Chapter 18
The gang went down to see her. "Congrates, sis!" "You did good out there!" Tai was thinking. "Hallie, how did your shield glow and where did you get that card?" Hallie took the card out. "It said that he was the Guardian of Dungeon World." The gang was wondering. Then announcer appeared. "The next matches please report to the stage." Next match have Charles in it. "To the D stage." Charles went to the stage, while the gang went to the seats. Hallie was excited, "I wonder who his opponent was?" Then a familiar face appeared.
Charles got excited. "Aw, yea! Now I can beat here and now." It was Luke and he just shrugged. "You're not gonna even talk to me? Jerk." The announcer showed up. "Now fighters get ready. "Power that is the most in history, Ancient Fist, set!" His core case changed into a steel sledgehammer."Ninjas who protect and serve, Noble Onslaught, set!" His core case changed into a katana. "Raise the flag!"
Luke went first. "Charge and draw. I call Accelerate Ninja Hayate to the left, then to the right Nanomachine Ninja Tsukikage. Next I discard one card. I equip Five Heavenly Swords Juzumaru. Since I have 2 ninjas on my field, it gain 3000 power. I attack. Final Phase. I cast Sercet Sword Lethal Formation. It lets me search a card in my deck, hand, or drop zone, and put it in the soul. Then I can cast from there while paying the cost. I end." "Finally my turn. Draw, charge and draw. I call to the center, Flame Dragon Emperor Magmanova. Then to the left, Flame Fairy Dragon Tialvette. Magmanova attacks first." Luke took the hit without even flinching. "So you try to be cool don't yea? Well, Tialvette attacks. I end." Score: Luke-6, Charles-7.
"Draw, charge and draw. Tsukikage will attack Magmanova. You also take damage because of life link. I link attack with Hayate, to attack the fighter. I end." "Draw, charge and draw. I cast Dragon Emperor Legend. Charge and draw. I retire Tialvette, then pay 3 gauge to buddycall in the center, Gold Dragon Abend!" The dragon flew around then landed in the center. "I receive 1 life cause of buddygift. I use Storm Dragon Emperor Thundertornado's effect. Since I have a size 3 monster, I can discard this from hand and pay 1 gauge, to destroy a spell or item. And I choose Lethal Formation!" A gust of wind appeared and destroyed the spell. "Now Abend will attack. I end." Score: Luke-3, Charles-3. "The match is tied. Who will win?" Blair asked. Tai looked. "I don't know."
"Draw, charge and draw. Tsukikage and Hayate will attack." "I used Ice Dragon Emperor Glacies' effect. Since I have a size 3, discard then pay 1life, it's nullified." "Now I attack!" "Glacies!" "Final Phase. I cast Sercet Sword Lethal Formation. I end." "Draw, charge and draw. I cast Dragon Emperor Legend. Charge and draw. I use Rock Dragon Emperor Vargos' effect. Size 3 equals 2 life. Now Abend will attack!" "I cast Art of Body Replacement. It's nullified." "Fine I end." Score: Luke-3, Charles-4 "Draw, charge and draw. I retire Tsukikage and Hayate. I call to the left, Purgatory Ninja Zankyo and I pay 1 gauge to call to the right, Tsukikage Blademaster Mode. It's effect lets it get a critical for every card that have with Tsukikage in the name. I attack Abend." "Glacies!" "Zankyo and Tsukikage will link attack!"
Charles grinned. "I got this. Glac..." Before he could finish, everything disappeared.
"What the! What happen?" "You're gonna lose if you keep playing like that." "Who said that!" A light appeared. "The Ancient World's Guardian." "A Guardian? What do you mean I'm gonna lose?" It vanished and everything was back. Luke was about to attack. "Glacies protect Abend." "I end." Charles thought about what the Guardian said. "Me losing? No way!" His hammer begins to glow. Hallie pointed, "That happened to me. He must have a Guardian!."
"FINAL TURN!" Luke didn't respond. "Draw, charge and draw." He drew the Guardian. "I use Vargos' effect. I cast Dragon Emperor Legend. Charge and draw. I retire Abend." The crowd was shocked. Tai thought, "Why do that, he will take damage." "When the elements combine, this their power! I pay 3 gauge and put Magmanova, Thundertornado, Glacies, and Vargos, into the soul. I call to the center, Space Dragon Emperor, Galiazond!" As he hold up the card, the elements appeared and took form of a dragon. It let a mighty roar. "Now Galiazond, attack!"
"You fell for my trap!" "What?!" A space appeared around them. "I pay 3 gauge to cast Secret Sword Comet. I figure you were gonna attack with high power so, when a monster attacks me with 5000 or more power, I destroy the monster and deal 3 damage." "I cast.." "I use Purgatory Ninja Zankyo's effect. My Ninja Arts can't be nullified." "That means.." Luke appeared behind him. "You lose. EXECUTE, FINAL DRIVE!!" Luke delivered the final blow. Luke won. Final Score: Luke-3, Charles-0.
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