
Before she became a Hisuian Zoroark, she was already an expert when it came to creating illusions or deceiving people.
So while pursuing the rogue ninjas, she decided to present herself as an ally and a victim of the ninjas.
She claimed her pokemon was stolen and she wanted to help you and Lotus get them back.
Lotus of course was cautious about trusting her, but you welcomed her with open arms.
She intended to kill you early, but found herself intrigued by you and decided to spend a little more time with you before ending you.
However, the more time she spent with you, the harder it became for her to carry out her mission.
You were too kind and charming for her to kill and ultimately decided to turn against those who hired her and genuinely helped you.
She absolutely loved spending time with you on this little adventure, but she knew it couldn't last.
Eventually she had to come clean and reveal herself as an Assassin and that she was supposed to kill you.
She was surprised when you said it didn't matter and you still saw her as a friend.
Moya had no idea what to say and after the Rogues were caught she simply left and you never saw her again.
Until now, she had given up being an Assassin and is now a member of Lotus' clan.
She was pleasantly surprised to see you and now she wanted to confess her feeling to you.
Crystal the Sableye:
Crystal is a friend of Meryl and another rich woman who craves a man.
When Meryl told her about you, she wanted to see you for herself and like Meryl she was smitten and horny for you.
You're in for a wild time with this girl as she is just as flirty and forward as Meryl and both decided to share you as their first time.
Crystal being a Sableye absolutely adores Jewelry and loves rare gems and like a Sableye will horde them.
She usually keeps them on display in her home.
She usually calls you "My Most Precious Diamond" and that is a sign she truly loves you.
She sees you as her most precious jewel and wants nothing more than to love and care for you.
Samantha the Machamp (pegasusfox_04):
Samantha is the owner of the gym you are currently going to so becoming a Machamp of all things was pretty fitting for her.
Whenever she has free time she likes to talk to you and Corona and makes sure you're staying hydrated and healthy.
Samantha was happy to see you keep up your routine as most men who enter her gym either just want to stare at the women or just get their desired body and leave so you were a nice change.
To Samantha, exercise and staying in shape is important and a serious matter.
She and Corona are good friends and often compete in feats of strength and with you in the picture their rivalry had intensified.
She is quite protective of you as well and won't stand anyone talking smack about you or seeing you get picked on.
Remember, she's a Machamp now, and one Punch can send someone clear over the horizon.
Leslie the Primarina (EpicestOfGamers):
At a certain point you began to grow bored of your old clothes and decided to get some new ones.
On your way you ran into Leslie the Primarina.
(A/N: Leslie is like a Mermaid, when she's in the water she has a tail like in the pic, on land she has normal legs)
She was a pro fashionista and recognized you as the new champion.
She was extremely excited to meet you and when you mentioned you wanted some new clothes she immediately offered her services to you for a favor in return.
Surprised by her generosity you accepted and asked her what that favor was and she replied that she'd tell him when she was done.
She brought you to her home, measured your body and got to making your clothes.
When you eventually got them you were very satisfied with the results.
Leslie then told you the favor she wanted from you.
It was to become her model for new clothes she was making and you agreed.
In return she supplied you with more free drip.
During your time as her model, Leslie began falling in love with you and one day while she was taking your measurements she ended up looking directly into your eyes and asked you one simple question:
"Wanna go out?"
Bloom the Florges:
She was a simple flower shop owner you met while on a walk with your Vespiquen.
Your Vespiquen absolutely adored her flowers and so you'd visit her often for your Vespiquen.
You bonded with her and she developed a crush on you which eventually turned into true love when you saved her and her shop from a robber Arbok with your Vespiquen.
She was always a shy and meek girl but now around you she can barley form a sentence.
She's like Hinata and you're Naruto it's absolutely adorable.
She desperately wants to tell you how she feels but ends up usually hiding her face in her flower collar.
What she needs is a push and a boost in confidence, which the other girls are happy to help with.
Ash the Garchomp:
Ash is the leader of a street gang you met while at a park.
You found her beating up a male Aggron/human hybrid who had tried to take over her gang by beating her.
He failed miserably and ended up beaten and bruised while she didn't have a scratch on her.
You stopped her from continuing the beating as the guy had enough and when her back was turned the Aggron unable to accept his loss attempted to hit her with a Metal Claw.
On Instinct you took the attack for her much to her shock.
She then promptly proceeded to hospitalize the punk and she carried you to the hospital to be treated.
When you were healed she scolded you for your stupid actions, she was a Garchomp, she could take the blow so taking it for her was very dumb and very pointless.
You apologized for that, but Ash still did appreciate what you did and stated she owed you now.
You told her it was nothing, but Ash insisted on it and vowed to repay you one day.
All while blushing before leaving.
Emma the Tyranitar:
She used to be your teacher back in school.
You were her best student and she always thought you were a cute little boy.
So it shocked her when she finally saw what a handsome man you turned into when she bumped into you at the market.
She found herself turning red as you helped her with her groceries and told her what had been going on in your life.
Emma had been trying to find a man recently and becoming a Tyranitar had made it harder.
Tyranitars are feared and powerful Pokemon and most men were terrified of her.
Upon hearing this you scoffed and told her all those men must have been absolute whimps for turning her down.
In your eyes she was a gorgeous woman who deserved to be loved, hardworking and kind and the best teacher you had ever had.
Her face went even more red at each compliment you gave her and she began falling for you even more.
She thanked you and hurried back home trying her best to get you out of her head.
She couldn't though, you were the only man to ever compliment her and that combined with her desire for a man in her life made it impossible.
You were her former student and she was much older than you, it wouldn't work.
At least that's what she told herself, but her feelings for you wouldn't go away and grew more intense.
How long can she keep them contained?
I'm still open to more girls joining the harem, just tell me the Pokemon you want, their names and give me a story on how they meet you.
Remember though, no Legendaries, Mythicals or Ultra Beasts sadly.
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