Never to Late for the Weed
Your P.O.V
Come to my place. That's the message Dylan sends me at eleven o'clock. I'm upset that he woke me up at a time like this but I get up anyway. It's definitely not because of my crush on him if that's what you're wondering.
Yes, my crush is the one and only Dylan Alvarez AKA Funnyman from Hollywood Undead. I'm not gonna be cliche and say that I met him at one of their concerts. We actually have the same drug dealer. Crazy right. Coincidentally, I bought the last bag of weed.
"You're lucky, this is the last one. Don't use it all up or you might have to wait a couple weeks to get more." This is why I liked Richard, (So unoriginal I know) he was always so nice and the price for weed was great. I turned and walked away but I didn't go far because someone tapped me on my shoulder. I turn around thinking that it was the cops but to my surprise, a really attractive and familiar looking man was standing in front of me. "Hi, my name's Dylan, I'm pretty sure you know me, since you have my bands name on your shirt. I was wondering if you'd share your weed with me. You know what they say, 'Sharing is caring'.
*End of Flashback*
After that we hung out a couple times, and he introduced me to the rest of the band. I liked him more and more each day. I yawn, not bothering to change clothes and I step outside. I get into my car and drive over to Dylan's house, hoping I won't fall asleep behind the wheel.
~10 minute time skip~
I pull up into his driveway, thankful that I made it without passing out. I get out my car and knock on his door. "I'm here you asshole, let me in," I grumble. He opens the door and chuckles at the state I'm in. "Don't fucking laugh at me, you're the one who woke me up at a stupid fuckin' time. What do you want?" He smirks at me and says, " I was wondering if you wanted to smoke with me." I looked at him like he had grown two heads. I shove him out the way and walk into his house. I sit down on the couch with a sigh. " You want to smoke at a time like this?" I ask him.
"Hey, it's never to late for the weed," he says with a shit eating grin on his face. "Besides, it's the perfect thing to wake you up." That's how I ended up getting high as fuck at midnight. Now I'm not gonna lie, it was some damn good weed. We were just sitting there, giggling about the stupid ass stories we were telling each other like a bunch of kids.
"The brush was so far in his hair only the handle was sticking out!" Dylan was telling me about the time Matty tried to brush his hair. I was sitting there laughing my ass off. And it was one of the ugly gasping for air laughs too. When I finally calmed myself down, I realized that Dylan was staring at me. " Is there something on my face?" I ask him. I start wiping my face to see if I can get whatever it is off. "No, it's just that you're so fuckin' gorgeous I can't help but stare."
I blush at his bluntness. I really hope this isn't a fucking dream. He pushes me down and hovers above me on the couch. I block out everything else and just stare at him. " Your eyes are the prettiest shade of (e/c) I've ever seen. Your (h/l) (h/c) hair is so smooth I could run my hands through it all day. But the things I'm attracted to most are your lips." As he says that, he leans in closer and closes his eyes.
He presses his lips against mine and I swear I almost had a heart attack then and there. What do I do? Well, I do what any other person would do if their crush was kissing them. I kiss back of course. Our lips are locked together in a passionate kiss that I wouldn't break for the world. But of course, air has to ruin everything. ' Fuck you air' I think as we both part to catch our breaths. " (Y/N), will you be my girlfriend?" " You don't even have to fucking ask," I giggle as I lean forward to connect our lips again.
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