Chapter 4:
Here's Chapter 4, I have nothing else to say.
BTW, I wrote an extra bit in the 1st chapter to better explain how you knew GF.
"(Y/N)?" Defalt asked. "You know this Shortstack?"
"Oh yeah, we went to school together." You explained with a shrug.
"Beep." TBF confirmed with a large smile happy to see her old friend after so long.
" come you never told me about this?" CG asked hands on her hips.
"You never asked about my time in school." Was your simple reply.
CG wanted to say something to that, but when she thought about it...she really didn't ask about your time in school.
Y'know what, that's fair. " She sighed placing her hands in her pockets.
"(Y/N), you're finally here!" GF said jumping off of her speakers and running towards you.
Like TBF, she jumped up into a hug, which you returned with a bit of a blush on your face.
"I thought you'd never show up." She said happy and relieved to see you were okay.
"Are you crazy?" You asked patting her on the back. "It took me a long time to work up the nerve to ask your parents if I could date you."
You separated from the hug and held both her hands giving her a determined and confident look.
"I'm not gonna let all the practice and work go to waste GF." You said before pulling out your red mic. "I promise, I'll be someone worthy of your love."
GF couldn't help but give a cute smile of her own at what you said.
"Oh (Y/N), you already are..." She thought, her face turning bright pink.
Her parents had already approved of you a long time ago, in fact weather you won or lost against Darla, they'd let you be with GF.
The only reason this rap battle was even taking place was because of GF herself.
She just wanted to have a bit of fun, she loved music and wanted an excuse to hear you sing.
I know she could have just asked you to sing for her...but where was the fun in that?
Meanwhile everyone was watching the scene with different expressions.
Darla smiled at the interaction, she knew you'd treat her daughter right.
CG looked jealous as usual.
TBF smiled knowing the possibility of a Threesome just became more likely.
Mommy Mearest seemed enamored by you as usual and Defalt being the good dad he was splashed her with more Holy water making her yelp in pain.
"STOP THAT!" MM yelled.
"Never." Defalt stated lowly.
MM shot him another glare which he returned, though because he was wearing a mask you couldn't see it.
"So TBF, what are ya doing here?" You asked ignoring their antics.
"Beep Bo Bap Boo." She answered.
That surprised you a great deal.
"You're here to try and get with GF too?" You asked and she nodded in confirmation.
"Yeah, we struck a deal." GF explained. "If she manages to beat my mom, then you two can Funk it out, whoever wins gets me."
Well that very much complicated things for you.
Now you'd have to rap against your old friend who also happened to be your first crush back in school, for your new crush.
"Oof, well this reunion's gonna be a bit awkward now." You said rubbing the back of your neck.
"Son, with these Thots around, things will always have some degree of awkwardness to them." Defalt stated shaking his head.
"Either way, I'm glad to see you again after so long Shorty." You stated swiftly removing TBF's cap and ruffling her hair.
"B-Bap!" TBF yelled, but her request for you to stop was betrayed by her a blush and giggles.
"Do your best okay?" You said in an encouraging tone placing her cap back on.
"Beep." She assured giving you a thumbs up.
GF couldn't help but squeal internally at the cute scene before her.
"Now I want them both..." She thought before noticing the longing look CG was giving you.
"Oh I can make room for you too." She thought licking her lips.
"Okay Midget, get back up here and let's finish this." Darla demanded and you gave TBF a thumbs up.
TBF returned the thumbs up with a confident "Beep."
TBF then quickly ran back up to the stage to prepare for her and Darla's last round.
Before GF followed to take her seat on the speakers, she turned around to look directly at Cassette Girl who took note.
The 2 females stared at one another for a few more seconds before GF blew the Android a kiss.
CG reeled back a bit and GF merely giggled and returned to the stage.
After a bit, CG merely shrugged and lit a cigarette and taking a puff.
"Well that was fucking weird." She thought taking a seat on a free bench.
You merely stood up beside her and as usual she made sure you didn't inhale her smoke.
Back in stage GF took her seat atop the Speakers and TBF and Darla stared each other down.
"If you think I'll let my daughter date a little runt like you, your brain matches your size!" Darla mocked making TBF glare at her in disdain.
"Beep Bap Bo Ba." TBF returned making Darla gasp.
"How did you know about that!?" She asked angrily.
"Bop Bo Skdeep Bap." TBF continued with a smug smile.
After a brief moment of awkward silence, Darla growled.
"You're dead you little shit!" She yelled as the song started.
"Whoa..." You said impressed by the both of their skill. "That was awesome!"
"Beeeeep." TBF sang smugly at having won.
Meanwhile Darla could only stare blankly unable to grasp the fact that she had just lost to this upstart.
She dropped her mic.
"Good job TBF!" You cheered with a double thumbs up.
The Blue-haired Rapper blushed at your praise while Darla finally snapped out of her stupor and glared at TBF, her eyes glowing red with fiery fury.
Purple magic formed in her right hand which she raised ready to strike the little blue brat down.
However, she was stopped by her daughter glaring at her.
GF shook her head and after a brief second, Darla relented and the magic she had charged up faded and her hand fell back to her side.
The Ex-Rocker trudged off stage and sat beside her wife on the bench while Defalt was laughing his ass off at her loss.
"Wow lost to an upstart Rapper!" He laughed the screen on his mask showing a laughing emoji to reflect his current mood.
Darla gave the rat-themed DJ an intense glare and clenched her fist as the DJ continued his laughing fit.
Just before Darla could use her nails to rip his mask off and tear out his eyes she felt another hand wrap around hers.
Surprised, she turned and saw you gripping her hand in yours.
"I know this doesn't mean much, but good job, you were fantastic up there." You complimented with an encouraging smile that made all of Darla's anger immediately melt away.
Her purple cheeks turned pink in a light blush as she gripped your hand as well.
"I lost though." She stated a bit ashamed.
Once again, Darla was surprised when she felt you kiss her on the forehead.
Her blush increased to the point where her entire face went pink.
"You still gave a great performance and I can appreciate that." You assured..
"Son, don't kiss her, you don't know where that Thot's been!" Defalt yelled suddenly and Darla immediately shot him another glare.
"These two Thots probably banged so many times you could catch an STD just from contact." He continued receiving glares from both Darla and Mommy.
"Oh can you drop that!?" MM demanded tiered of his accusations.
"Yeah, stop calling me and my family Thots!" Darla added letting go of your hand.
"Then stop being Thots!" Defalt argued back.
As everyone kept on arguing you stared at CG who shrugged and gave you a thumbs up.
"Go get em Tiger." She said winking.
You nodded and ran up to the stage ready to rap it out with TBF.
As you went up on stage, CG let out sigh which released a puff of smoke.
She was really trying to be happy for you, but deep down inside...she was hurting.
"Eh...this is probably for the best anyway." She thought sadly. "I'm an Android, he's a that'd ever work."
She looked back to the stage and saw you and TBF squaring up to rap it out and developed sad smile.
"Still woulda liked to try though."
Meanwhile it was easy to see both you and TBF were excited to go up against each other.
"To be honest, I've always wanted to go up against you." You admitted pulling out your mic.
"Bop Ba Bee." TBF retorted admitting she felt the same and has been wanting to face you as well.
"Alright, best two out of three wins!" GF declared. "Are you both ready?"
Both you and TBF nodded.
With that GF pushed the button on her speaker and the music started up signaling the start of the match.
" really improved haven't you?" You asked proudly.
TBF smiled in response and gave you a cute pose along with a peace sign letting you know she appreciated the compliment.
Though you two never had a rap battle against each other you both had seen each other rap battle against other opponents back in school and you both could tell the other had improved since those days.
GF clapped for you both.
"You both were amazing." She cheered. "It's hard, but I have to give this round to TBF, sorry (Y/N)."
"WHAT THE HELL!?" Darla, Mommy and Defalt yelled from the crowd.
"Daughter what are you doing!?" MM yelled. "You're supposed to say (Y/N) won!"
"For once I agree with the Thot!" Your dad stated. "My son was clearly the superior singer."
"Sorry, but who's the judge here Rat face?" GF asked with a raised brow.
"Oh real original!" Defalt yelled a rolling eyes emoji appearing on his mask. "Did it take your single brain cell to come up with that?"
"Don't insult our daughter!" Both of the Dearests yelled.
"Then stop making it so easy!" He yelled back. "Maybe this is actually a good thing, it's probably a bad idea for my son to be with her..."
"And why is that?" GF asked Crossing her arms.
Defalt smirked under his mask and glared at the Dearest Daughter.
"I mean, you got small boobs and you're so short, if they see you with my son, people might think you're dating your Babysitter." Defalt stated.
You looked to the other bench and saw Cassette Girl was the one making that sound with her phone.
"What?" She asked with a shrug. "It was a good burn."
You sighed and looked at your father.
"Dad, please don't insult the girl I like." You requested desperately.
"Son come on, look at her." Defalt argued. "She's nineteen, she's super short, she's a goddamn Demon..."
"So what?" You shrugged interrupting him. "She's cute, still sexy despite all those things, her small size makes her easy to cuddle and her singing is beautiful."
When she heard you say that, GF blushed a deep pink and smiled happily.
"I don't care what other people think or say, I'll still love her the same." You concluded with a wink in her direction.
"(Y/N), please stop, my heart can't handle this much joy!" She thought as hearts could be seen floating around her.
"Uh...alright do you I guess." Defalt shurgged leaning back in the bench. "Still gonna absolutely roast her parents though."
You rolled your eyes at your father before turning to TBF.
"Congrats on winning the first round, but I can't lose." You declared with determination and for a brief second, a red spark could be seen flashing in your eye.
TBF in response nodded and beeped out something.
"Well then, we both shouldn't hold back in that case then huh?" You stated and both of you got ready.
Every other female present had a look of surprise on their face at what you just said.
"Lucky Bitch, (Y/N) really does like her." CG thought looking down. "Seriously, after that I'd just forget this contest and take him, he defended you from his dad for God's sake!"
Mommy Mearest and Darla right now:
In response, Defalt splashed them with more holy water causing them to scream in pain.
Meanwhile GF pushed the button on her speaker for the second round to begin.
After that, both you and TBF were panting.
" a little too excited there." You stated between pants.
"Uh...yeah, I'd say you did." CG said suddenly while looking at you with great interest.
"Huh?" You asked curiously.
You then noticed that GF was covering her face trying to hide an intense blush.
TBF was doing the same.
Darla was trying her best not to look at you, but she did take quick glances.
Mommy Mearest...
"Son...why'd you take your shirt off?" Defalt asked with a sigh.
"Huh?" You asked with a raised brow before looking down and saw that indeed, your shirt and jacket were removed leaving you without any top covering.
"Oops." You said before grinning while rubbing the back of your neck. "Sorry everyone."
"For what?" MM asked placing her hand on her breast and fondling it. "I've got something new to think about in the shower."
It was clear the Demon Milf was getting turned on more and more from the sight of you as her nipples could clearly be seen through her outfit.
Not liking that, Defalt prepared to splash more Holy water on her, but realized the vile was now empty.
"Shit!" He growled before throwing it away.
"Maybe you could join me (Y/N)...I need some help cleaning my more...private areas." She stated as her other hand reached between her legs.
Suddenly, Defalt knocked her off the bench and pulled out a cross from his jacket and placed it on her cheek.
Mommy Mearest let out an ear-piercing scream as the cross burned her skin to the point where steam was emitting.
Darla was too embarrassed by her wife to do anything about this and just pinched the bridge of her nose attempting to push the thought of your shirtless body out of her head.
GF just let out a whine of embarrassment and TBF had started just staring at you admiring your body.
Cassette Girl meanwhile also kept staring at you.
"That's a permanent stay in my memory banks." She thought taking a puff. "Hot boy aside...the Hell was that?"
Cassette Girl had noticed that just before your little strip show, your body was emitting a bit of red electricity, kinda like the electricity you emitted when you defended her from Whitty, just not as intense.
It wasn't surging so it seemed no one noticed cause they were to busy focusing on the fact that you were shirtless.
Honestly, she had wanted to ask you about that, but things happened and she didn't have a good opportunity.
"(Y/N)...just what are you?" She wondered as you stood up on stage more confused than ever.
And there we go, I am loving this series and I hope you're enjoying this story too.
I know this is a weird place to end this chapter, but trust me for the next chapter I had to end it here.
So goodbye for now.
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