× Communication is key ×
People need people, no matter who you are.
The nights at Pico's household are long.
He lives by himself in a small one bedroom apartment. He has minimal furniture and no decorations.
Anything can be used as a weapon
The doors in his house, aside from the front door, and his room door -while he sleeps-
They all stay open.
No matter what he tries, or what progress he feels he's made; Pico knows that he hadn't changed much. His mentality is basically the same, though he knows that shootings aren't prevalent in the area he lives in (he made sure of that) he also can't shake the feeling of dread he gets when he is near people.
Anyone could be hiding anything.
Why do some people's pants have an absurd amount of pockets?
Some guy has his hands in his hoodie.
Those people are standing awfully close to me.
A constant battle was arising in his head. At any given moment he could snap, a loud noise; being bumped into, even just normal feelings or movements can set off his internal fight or flight.
Nights, are the worst. Unless with Keith, he is constantly aware of the smallest sounds his house makes. He is aware that most crimes are commited at night, which is why he stays up at night, and, tries to sleep during the day.
This he has always done, since he was very young.
So. Of course when he was prompted by Keith,
"What if I spent the night? We could order two whole pizza's!"
He wanted to, badly. But what if something happened to Keith while he was at Pico's home?
What if something happened to him in his own home, and you weren't there to stop it?
"Hey man I know you hate calling because you can't sign but yea, sure come over. Bring your switch please; it was fun last time.
You can stay as long as you want by the way.
Might be nice to have company."
" okaee Beepo."
Keith hung up, but Pico still had his phone in his hand. The feeling of his whole body tensed, after Keith called him by his name. He felt like he was nervous all of the sudden. He became more aware of the dull surroundings in his apartment.
Pico didn't really, fully grasp what the hell he felt when Keith actually spoke to him, especially when saying his name. It was the same jolt he gets when he is scared. But it had a sweet tinge to it. It scared him that someone he wants to be around creates this new, and admittedly emotionally grueling feeling.
But it isn't completely new to him. He knows this is how he felt back when he and Keith dated. It was still scary, since he hadn't felt it in years.
Pico was peering out of his window to see who was knocking on his door, so late especially. (He had an alarm set to wake up at 10:00 pm and it waz currently only 8:16pm)
He couldn't see who was there, and so he stayed put, gun in hand.
Ring-ding-r in-
Pico quickly answered his phone, so he wouldn't alert the person at the door to his possible location. It was silent, and he looked at the caller I.D.
h.. It was Keith.
"Beepo, door"
Even through the phone you could tell Keith was trying harder than he had to to form words. He had been practicing every day with his best friend, cherry. And according to him, he can say most short words beginning with 'd'. He had been boasting about his progress as of late, which also made Pico's heart jump.
With one final peek through the doorhole, he finally unlocked his double chained door to let Keith in. He locked it back as well, when Keith passed him to set his stuff on the ground in front of the T.V.
'I actually haven't seen your apartment since you moved out of the other one downtown.'
Keith began to sign when he saw Pico turn toward him. Pico, who had almost forgotten something very important; scrambled for words.
Should I ask about his day?
Should I apologise for the lack of furniture?
Should I start out with my surprise?
"Yeah, it doesn't habe as much clutter as my old apartment used to. Sorry for the lack of stuff."
Keith nodded, letting Pico, who has a habit of rambling sometimes, continue.
"Oh! I have been pretty focused on learning some thing this past weekend!" Pico decided to start off strong and bring up his handiwork before he pussied out.
Keith smiled and gave Pico a thumbs up, and signed- -' go for it man!'
Pico looked down and nervously decided to put his gun down, which immediately got Keith intrigued.
'How are you today?'
Pico tried to sign; which could be considered 'sloppy handwritting.' But despite the possible misinterpretation, Keith's eyes widened and he practically zipped over to Pico.
"Oo Did it!!!" He said, pretty clearly, out loud. Which made Pico smile, both filled with excitement, they high fived and tried speaking to eachother in their respective ways of talking.
'Video games?'
Keith smiled at the lack of vocabulary Pico knew and gave a thumbs up.
They both grinned and started to get settled by Pico's T.V.
They both started their night off right, with video games, snacks and communication.
Not even one thought In Pico's head drifted to the gun on his table; just a plethora of thoughts about winning this next set of game rounds.
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