Vashti sat at her desk with a cup of coffee at her side, while she relaxed in her pajamas after a slow day at Angel Grove High School. She made a living as a student teacher at her school, despite her young appearance. Her knowledge benefitted her in the process, while she tries to provide for her family. Yet, the nightmares of her planet's destruction continue to linger within her mind.
"It has been six years, since I've crash landed onto the planet called Earth. My abilities have manifested to a broad spectrum of skills, pulling me closer to the energy the Scarlet Power Coin possesses. My connection to the Power Coin is rising in strength, leading me to that strange-yet-impossible possibility to control my fate and to live a life as a normal human for once."
Vashti abruptly stopped writing in her journal as the word "normal" was inscribed into the manufactured paper, that was boxed perfectly in use to release stress. Her tawny-colored eyes stared hard at the single word, while her lips contorted into a thin line. "Normal?" She conjectured thoughtfully to herself, twiddling her pencil skillfully between her slender fingers. A few beats of silence followed after before she shook her head with a scoff. "Normal." She repeated to herself replacing the thin line on her lips with a now deflated expression.
The term echoed within the confines of her private thoughts before she moved towards a hopeless state of mind.
As a display of internal torment, she raked her fingers through her hair slowly to caress her scalp with her eyes darkening to the color of a penny. A sorrowful-yet-angry groan echoed within her room and she picked up her pencil to resume writing."Why am I even thinking that I can be normal? I am not a native on this planet!" She shouted in frustration.
"I was born and raised to be a mind-wielder and a soldier to protect my people. The only kind of people that would sympathize with my situation are mind-wielders......b-but they are dead!" She shouted loudly as hot tears threatened to fall down her cheeks. "They are fucking dead!"
She repeated with a common curse word. Her teeth baring into a snarl."Their lives....they were taken by that cold-blood tarmint, Rita. Fucking Rita Repulsa! The bane of my existence!"
Every word was emphasized with a slow ascension of pure anger, while her hand was pushing harder with every letter she wrote. She hated Rita and wanted to kill her with her two hands, but even if she did accomplished her goal. Ending her life would not bring her people back. The decimation of her planet was absolute and there would be no changing it.
With the anger pulsing through her, Vashti's hands generated the Scarlet mist which symbolized the awakening of her psionic abilities. Her once tawny-colored eyes began to glow a dangerous shade of Scarlet at the mere thought of her.
Rita Repulsa was and still is the monstrous devil who disrupted the peace. It was the catalyst for her planet's success, but it was disastrously tainted with the smell of blood and fire that has decimated her race. Most human beings would believe that a youth at the age of 12, should not be present to witness that kind of traumatizing situation. However, the odds were not in her favor and she was at the physical stage where she could not do a damn thing.
Not a damn thing.
She was weak and helpless who no other option, but to run from the sight of her people dying and the darkness that brutishly invaded and destroyed her planet. Her biological parents Alexandru and Daciana risked their lives for her and placed her in the care of her aunt and uncle, Nahid and Bahram...leaving her planet to sadly watch the destruction right before her eyes.
The life and the planet she once knew was gone. However, if there comes the day that Rita was to ever show her ugly and sickening face again, she would be ready.
She would be powerful enough to kill her and wipe her presence off the face of the earth, avenging the lives that have suffered under her hands and to finally grant them peace.
Vashti released another frustrated sigh because she could not accurately predict on when she will approach as of now, but she had the sinking feeling in her gut that it would be sooner than she would expect.
Damn it. She cursed to herself before lifting her hand upward to summon the Power Coin into her palm. Her hand that was surrounded by the Scarlet-colored mist, beckoned the coin forward and to gracefully make it's way into her palm. Her eyes glowed even brighter with determination, mentally connecting to it's power and surging a rush of adrenaline and desire to move forward.
The power pushed her to stay strong and prepare, even if it means facing Rita herself.
"One day. One day, Rita." Vashti's voice depleted to a low, yet venomous tone that emphasized that her dangerous desires. "I will find you. I will kill you and I will avenge my people. If you decided to show your ugly face and desire the Zeo crystal, you have to go through one obstacle. That obstacle will be me and I will gladly fight you. If it means to spill your blood, I will do so..you fucking bitch." Vashti cursed vehemently, before she was abruptly interrupted with a call from her Aunt, now mother figure.
"Daushka (Daughter) ! It is time to get ready for school! It would not be wise for you to be late!"
After a moment of relishing in the anger that is repressed within her soul, Vashti's eyes quickly reverted to her normal eye color, gasping in surprise as she turned towards her clock. She has awoken minutes before her alarm, but she did not want wish to cut the time close to the point where she had to rush. Her angry expression quickly changed to a focused one and she decided to direct her thoughts towards preparation.
She looked down for a moment, shutting her eyes before releasing a heavy breath. The words that exited her mouth were like a daily mantra. "Today will be new day Vashti, but you must take it on with bravery."
She reminded herself with conviction in her soul, while tossing her journal and pencil to the side.
She hopped from her bed and briskly made her way towards her closet. "Oka, moshka!" (Okay, mother). She responded immediately before flitting her eyes from her door to pick out an outfit.
Another fan fiction, but a new original character. She is an alien, but I hope you'll like her ^^. I apologize if it is short, but the chapters will be longer after this one. I hope it will be to your liking.
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