♦ Suprise, Suprise! ♦
Erin's Point of View.
"Good morning!" I said while I sat up, seeing everyone. . dumbfounded.
"Erin, Lower your voice will you?" Triss pleaded. "It's morning, and. . no shouting." She said whole she stretched her arms and yawned.
"Oopsie, sorry!" I apologized.
I looked at Triss' eyes, it was red as rose petals, usually, I've seen her eyes black, but, is this her true eye color?
"Erin," Triss said while she clapped loudly. "You hear me?"
"Ah, no!" I exclaimed. "Sorry, I zoned out a little."
We all stood up, and do our respective things.
We were at a small village, AGAIN. Well, not like I hate it or stuff, it's just that, nothing exciting is happening. Boring. . .
We continued walking down the cobblestone road, heading for our mission.
A man passed by us, and, it feels. . . similar, then it hit Triss' shoulders, making her alarmed.
"Hey, watch where your going." She said, pissed off. "Next time be carefu–"
When she looked at the man in a hood, she was shocked.
I stared at them in awe as I clenched my fist tight, I don't know what's this feeling; but, I decided to ignore it.
"And Dylan?! What the heck are you doing outside here?!" Triss asked firmly. "Answer me!"
"Woah, calm down lady Triss." Dylan said while he grinned. "He just came outside to find you, and say something."
"Oh?" I added in. "What's is it?"
He held both of his harms, while I see him trembling and sweating a lot. His teeth were clenching to each other.
"I'm s-s. . "
"Come on, Finlay!" His brother scolded him. "We practiced this at the tavern, right?"
Triss and me gave him a weird and awkward look.
"Uh. . " Triss said awkwardly. "What?"
"Sorry!" As he bowed.
Triss raised up an eyebrow and she glared at him. "Sorry for being a jealous guy?" She predicted. "Don't bow, it's embarrassing."
He stopped bowing and wiped his swear and his hair covering his face. "Okay. ."
"We accept your apology!" I said cheerfully. "Now, go now, and thanks for apologizin–"
"Nuh-Uh." Dylan says while he shook his head. "That's not all, right, lil bro?"
"Come on. Say it, So that It'll be over soon."
Triss commanded. "Say it."
"Can I join your squad? "
Triss' Point Of View.
"Join?" I said, astonished. "Why?"
"I. . acknowledge your girly– I mean, incredible strength. " He admitted while he looks elsewhere. "That's the reason."
"Well. . " I slowly said. . "Well. . "
Meg,Alex and Erin looks at me.
"Hey, not to mention," Alex whispered to me. "We never had a guy in our squad, so this might be the opportunity, right?"
"Yeah," I said while I paused for a while. "But who knows, he might be pretending."
"He's not pretending." He interrupted. "He really wanna join."
"Well. . " As my eyes narrowed to Finlay. "You are strong at attacking me that time. ." I admitted. "Although, your mind or knowledge is way below Erin."
"What was that suppose to mean?" Erin interrogated.
I ignored her. "Anyways, you're . . in. . "
What the. . . what did I just say?!
"Welp, I'll be going now," Dylan says while he pushed Finlay. "Bye bro."
"Dylan!" He tried to call him. "Screw you. . "
"Awkward." Meg mumbled. "Awkward. . "
I stayed quiet, and continued walking, while the others followed.
We were at a quiet, peaceful meadow, and I could hear the birds chirping and the serene atmosphere. There was a lake beside us, and, Erin and Alex prepared camp, while Meg is just taking a nap again.
Finlay was just 5 times away from me, dipping his fingers to the lake.
I. . was just staring at myself.
I just threw rocks at the lake. I got bored instantly, so I decided to just sing a little song, but with a low voice.
"Tell me why am I here, when will I ever leave?"
"Triss, what are you doing?"
I stopped singing and looked at his doubting face. I never seen Finlay's fave so close before. He had scars over his side of his cheek, and, he had brown cinnamon eyes.
"Well, just humming, to be exact." I said. "You?"
"Nothing. . I just want to ask. ."
"What is it?" I say, interested.
He lowers his white hood and tilted his head to the right. "I'm quite interested, on how you all get along." He says slowly. "All of you are so different, yet,you guys. . get along well."
I looked up to the cumulus - like clouds, searching for an answer.
"Well, it's simple," I said while a small smile started forming to my face. "We may have different personalities, and one of them might be useful in every certain time." I discussed. "For example, Erin, is the smartest, so if we don't know and answer, we come up to her, Alex, is the strongest, so she might be the one who smashes them all before we might get injured, Meg, is the one who keeps lookout, and when there injured, I protect them."
"But who's that girl who duet with you last time?"
I stayed quiet for a second.
"Kennedy." I answered with a shaly voice. "But she is long gone."
"I. . . didn't save her." I said while tears started forming to my eyes. "I haven't protected her."
"Sometimes, you just have to let go." Finlay said while he removed his hood and sighed. "I was like that too. I couldn't even protect and have fun with someone in the tavern."
"Oh., I'm really sorry for you."
"It's okay." As he smiled to the ground. "That's the past."
"Yeah." I agreed, nodding. "Anyways, let's go to them now, they might be doing trouble there." I said whole standing up and head for north.
"Wait for me!"
Yep, don't ship them.
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