Its been 12 years since that day, and Aiden has helped Sapphire out by teaching her how to survive out in the forest. He taught her how to hunt, build and how you should boil water before drinking it, and of course he could start fires on his own since he was a dragon shifter.
"Hey Aiden!" Sapphire called while running back to their newly built hut, still under construction but its getting there, her long black hair swaying as she ran.
"I got some water!" She smiled holding up a bucket.
"Is that for bathing or drinking?" He asked, looking up with his bright emerald green eyes.
"You already know that I bathe in the river." She said placing her hand on her hip and rolling her eyes.
"Alright. No need to be an ass." He chuckled as he practiced making smoke rings from his mouth.
"Aiden are you going to sit there all day? Or do I have to hunt myself?" She asked with more sass.
"Okay okay, I'm going." He said with yet another one of his famous chuckles.
"Good, now there was a deer in the direction of the river... But-"
"You and your loud mouth scared it off?" He said cutting her off.
"You really are bullying me today aren't you?" She asked with a smirk.
"You know that I don't actually mean it right?" He said putting his hands in the pockets of the hoodie he found in his old cave.
He believed it was his father's, and he found a matching blue one that was most likely his mother's so he gave it to Sapphire to wear.
All of his parents clothes were in that cave, but now he and Sapphire wear them.
"Aiden, there it is." She whispered as she pulled out a hand crafted bow and arrow.
She aimed carefully and let the breath she was holding out before letting the arrow loose.
The arrow flew across the field and hit the deer in the torso, but it wasn't enough to kill it, but enough for it to fall in pain. The two then ran over to it and Aiden pulled out a hunting knife that he had found stabbed to a tree one day.
Sapphire went and picked the deer's head up in her hand as it made distressed sounds of pain, she hushed it to be silent and pet its head as Aiden sunk the knife in to put it out of its misery.
It then fell limp in her arms and she smiled softly, still stroking its lifeless body.
The sight of this caused Aiden cheeks to go the lightest shade of pink, but he just pushed it away as he lifted up the creature.
"That was a great hunt! This will last us a few days." Sapphire cheered.
"Unless I get extremely hungry." Aiden laughed.
"I swear to god you have worms." She joked.
"Actually I'll have you know that I have to have a lot of meat on my bones and a full stomach to shift into a full sized dragon." He said holding up a finger trying to prove a point.
"Well then. If you need meat on your bones then you're cooking tonight." She said pushing him lightly.
"I always cook anyways. Last time you burnt it and it was inedible." He said with a bit of a groan, followed by a chuckle and sigh.
"Whatever you say."
You see. These two enjoyed bickering about nonsense with each other, because they know not to go to far or when enough is enough.
Once they were back home Aiden sat the deer's body down on the wooden table that Sapphire had crafted as she washed his carving knife which he used to skin the animals they caught.
"Hey Sapphire?" He said with a hint of sadness leaking through his voice.
"Yeah what's up?" She responded tilting her head in confusion and concern.
"Do you think you'll ever go back?" He said with his sad gaze never leaving the floor. "To be with normal people?"
She was silent for a solid minute before she responded.
"Normal people suck, I'd rather be out here with you, its so peaceful and the big city would be super noisy. And I feel like you're the only real person I can connect with, since we grew up together and all." She explained as she propped her feet on the table.
"Get your feet away from the food, I don't want mud in it." He snapped.
"Sorry DAD." She began to laugh and soon enough he laughed along with her.
"Alright alright, let's get this cooked." He said calming down from his fit of giggles.
"Here's your knife." She said passing him the carving knife.
"Thank you." He said as he began to skin the creature.
"No problem." She said quietly as she smirked at him as he worked with a bright smile.
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