Part 1 Quirk awaken
Izuku's pov
It was sunny today at the preschool in the playground me and my best friend kacchan were playing together dreaming to becoming heroes and saving people with cool quirks like all might. He's so awesome , I wanted to be like him to save people with a smile and show they can be safe and not be afraid.
Me: I can't wait to get our quirks kacchan!
Katsuki:yah! When we get our quirks we'll be the best heroes! I want my quirk to be strong and powerful.
Me:yah i want my quirk to be something cool and have me fight alongside with you kacchan because your so awesome *smile*
Katsuki: *looks the other way and blush at the praise* tch , whatever you nerd
We laughed talking about our dreams being heroes. The next day kacchan got his quirk and it was so cool and I told him how lucky he was and he started to change making he's ego bigger and make him meaner and i was starting to get bullied by the other kids because i haven't got my quirk yet and called me a deku but im not gonna give up. The next day kacchan and other kids were bullying a boy so i decided to get in between them to stop.
Me: *trembling* why are you being so mean? , can't you see your making him cry kacchan if you don't stop then i'll..i'll never forgive you! *gets in fighting position with tears in his eyes*
Katsuki: *eyes widened a bit then made a smug look* heh , you don't stand a chance against me or my quirk deku so get out of my way!
Katsuki:tch *launch himself using his explosion to hit Izuku*
I got scared and shielded myself with my hands and started to feel something inside me grow as me and kacchan collided , i could feel myself and him being pulled together and feel kacchan thoughts and emotions..he's power it's warm and bright..but this feeling.. he's anger it's too much , make it stop make it stop please..
No one pov
The explosion was heard from the playground as the teachers quickly got outside seeing a green and amber light. As a silhouette is shown of a tall boy between 8 or 10 years old having green curly hair with ash blonde highlights and freckles on each cheek shape of a diamond with red eyes having a angry , confused expression on his face.
Teacher:Bakugou , Midorya?
???:wha-what is.. , let me out! , i-idk how?! , LET ME OUT DEKU!! , im sorry im sorry!
The boy was tumbling over left and right until he burst out separated from each other on the ground. Bakugou was angry , confused by what happened and freaked out as he did felt calm and peaceful in whatever he did with Izuku but he didn't want to feel weak , when Midorya felt shock , amazed and warm and confident by this.
Teacher:are you boys ok?!
The teachers go over checking on them to see if they're alright.
Bakugou:what the heck was that deku!
Deku:i..idk kacchan im sorry
Kid:your a freak deku!!
Kid 2:a monster!
Izuku:?! *tears in his eyes and hurt* k-kacchan..
Bakugou:stay away from me *glare*
Izuku:... *tears fell down* i-im sorry *gets up and runs away*
The teacher was calling for Midorya to come back but he kept running and crying as those words repeated in his head as well the feeling he felt when he and Katsuki were together as one but it felt bad and good at the same time. Later he and his mother went to the quirk doctor. They were waiting for the results of his quirk waiting patiently.
Quirk doctor:your son has a pretty interesting quirk miss Midorya , I've never seen anything like this before have a look.
The doctor hands Inko Midorya the paper as she reads it while Izuku looks at his mom waiting for her to say something that it's going to be ok , that everything is alright. He may be young but he's not stupid and looks at the paper.
Name:Izuku Midorya
Gender: Male
Birth:July 15th
Quirk information:He can fuse with other people with their quirks and make them stronger but if the fusion gets damaged (mentally , physically or emotionally) it gets separated and defused. If anyone comes in contact with the jewel on the right hand they will fuse. The other way is he would need constant or permission to fuse with someone as they need permission to fuse with him.
Drawback:Exhaustion-if the fusion lasts for too long he gets tired and unfuses with the person he fused with.
Izuku and his mother were driving back home silent when he looked at Inko with sad eyes as he wondered if he could still be a hero with this quirk. As they made it back home from the hospital it was a little late and Inko found Izuku sitting in a chair watching the footage of all might saving people on a computer.
Izuku: *turns to look at her with tears in his eyes* you think i could still be a hero?
Inko:.. *tears up and goes to Izuku and hugs him* im sorry Izuku
Izuku: *tears fell down as he's world was crumbling down*
Even though it seems like he should give up but he still has hope to keep going and try to find a way he can be a hero without using his quirk.
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