So this is a reader insert of the Harry Potter books with a twist. Most reader insert stories are based on a male or female character. This one is based on both. So the first chapter with be a female reader getting her letter and the next a male reader. And so on. I've never seen a story like this, so I hope you like it.
It's based on all seven Harry Potter books, not the movies. The female's personality is based on mine and the male's personality on one of my brothers. Otherwise, it's all you up to you. With your appearances, wand, pet's name, patronus, and your favourite things. Like food, drink, music, lessons and etc. It'll take a while to do this story. But please be patient with me.
Here's a key you help guide you:
Y/N - your name
Y/L/N - Your last name
Y/F/N - Your full name
BT - blood type (example Half-blood)
Y/F/C - Your favourite colour
P/N - Pet's name
H/C - hair colour
H/L - Hair length
H/T - Hair type (example curly, straight)
W/W - Wand wood
W/C - Wand core
W/L - Wand lentgh
F/S - favourite subject
F/M - Favourite music
F/F - Favourite food
F/D - favourite drink
F/A - favourite animal
F/M/C - Favourite magical creature
I'll update key when needed and put it at the start of every several chapters as a reminder. Now you are an orphan adopted by a muggle family in the London country side. You had a normal life until you received your hogwarts letter. Let the stories begin.
(Female Reader) First Persons POV
I was in my room playing with my two year old white cat P/N. (You can choose the sex). I have already done my chores. Cleaned my room, did my bed and hanged out the laundry. Dad is out tending to the sheep with Rex and Cami. Our adult border collies. I'll have to feed the six week old puppies soon and brush them today. As today is their day off herd training.
"Y/N, come downstairs!" mum calls. I stop playing with P/N and leave my room. I slide down the stair rails. "I've told you not to do that" mum reminds me.
"Sorry mum, it sounded urgent" I tell her.
"It is, the post just arrived and this came for you" she states handing me a letter. I frown in confusion. It's summer vacation and no one sends me letters. My friends call occasionally, but never send a letter. "Well open it, then go tend to the puppies" she tells me. I open the letter and read the first page:
Dear Miss Y/L/N
We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment. We are aware of your situation and a representative will arrive in a week to take you to get your school supplies and explain everything.
Term begins on September 1.
Yours sincerely,
Professor Minerva McGonagall,
Deputy Headmistress
"Mum there must be some mistake" I tell her and she looks up from the kitchen bench. Where she is preparing lunch. "It's says I've been accepted into a school for witchcraft and wizardry. But I'm not a witch" I state handing her the letter. She looks at it with a small frown.
"That is strange, I will talk to your father about it later. I'm sure it's nothing to worry about" she assures me. "Go tend to the puppies, lunch will be ready in half an hour" she tells me. I nod and go to the spare bedroom. Where the dogs sleep.
The puppies bark happily when they see me. I sit down and the rush over licking me. There are two girls and two boys. There was a fifth, but he or she was still born. It hit Cami hard, but she's bounced back focusing on her four living puppies. I feed them all and then brush each one.
Just then Rex and Cami appear. Cami immediately goes to check on the puppies. While Rex came to greet me wagging his tail. "Hey boy" I say patting his neck. "You stink" I say and he whines. "How about a bath after lunch" I suggests and he yips happily. I've always loved animals and wished dad would let me help him out more on the farm. With the sheep herding. But he just makes me look after the chickens and ducks with mum.
"Hey sweet heart, your mother says lunch is ready" papa states as he appears in the door away.
"Ok, papa" I say and get up stretching.
"Have you done all your chores?" he asks as we head to the dining room.
"Yes papa, I just have to check on the ducks and chickens tonight. Make sure they are put way and have fresh food & water. I've decided t give Rex and Cami a bath" I tell him.
"I'm sure they'll love it" he tells me with a fond smile. We join mum at the table and begin to eat. I hear mama telling papa about the letter and him tell her they'd discuss it tonight once I'm in bed.
(Male Reader) First Persons POV
Hey everyone I'm Y/F/N and I was adopted when I was three. Before then I was shipped from foster home to foster home. I now live on a farm with my adoptive mum and dad. We live on a farm that's been in my dad's family for the last three generations. I'll be taking over when dad passes one day. He's been teaching me everything I need to know about running it. From how to herd sheep, train dogs, fix the Ute and so on.
It's summer holidays and I'm working on my throwing arm. As I'm on my primary schools rugby team. I don't have any friends outside the team. Just girls I like. I maybe eleven, but I am a bit of a player. Mum doesn't like it, but dad assures her that I'll out grow it when I find the right girl. Even though I play sports, I'm very smart thanks to mum. She is a high school teacher and always made sure I did my homework.
Anyway I was about to throw my ball again when I hear someone calling my name. I turn to see it's my dad. "Hey dad, how were the sheep?" I ask him.
"They are good son, your mother wants you home" he tells me. "We are having guests tonight and she wants you to be clean. Along with the dogs. Also apparently you have a letter" he states.
"Ok, one more throw?" I ask. He nods his head. I turn back to the target and raise my arm. I throw the ball and hit the center.
"Nice" he says high fiving me. We head back to the house and are greeted by the six dogs. Well four puppies and their parents. I give them each a pat before we all go inside.
"There you two are, what took you so long?" mum asks us.
"Y/N, was practicing his aim" dad tells her.
"At least you're here now, this came for you honey" mum says handing me a letter. I thank her and open it. Reading it out loud.
Dear Mr Y/L/N
We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment. We are aware of your situation and a representative will arrive in a week to take you to get your school supplies and explain everything.
Term begins on September 1.
Yours sincerely,
Professor Minerva McGonagall,
Deputy Headmistress
"That would explain a lot" mum states.
"Maybe they have their own sports team you can join" dad says.
"Guess we'll find out when the representative gets here" I say shrugging. We enjoy lunch. I then take the dogs to the bathroom. Mum helps me brush them all. We then bath Rex and Cami first. I then bath the puppies while mum dried their parents. I then go to my Y/F/C room hoping mum makes F/F for dinner. I turn on my F/M and grab a book on magical creatures. Wondering it F/M/C are real.
Picture above of the cover and picture in chapter of the dogs.
P.S. the white cat on the cover is the female reader's pet and the barred owl will be the male reader's pet.
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