Anthro Pokemon:
So in this story you're the champion of Kalos.
It was a long and hard road but you, your starter Greninja and the rest of your team had finally made it to the top and things were going smoothly.
One day however, something went wrong in a lab that was studying pokemon DNA.
An explosion occurred and that released some kind of virus.
Now this virus wasn't fatal at all, but it's effects were noticeable.
It infected about 50% of the human population on Earth and turned them into odd human/pokemon hybrids.
Normal Pokemon were completely unaffected and you were among the 50% that did not get infected.
Now the world was filled with strange Pokemon/hybrids and while you were still fully human, a lot of your friends as well as other people you knew become hybrids.
Mostly your female friends, and that made things kinda awkward.
Dr Voir:
She was one of the Researchers studying Pokemon DNA and got infected with the virus.
You knew her in your younger days and she had always wanted to be a Pokemon professor.
She absolutely adored studying pokemon and their habits.
She's a bit of a perv and isn't afraid to get flirty with you, even in public.
As a Gardevoir, she gained access to the Pokemon's moves and abilities which has helped her a lot with research and other activities.
Her flirting has also gotten worse with you as she can now read your mind and feel your emotions.
She knows how you're feeling and what you're thinking, so your embarrassment and attraction to her is something you cannot hide.
She had been eager to find out if Pokemon/Human Hybrids could produce children.
She'll need a mate however.
Corona the Incineroar:
You had met Corona at a gym.
You wanted to improve yourself both physically and mentally and so you wanted to workout.
Corona spotted you and saw you were rather skinny and weak at the time.
She didn't want you to end up hurting yourself and so she made herself your spotter even though you insisted it wasn't necessary.
You both did end up bonding though and she made sure you didn't stop exercising even going to your home unannounced to make sure you were taking care of yourself(you have no idea how she found out where you lived).
Since becoming an Incineroar, she hasn't really changed much apart from the fact she became much more forward with you.
As a Human she developed a crush on you and she knew you had a thing for muscular women and so would show off as much as she could for you, in private at least.
As an Incineroar she now shows off even in public and likes to pick you up a lot and pin you against a wall.
You better hope the hybrids don't have heat cycles.
Elgiza the Weavile:
Back in the day, Elgiza was your school bully.
She used to stuff you in lockers, trip you while you were carrying food and all the other classic bully stuff.
It was a classic case of a girl bullying a guy she liked.
As she grew up however, she began bullying you less and less as it became harder to hold back her feelings.
She resorted to merely calling you names and brushing you off to avoid having to face her feelings.
Since she became a Weavile a bit of that past aggression came back.
She became vulgar and threatened to cut you with her claws on occasion though she could never actually bring herself to hurt you.
She hates the fact that she can't just admit she likes you and often ends up going to the gym to exercise her frustrations away.
Unfortunately she then ends up having to watch you and Corona interacting.
How long can she kee holding back?
Mimi the Mimikyu:
Mimi was your childhood friend back in kindergarten.
You noticed a cute little girl sitting under a tree alone and decided to go up and talk to her.
You asked if she had any friends and she merely shook her head as she was too shy to even speak to you.
So you decided you'd be her friend much to her shock, as most people did tend to avoid her.
The reason being, Mimi was a budding Hex Maniac.
She was into the occult, into the weird and supernatural and especially ghost pokemon.
She was even more shocked and grateful when you didn't run or reject her when she introduced you to her interests.
She eventually grew feelings for you and attempted on multiple occasions to confess but she just couldn't.
When she became a Mimikyu she was extremely excited as she had become one of her favorite Pokemon.
She is no less shy than she was before though and something she usually does is sink and literally become one with the shadows if she's in a situation she doesn't want to be.
Her favorite spot to hide has becoming your shadow and she's ashamed to admit she sometimes stalks you from it.
You make this little ghost wants to spend her afterlife with you.
Meryl the Gengar:
Meryl is a rich friend of your mother's who you had recently just met.
Apparently she was there for her mother while you were out on your journey after she and your dad divorced.
You only met her after becoming champion and safe to say she found you to be quite charming.
Meryl was a bit of a cougar and had a thing for younger men, only men that were younger and legal mind you.
None of that disgusting Shotacon shit.
Anyway, you were her prey now and she always got what she wanted.
As a Gengar, she really didn't change, but her new powers certainly welcomed as she now pays you a visit while you're sleeping and watches your dreams to get to know you better so she can eventually make her move.
She has enough money and resources to make your dreams come true and more than willing to use her body for your more cardinal dreams.
Amber the Coffacham:
Now this is a bit of a strange case.
You see unlike with the other girls, Amber did not become a Pokemon as a result of this virus, but because of something magical.
You see while on your Pokemon Journey, you came across some odd Ruins and wanting to catch a few Pokemon in there you entered and found an archeologist named Amber in there.
She was in there with her Cofagrigus and Medicham assisting her.
You both decided to explore the Ruins together and formed a friendship.
Eventually she found a strange artifact that immediately released a flash upon her touching it.
Once the flash had faded, Amber was horrified to discover that she was now some kind of strange hybrid between a Cofagrigus and a Medicham.
Her Pokemon were just as shocked as you as she grabbed the artifact and attempted to trigger another flash hoping it would turn her back to normal.
Nothing happened though, she told you not to touch it to avoid something similar happening and rushed the artifact back to the lab.
Yeah turns out she and Dr Voir were buddies and the Researcher decided to try and study the artifact to see if the effects could be reversed.
Unfortunately later the incident occurred and a lot of other people became Pokemon hybrids.
Amber refused to go outside after transforming, but this incident at least allowed her to be social again and continue exploring Ruins, tombs and structures from the past.
Her new powers do certainly make some aspects of her job much easier such as avoiding deadly booby traps within a few Ruins, completing weird puzzles and things like that.
She really took a liking to you and often calls to show off a few things she discovered and tell you about her experiences.
You do enjoy listening to her and hearing about what she finds and it usually leads to you spending hours on the phone.
Amber becomes quite shy when she meets you in person, a pink Blush becoming obvious on her now dark skin and can usually be found pressing her large fingers together.
Voir loves to tease the poor girl.
Lotus the Greninja:
You met this girl after you got ambushed by ambushed by a group of rogue ninja who stole your Pokemon after knocking you out.
Upon regaining consciousness you found yourself in some kind of cave while Lotus was preparing something for you to eat.
She informed you that your Pokemon were stolen by a group ninja who turned to crime and were likely planning to sell your team on the black market.
They were once part of her clan, but went rogue and so now she and a group of other ninja were pursuing them.
You were outraged and demanded to join them to find your team.
Lotus had no reason not to accept your aid and so after a bit of a side quest you ended up bonding and getting your Pokemon back.
Lotus had grown to love you through various events throughout this quest and vowed once she could leave the village for good and go out on her own she'd find you again.
You were quite surprised to find a sexy Greninja lady sneaking into your room at night, but calmed down once you realized it was Lotus.
She had come with intent to ask for your hand in marriage, but decided it was best to spend time with you a bit before that.
She wanted to be sure she's making the right choice.
Wham the Tinkaton:
This is a girl you met recently.
You have no idea who or what she was when she was human, you just found her attempting to eat your food while you were in a jungle with Amber.
She immediately attempted to smash your skull in but Amber managed to hold her down.
She attempted to struggle free, but Amber's new arms were quite strong and the Tinkaton girl immediately stopped as her stomach growls.
She was hungry and so despite the rough first meeting you decided to be nice and feed her.
That's all it took to get her to fall in love with you.
It's clear that before her transformation, Wham was some kind of feral woman living in the Woods as she speaks like a stereotypical cavewoman and thinks smashing is the answer to most things.
It also explained why she was naked.
You were gonna just leave but she followed you home and now you're stuck with her.
Now you have to teach her how to function in society again.
You should've let her starve.
Maxine the Cinderace:
She was the star althete back in school and another childhood friend.
She was your typical tomboy, upbeat, tough and sweating a lot due to all the sports she did.
Her favorite was of course Soccer and she eventually went pro.
You're not a fan of soccer, but you go out to see her gamaes to support her which she appreciates a lot.
Becoming a Cinderace has made her games a lot more interesting as well.
You both still hang out when you get the chance, plus Maxine and Corona do get along quite well.
Maxine or Max for short is still that same ball of fiery energy you knew back in school, only taken up to an 11 given what she is now.
And over the years she's fallen for you and plans put all her passion into showing you just how much she loves you.
Hime the Delphox: (xXSGTW0LFXx)
Yet another friend from your childhood.
You both met while at a camp and being the adventurous guy you were, at one point you wandered off and found a girl in a clearing.
You recognized her as one of the other kids with you at camp, she seemed lonely and so you walked up to her and decided to introduce yourself to her.
She was surprised but after getting to know each other you both got along pretty well.
You were a pretty stupid kid back then and did the classic thing of promising to marry her when you got older.
Hime merely giggled and humored you by accepting your proposal.
However as you both grew older you kept seeing less and less of each other and not at all once you went on your journey.
She eventually got married to someone else and had a pretty good life, but her husband eventually died leaving her with her children.
It was difficult but she managed to get by.
When the virus hit, she became a Delphox and her daughter a Fennekin.
It was odd at first and took some time to adjust but like everyone else she got used to it and kept living her life.
Eventually you both bumped into each other once again and despite her new form you recognized her immediately.
She of course recognized you, you were the new champion after all.
The both of you then spent the entire day catching up and eventually Hime began teasing you about the promise you made years ago much to your embarrassment.
Though she was only teasing, Hime had missed you dearly and seeing you grown up made Hime seriously consider being your new wife.
However, she wants to spend more time with you before deciding.
A lot can change in time and she's curious to learn what changed about you.
Ara the Tsareena: (EpicestOfGamers)
Another girl you met recently.
You were on your way to the park without your Pokemon and got jumped by a few humans led by a male alolan Raticate hybrid.
Luckily Ara was passing by and ended up breaking most of their bones, especially the Alolan Raticate guy.
He was normal and Dark and since she knew multiple fighting type moves now...let's just say he's eating with a tube for the rest of his life.
You thanked Ara who recognized you as the new champion who immediately got flirty with you.
She was a fan and would attend any big battle you were a part of as well as your title defense matches.
So imagine her joy when you offered to hang out with her for the day and take her to the park.
You hung out and she grew to love you even more and she's not afraid to show it.
The name Ara is quite fitting and she is taller than you and has no concept of personal space.
She will rub her breasts against your back, rub your crotch and at one point you entered her home and found her completely naked watching TV.
She simply told you to come in, sit so she could move and sit on your lap.
Forward is too soft a word to describe her.
Sunny(Midday) and Luna(Midnight) the Lycanroc Sisters:
These are your neighbors and both developed a crush on you before you during childhood.
You'd come over and play with them a lot.
You'd usually find them arguing and their mother relied on you to keep the peace while you were visiting and she was at work.
They'd behave in front of you but the moment you turn your back they'd argue, fight and compete over you.
You'd think they would eventually grow out of it but no, they just got more subtle with their competitive flirting for you, but since becoming Lycanrocs it's slowly growing less and less subtle.
Luna's fantasies involves her dominating you while Sunny's involve you dominating her.
Just how much longer can they hold back.
Twilight the Lycanroc:
Twilight is the mother of Sunny and Luna.
She was always grateful that you helped keep her daughters under control when she wasn't around and always thought you were a cute kid.
When you came of age she became attracted to you much like her daughters.
Something she is extremely ashamed of and constantly berates herself for it.
She had been craving a man ever since she found out her husband had been cheating on her and divorced him.
But she never had time to pursue another man as she worked at the Aether Foundation.
She just couldn't help but fall in love with you.
When you began spending time at her house after becoming champion she'd usually fantasize about coming home to find you, running into your arms and getting taken up to the bed and...
She really hates her brain and becoming a Lycanroc did not help.
That's all the girls for now, but there's always room for more.
Tell me which Pokemon girl you want in the harem, give a short backstory on who they were, their relationship with the you and how they act.
No Legendaries though.
Also, in case ya'll wondering I still am working on my other stories, don't worry.
I know I've been updating this one a lot recently, but that's because ideas are easier to write than chapters for a full story.
So don't worry, updates for my other stories still coming.
Just wanted to clear that up.
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