Chapter 2:
So the Kirby x One Piece chapter is gonna take a really long time to come out, so long I should probably work on a few other things for a bit.
So here's Chapter 2 of Funkin Fever, this is a story I'm really having a lot of fun with.
The Sun was currently setting over the horizon and you and Cassette Girl were on your way to the park where GF and her parents were.
"I've got a question, does your dad ever take his mask off?" CG asked and you shrugged.
"Sometimes, very rarely, he even sleeps with it on." You explained. "He even told me the mask stays on whenever he's having sex."
The Android girl sweatdropped.
"TMI dude." She said simply.
"Dad's pretty casual about that stuff, there aren't even any precautions on his laptop." You stated. "I discovered Hentai when I was ten!"
Cassette Girl double sweatdropped at that.
"Once again dude, TMI."
As the 2 of you made your way to the park, you passed an alleyway where you saw a figure examining some kind of poster.
To your surprise, the poster then instantly combusted into flames and the figure placed their hands in their jacket pocket.
Intrigued by this, you checked your watch.
You decided you had some time.
"Hey CG, look." You said pointing at the figure.
Looking at where you were pointing, CG raised a brow.
"That person just made a poster combust, I wanna go talk to em." You said making the Android stare at you.
"(Y/N), I can give you a million reasons why that's a bad idea." CG said cautiously. "They could be dangerous, we'll be late, it's a complete're already going okay."
Not listening to your friend you headed into the alleyway.
Having no choice, Cassette Girl followed you.
Within the alley, the figure was sulking and let out a heavy sigh.
"Hey!" You said coming up to them making the person flinch and turn to face you.
When you saw who it was your eyes widened in surprised delight.
"Oh my God!" You said stars in your eyes and grabbing CG and shaking her. "CG do you know who this is!?"
She remained silent as you shook her excitedly before finally pulling away from you.
"STOP!" She yelled. "If you keep going my parts are gonna start flying!"
"Sorry, it's you know who this is!?" You asked pointing at the girl who just looked down.
"No, do you know this girl?" She asked curiously.
"Well not personally." You stated. "But this is Whitney the famous ex Rockstar!"
The Bomb-headed girl let out a grunt at you mentioning her former profession.
"Oh yeah." The Android said realization in her voice. "You own literally all her albums."
"Yeah, I'm a huge fan." You said unable to contain your excitement before turning to Whitney. "You're incredible ya know that!?"
"Whatever..." Whitney replied turning and walking away.
"Hey wait!" You yelled making her stop and turn back.
"What is it?" She asked annoyed.
You pulled out your microphone.
"Will you please do me the honor of rap battling you?" You asked hopefully.
When that sentence left your lips, Whitney tensed up.
"(Y/N), what are you thinking?" CG asked.
"Listen dude, I ain't lookin to start something, so just please leave me alone." Whitney said confusing you.
"Start something?" You asked. "It's just a friendly little rap battle, I'm not looking to make an enemy out of you."
Whitney seemed unsure of weather or not to accept.
You seemed like a genuinely nice person, plus no one was around, so...
"Fine..." She sighed pulling out a mic of her own and you got excited.
"CG start the music, let's go!" You said enthusiastically.
Cassette Girl pulled out a tape and placed it in her face.
Whitney wasn't phased at all by this, I mean she was a bomb person, who was she to judge.
The music started up and both you and Whitney commenced your little bout.
"Heh...not bad kid." Whitney said showing a bit of a smile.
You blushed at being complimented by someone you idolized.
"Thanks, I tried putting my own spin on your voice." You said shyly. "Hope you don't mind."
"Eh my career's over kid, you can use my voice all you want." Whitney said looking down.
"Yeah, I was hoping you'd clarify that." You said. "Why'd you quit being a Rockstar?"
What little good mood Whitney had left completely vanished and she scoffed.
"That's my business kid, now fuck off." She said turning hostile.
Taken aback by the sudden rudeness you stared on for a second.
"Sorry, I'm just curious about why you stopped singing, I really miss your performances." You said apologetically.
"Well tough luck Fanboy, I gave you your little battle now go away before I burn you away!" She demanded.
"Jeeze okay, I'm sorry for prying into your business..." You said sounding a little sad.
Cassette Girl meanwhile did not like the way Whitney was talking to you.
There really was no need to get so pissed at you for a simple question or threaten you for that matter.
"Hey Bomb-Bitch!" She yelled making Whitney glare while surprising you.
"Uh...CG, what are you doing?" You asked nervously.
"Ya coulda just said no." The Android said walking up to Whitney and glaring up at her. "Do you always threaten your fans like that?"
"Get out of my face." Whitney replied lowly her eyes beginning to glow a brighter orange, but CG refused to back down.
No one threatens the man she loves and gets away with it.
"No." She said simply. "You're going to apologize to (Y/N) first and then we'll leave, okay?"
"How about you go die in a ditch instead?" The Ex Rocker shot back.
You looked between the girls, sweating nervously trying to think of a way to defuse the situation.
"Uh...CG, you were right...we're gonna be late...we should..." You tried to say but the Android simply pulled out her own microphone.
"If I win, you apologize and answer (Y/N)'s question, if you win we'll get out of your hair." CG offered. "Do we have a deal you Bomberman character reject!?"
You just stood there shocked at what you heard.
"Welp, I'm pretty sure I made an enemy of Whitney now." You thought in defeat. "I should've listened to you CG."
"Don't make me do this..." Whitney sighed.
After that CG did a mic drop.
"There!" She said angrily. "I win, now apologize and explain!"
Whitney just stood there silently shocked and shaking like a leaf.
"Um...CG, I think we should go now." You said backing up from the Rocker girl.
"Hey, Bimbo-Bomb did ya hear me!?" CG asked spitting out her cigarette directly at Whitney's feet.
"CG seriously, we should leave now!" You said knowing where this was going.
You knew a lot about Whitney, some things not many others what happens when she gets too angry.
It was too late however as Whitney had finally reached her limit.
The Bomb-Headed Woman let out a loud piercing screech which was followed by a blinding flash of light.
The screech reached such devestating volumes that you and CG immediately covered your ears.
When the flash died down, you and CG saw Whitney now looked a little different than before.
Specifically her eyes, which were flashing square, X, circle and triangle symbols.
Like you when you've played too much Playstation and all you see are the buttons.
Is this what it looked like from the other side?
"ENOUGH!" Whitney yelled, her voice creating small tremors that almost knocked both of you off balance. "YOU PUSHED ME TOO FAR YOU BASTARDS!"
Whitney shot CG a glare making the Android stiffen up in fear.
"I SWEAR TO GOD I'LL MELT YOU INTO SLAG YOU HOE-BOT!" Whitney snarled stomping towards your friend.
CG was too terrified to move, fear had literally overridden her motor functions and she couldn't even speak.
Immediately though, you stepped between her and Whitney, your microphone sparking with some kind of red energy.
"You are not touching her." You said without a hint of fear.
You remained in your position, clutching your mic even tighter, which caused the energy to surge even stronger.
"Calm down Whitney." You demanded.
"YOU'RE IN NO POSITION TO BARK ORDERS AT ME, I'M GONNA ATOMIZE YOU AND YOUR WALKING TOASTER!" Whitney yelled once again shaking the Earth beneath your feet.
"Toaster!?" CG yelled having regained her composure. Real original, did you blow up most of your brain cells and had so little left that that's all you could come up with!?"
There was a brief moment of silence after that and CG realized what she had said and placed a hand over her mouth.
"Bring it!" You replied bravely.
After that bout, Whitney clenched her teeth in fury as the fuse atop her head lit up completely.
She let out another loud screech as the fuse began burning away.
However, before she literally exploded, she was engulfed in a hug, by you.
The fuse slowed to a snail's pace as she glared at you.
It had been a long time...a really long time since she had been hugged by anyone.
So long in fact that she had forgotten what it felt like.
To have this kind of close contact with someone, it felt odd, but not unpleasant.
"Whitney, please calm down..." You said squeezing her tighter as the fuse was now inches from reaching her head.
"Get off me..." She spoke lowly sounding hesitant.
"Not until you calmed down." You've insisted.
Whitney could not comprehend what you were thinking at this moment, a sane person would've tried to run or just stay frozen with fear.
Not hug the thing that was gonna blow you to kingdom come.
"Why are you hugging me!?" She demanded.
"You just look like you needed one." You replied. "When I get this pissed a hug is a big help in getting me to calm down."
"What if it doesn't calm me down?" She asked a bit softer this time.
"Then I'll die hugging you." You stated surprising her. "I can tell you've been through a lot, so I'm just gonna try my best to help you in what little time I have left."
Whitney had no idea how to respond to that.
After she insulted you, threatened you and Your friend and was literally about to blow you to were trying to help her...
The lit fuse in that moment began to fizzle out, her glowing eyes died down as tears began welling up in her eyes.
After a few more seconds, Whitney broke down completely and returned the hug crying her eyes out.
It's safe to say CG was terrified, confused, shocked...and a little bit impressed.
"(Y/N)?" She asked but you turned to her and gestured to the crying Whitney.
That meant you'll talk to her as soon as Whitney was done with her cry.
"I'm...I'm so sorry..." She sobbed burying her face in your shoulder.
"It's okay, we all have our rage episodes." You said in a comforting manner. "Like when I found out a hotdog isn't officially a hotdog unless it has mustard, I hate that fact."
To CG's surprise Whitney let out a light giggle.
"I don't think that situation is comparable to this one." She said smiling up at you.
"Are you sure?" You asked with a raised brow. "When I found out I can't say "I'm eating a hotdog." when it has ketchup on it I was dangerously close to dropping bodies."
Whitney couldn't help but let out a louder chuckle at that.
"At least I got you to cheer up." You said holding her cheeks and wiping away her tears.
Whitney immediately blushed a deep orange as you gazed into each other's eyes.
"You're really cute y'know that?" You asked making her blush worsen.
Normally if anyone called her cute, Whitney would've responded with anger or ignore the person, but with you...
"Th-thanks..." She said shyly leaning into your touch. "You're cute too."
"Seriously!?" CG thought feeling an intense jealousy towards to Whitney.
Just as she was about to break this up, an odd little device landed between her feet.
"Huh?" She asked looking down at it.
Suddenly, it let loose a pulse of electricity that literally shutdown her entire body.
As a result the Android Girl fell face first onto the ground.
Both you and Whitney looked back in surprise.
Before you could even begin to process what was going on, a single dart stuck itself inside your neck.
You yelped and immediately pulled it out and upon realizing what it was you only muttered out.
Before dropping to the ground unconscious.
"(Y/N)!" Whitney yelled before glaring ahead, to see someone stepping into the alley while putting away a dart gun.
"You." Whitty said with rage in her voice.
"Yes, me." Updike spoke calmly.
"What the Hell!?" Whitney asked outraged.
"I should be asking you that?" Updike replied walking past the now shutdown Cassette Girl and up to Whitney. "You remember our little arrangement don't you?"
"You didn't have to tranquilize him!" Whitney said pointing at you.
"Yes...a hotdog with ketchup...finally counts as a hotdog..." You muttered in your unconscious state.
"What a dream he must be having." Updike stated before turning to Whitney. "I'm afraid this was necessary...I've decided to take this young man in as well."
Whitney's heart sank when she heard that and saw Updike about to grab onto you.
"No you're not!" She said grabbing his wrist.
"Hm?" He asked staring at her.
"He has nothing to do with this, leave him alone." Whitney demanded her eyes blazing orange.
"Forgive me, but that energy he was emitting needs to be studied..." Updike tried to explain but the Bomb Woman cut him off.
"Up yours Updike!" She yelled increasing her grip strength causing a cracking sound.
Updike winked in pain and pulled his hand back.
As he held his wrist in pain, Updike saw how determined Whitney was to protect this boy.
This would cause many complications that he did not have time to deal with at the moment.
"Very well, he doesn't seem to mean any harm to anyone, if you come quietly...I'll let these two be." He offered.
Much to Updike's surprise, Whitney nodded and held her hands out with absolutely no hesitation.
He shrugged and simply placed her wrists in technologically advanced-looking cuffs.
"New Versions?" Whitney asked with a raised brow.
"Indeed, upgrades were required since you broke out of yours last time." Updike confirmed and she couldn't help but give a smug smile at that.
However, she realized something.
"Wait, are we just gonna leave em like this?" She asked referring to your's and CG's unmoving bodies. "What if someone takes em while they're unconscious."
Updike let out a sigh and simply opened up a large dumpster nearby.
He picked you up and tossed you inside and then did the same with CG.
"There, he'll wake up in about an hour and then he can drag himself home." Updike stated while Whitney just gave him an unamused stare.
"Why are you letting them stay in your home?" She asked with disdain.
It took a while for the insult to process, but when it did, all Updike could do was let out a sigh.
"I get it...I'm mature." He sighed.
"You're not denying it." Whitney retorted.
"Let's just go." He sighed having had enough of her attitude.
As the both of them walked away, Whitney couldn't help but feel a little stupid.
When you were comforting her, she felt...normal.
Like there was a chance for her to actually live her life again without having to run from anything.
When she stared into your eyes, everything seemed to just fade away, she felt safe, like she could finally let down her guard and be at ease.
It had been a long time since she felt at ease too.
It was a stupid hope, she realized that now.
And there's chapter 2 folks, it's longer than my usual stuff, but believe me the original chapter was a lot longer.
I had to cut out so much to fit this in.
Anyway, enjoy.
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