♦ Singing Day,Triss' Song ♦
Triss' Point of View.
It's alright Triss, just start singing already.
I let out a signal to everyone. To play the instruments, and Kennedy sing.
3 . . 2. . 1. Go!
Let's Black, That's how we survive
Let's Black, That's How we survive
Hear that dying voice louder than thunder, all the heartbeats starting up
Hear that dying voice louder then thunder, all the heartbeats starting
Right, Now! Do it!
Right,Now! Do it!
Inside a world that's crumbling down, we cannot lose a single battle now
But now it seems we've hit a wall screaming, no, no no!
There is no way I can lose!
Standing right in our way, these obstacles
More than we had predicted
We've got your back
Can you see you enemy?
It's time now. . Bring it on!
And if they hit you first them hit them back
Rising up above them -all your limitations
Can't fight the impulse, can't hold back,
You've got to do it!
And it's a lot of work just understanding one another
But without restraint we must fight
them with everything that we have got
Till there's nothing left!
Right, Now, Do it!
Right, Now, Do it!
With my attention somewhere else,you kept on fighting harder by yourself
I won't make any dumb mistakes - saying, yes, yes, yes!
Nothing to do but rise up!
Standing right in our way, these obstacles more than we had predicted, We got you back
Can you see your enemy?
It's time now. . . bring it on!
And if they hit you first them hit them back!
Rising up above them - all your limitations
Can't fight the impulse, can't hold back
You've got to do it!
And it's a lot of work just understanding one another
But without restraint we must
Fight them with everything that we have got
Till there's nothing left!
And if they hit you first them hit them back!
Rising up above them - all your limitations
Can't fight the impulse, Can't hole back
You've got to do it!
And it's a lot work just understanding one another
But without restraint we mush fight them with everything that we have got
Till there's nothing left!
Right, Now, Do it!
Right, Now,Do it!
It was extremely awkward, and silent.
Then, I hear sudden claps,screams, and shouts.
"Kennedy! It's m-"
How did that man know Kennedy? Probably Finlay told him, since it seems he's working with him too.
I just pulled down my hood a bit;embarrassed.
"That settles it!" The MC says. "Now, Furies and Taverners, please pick a color!"
"Blue, please." I said.
"Brown." Finlay says with a grin forming in his face.
"Okay, all of you, vote in which color!"
"It's a tie!"
The crowd gasped in surprised. I hear lots of complaints, saying "Taverners should win!" And, "No! Furies should!"
I wanna shout, but I can't.
I just smiled warmly to them.
"Hm, if that'd the case. . . " The MC said. "Then. . "
The MC walks towards us, holding the microphone to her face.
"Who's the leader?"
Erin,Meg,Kennedy, and Alex pointed at me.
I stay flustered.
"Oh, Okay Then!" She said while she walked out of us and continued. "Then, Triss V.S Finlay!"
What the?
"Hey, lady." I hear a familiar voice say.
"If you lose, I'm gonna make your life. . "
"Living hell." I hear him and a cheeky voice say.
"Triss, mark my words, since I'm not joking!" She said while she winked.
She acts like Niki.
"Now, please step aside." The MC ordered them.
They followed.
"Now, let the fight begin!"
I raised up my steel shield for defense, while Finlay keeps slashing it with his blades on his hands.
I better stop defending, I don't want to be a coward.
I lowered my shield and started attacking fiercely and started attacking Finlay's body. I hit his head, his arms, and his legs.
Oh screw that, I didn't meant to do that.
"A singers voice lies a demonic voice too, ya know?"
After hearing this sentence, it distracted me, and I fell immediately to the wooden ground.
Slash to my face.
Next slash, I defended my self again.
"Triss, you should be attacking! This will never end!"
"You're wrong."I debated.
He raised one of his eyebrows up;puzzled and surprised.
"I'm a Sentinel, or a defender, to make it easy."I elaborated. " A sentinel means a guard whose job is to stand or keep watch."
"It doesn't matter of your a sentinel or blah, blah, blah!"
"Then what are you, a peasant?"I asserted.
" Shut up you idio-"
As he said that, he was running to me, but I raised up my shield immediately, and it hit his head.
He laid down the floor, and I put his shield above his stomach.
"It's done Finlay, accept it."
"I can't accept i-"
"Winning cannot become your habit unless defeats torn you apart. "
Finlay's angry expression turned to surprised.
"Well, That settles it.The Furies win!"
The crowd cheers.
I released my shield from Finlay's stomach, then Finlay ran to Dylan.
I sighed.
"Hey, are you crying?" I hear Dylan asks.
I decided to check on their little conservation before going.
"N-No!" As he wiped his tears. "I'm not!"
"Look, sometimes, ladies can really overcome men, okay?" As he latter Finlay's shoulders "Don't cry. Big bro's here."
Then, I saw Finlay's body rested on his big brother's arms.
"Aw, How sweet!" I hear Erin say. "Let's go now, Triss!"
Hope you all like this chapter . yeah, one of the lines of Triss is from the internet, credits to the owner.
I might make some fluff next.
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