Welcome to Troll York City
In Troll York City, things are still busy but typical around the place but it is buzzing around with lots of gossips and whispers from its inhabitants, ever since they saw the latest episode of the Funky Hot Talk. In Vibe City Broadcasting Station, everybody in the building was talking about it while arriving at work and reading the news. There was babbling, gossiping, whispering, and talking everywhere in the lobby.
"Is it true that Creek has cheated on his now-ex-wife, Poppy?" A techno troll asked a pop troll nearby.
"Yeah, and he got his bitch Arianna pregnant!" She snickered.
"I heard he had raped and fucked up other trolls who visited his businesses." A reggaeton troll nodded.
"He deserved being bitch-slapped for that!" A male rock troll growled.
"Do I get to make fun of him in my comedy segment?" Another pop troll in clown makeup asked.
Pibby and Rose walked into the station in the middle of a crowd of trolls who continue to gossip but they resolve to whisper instead.
"Well, things are changing thanks to our latest episode." Rose said.
"Yeah, sweetie." Pibby nodded. "Ready for this upcoming episode?"
"I sure am, honey." She crooned. "Who's our lucky troll to talk with?"
"It's fit week and Rudy should be here any minute now." He said.
An orange funk troll with magenta dreadlocks, lavender fur, and a blue nose arrived in the lobby, carrying her makeup kit and other makeover equipment.
"Rita, are you alright?" Rose asked.
"I really need help, I'm maxed out," Rita gasped. "Now that your talk show is the number one in all of the world, I wouldn't have much time with helping you get prepared for the show."
"Have you asked anyone to help you with the preparation?" Lownote asked as his boyfriend assisted him.
"Yeah, but she is not yet here." She nodded.
"We'll go and get breakfast while waiting for the preparation. Rose said as she and Pibby left their things in their dressing room and go to a nearby cafe. They were waiting in line when a fan nearby recognized them.
"Holy Shit!!! Rose, you were the one who exposed Creek as a cheater with Lownote Jones." She squealed.
"Don't be too excited about it." Rose nodded.
"I really want to say thank you because I want to book a spa there but when I saw your episode, you helped me change my decision." She answered.
"Thanks, just learn to make the right decisions and who knows, your life will be alright." Rose advised her.
"Thanks sir, you're the best." She squealed as she got her order and went to her table.
"Wow, I guess we changed many lives too." Rose sighed.
"Our E-mails were swarmed with Thank Yous from a lot of trolls." Pibby said.
"Yeah, after that episode where we exposed Creek for who he is, our show's ratings burst through the roof." Rose said.
They got their order and start to walk back to Vibe City Broadcasting Station but along the way, the paparazzi and reporters from other channels bombarded them with so many questions.
"Rose, is it true that you exposed Creek for who he is because someone gave you the secret?" A reporter asked her.
"I have no time for this and no, they requested it." Rose answered honestly. "We don't care about ratings, we care about the truth, and that matters to us."
"I got a question for ypu, you and your co-host are among the jury in the Creek Case, how is it?" Another asked him.
"It is tense but at least that creep got what he deserved." She answered.
"Rose, why did Delta Dawn trust you with the evidence for the divorce?" The third troll from another broadcasting station asked her.
"I don't know, she just requested a meeting with me, alongside Hickory." Rose nodded. "Everybody thinks that I cannot keep a secret but in truth, I can keep a secret but I don't let it out until the time is right."
"Rose, how does it feel that you and your co-host exposed Creek as a cheater to the world?" A troll asked them.
"Sorry, we have no time, we got a show to run." Rose said as she and Pibby rushed to the station and get ready for their talk show. The trolls in the station are talking about what happened yesterday and the divorce between Creek and Poppy.
"Did you hear that Creek and Poppy got divorced because of Creek's cheating?" One rock troll asked a techno troll nearby.
"I heard some of his studios got repossessed." The techno troll answered.
"And about Creek's lovers and the women and girls he slept with, he has a lot of fucking bastards with them." A classical troll gossiped.
"WHAT!!!?" A country troll gasped.
"Shhh!!! It's just a fucking theory." The rock troll growled. "I don't want Rose to expose it, I'm just helluva curious."
"Yeah, it's better to keep that to yourself." Rose said. "And good theory too."
"Phew!" The trolls sighed.
"I thought we got a perfect gossip." The classical troll said in relief.
"Alright everybody, places!" Pibby said as he ordered the entire crew back to their positions.
Rose entered the dressing room, only to see Poppy in it.
"Poppy, what are you doing here?" Rose asked.
"Branch and I just arrived here after the divorce and we loved it." Poppy said. "Since he is running the accounting companies all over the world and I want to try to earn so I thought of getting a job as a makeup artist since poor Rita wouldn't do both hairstyling and makeup for you at the same time."
"You're trying out as a makeup artist?" Rose gasped.
"Yeah, I always wanted a job but when I was married to Creek, I couldn't because he wouldn't let me." She answered. "I secretly watched makeup tutorials and tried it myself so it would be a great opportunity for me to do it."
"Okay, I'll let you keep this as a part-time job." Rose nodded as she started to get ready. "I would have to be ready just before we go live on air."
"Even though I am not a fan of your show, you did a good job exposing him on air for the world to see who he really is." Poppy added.
"I really don't care about juicy fake news or the ratings, I prefer to reveal the truth." She sighed.
After getting dressed. Poppy did well with preparing Rose for her show by applying the right amount of makeup and using the skills she learned from the makeup tutorials. Rose approved of her work and went onstage with Lownote as Dizzy Dreamer, the producer is making sure everything is ready.
"We are ready in five, four, three, two..." He said.
The live audience was cheering in the studio as Lownote Jones and Rose arrived in the background. They sat on their usual seating as all of the trolls applauded. After the theme song was played, Lownote Jones and Rose looked at the camera, ready to say something.
"Welcome to Fit Week on Funky Hot Talk" Rose said as the crowd cheered. "This week, we are kicking it up hard!!!"
"Thank you, baby." Lownote said.
"Our guest today is a famous fitness coach and a good friend of mine, Rudy!" Rose announced as an orange-skinned pop troll with yellow hair got up onstage.
"Rudy, your fitness centers and gyms are becoming so famous all over the country that you also made a home system?" Lownote asked.
"You know it, Lownote." He answered. "It comes with a DVD and your very own exercise equipment too."
During the process of the show, Poppy was with Dizzy Dreamer, Rhythm, and Blues watching the show from the studio's master control room.
"You really did well with the makeup for Rose." Dizzy Dreamer said.
"Thanks, I want to try out this job for a long time." Poppy thanked him.
"Ever since Chicago, Rose's last makeup artist got the promotion as her fashion consultant, Rita has to go double time in preparing her." He said.
"Let's give a warm thank you to Rudy for his exercise program!" Rose announced as Rudy left the stage. "Many working women are chained to their office chairs, but what if there is an office chair that can get you fit. Well, our product testers found one, you'll go from desk potato to hot tomato with a slim sitter 3000. An office chair and scale hybrid that will help you with your weight loss goals. Can I have a volunteer from the studio audience?"
"ME!!!" Legsly, a short, squat purple troll with orange hair tied in pigtails, screamed as she rushed to try it out.
"You can choose three options, from supportive." Rose said as she turned the slim sitter to the supportive mode.
"You are postively Botticelli-esque." It said.
"And goal-oriented or constructively bitchy, which I will not recommend for emotionally-sensitive people, except for a certain sometroll I want to mock at on TV." She nodded as she turned it up to goal-oriented mode.
"You can do it girl!" The slim sitter said to Legsly, who got off the chair and the audience clapped and cheered for them.
After the show, Rose and Poppy are talking in the dressing room about the success. Rita was arranging the outfits and Lownote Jones is talking with Dizzy Dreamer nearby.
"Thanks for helping Rita out." Rose thanked her.
"No worries, Rose, you also helped me get out of the horrible marriage." She responded.
"It's been a rough day for everybody." Rose said.
"Well, everything's changing now." Lownote added.
"The Hot Talk With The Joneses having more fans, so many broadcasting stations becoming more obsessed with us, and Vibe City is getting more employees." She said.
"I guess you two were good with spilling the real deal." Poppy said.
"I don't care about ratings, I just care about honesty because there's a quote, it's better to be slapped with the truth rather than be kissed with a lie." Rose responded.
"What?" She gasped.
"That's because everybody knows what it's like to be hurt when the truth comes out." Lownote said. "We started this talk show so that nobody would regret what they might do in the future."
"So, do I get a chance to stop by here with Branch?" Poppy asked her.
"I worked my way up from the radio station, so yeah, anything is possible." Rose said.
"I really want to return the favor by helping you get ready, and I really need to go and help Branch out, he's busy running the accounting company?" Poppy asked her.
"Sure, go ahead and tell Branch I said hi." Rose nodded.
"Thanks Rose." Poppy thanked her as she left to help Branch in his company.
"She's very sweet." Rose complimented.
"We did help her in our own way." Pibby said as he moved next to Rose. "She wants to return us a favor for that."
"She's now living a new life here in our city with Branch." She nodded.
The next day, Branch and Poppy came to Vibe City Broadcasting Station, where they were greeted by Pibby and Rose. The two started getting to know each other as the two trolls' new life is starting.
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