♦ Jealousy ♦
Why is Finlay so quiet?
"Triss, your singing. ." He said while standing up.
"It's beautiful , and I'm jealous."
I blinked several times, confused and afraid a little. "T-Thanks? You'll eventually get better, no worries."
He just crossed his arms and roll his eyes.
"Hey, I saw that you know!" Alex chided. "Don't you dare do that to Triss! Or els-"
I cut Alex off.
"Alex, it's fine."
"Dylan, would you mind preparing it now?" Finlay said while he looked at Dylan.
"Yes Boss!" As he saluted and went to the back door.
They call him boss, it's kinda disturbing. . .
"What are you scheming?" I questioned.
He giggles. "You girls will love it." He extolled.
Not really. . . this is suspicious.
"Okay then."Meg said while she sighed. " Don't make this hard for us, or else I will-"
"Meg, Language." I scolded.
"Sorry. . " She said with an apologetic face. "Sorry, Triss."
"By the way, can you girls close your eyes?"
"It's your decision, Triss." Erin reminded.
"I know, and okay, we'll close."
After closing my eyes, I could feel like someone grabbed my wrist and dragged me somewhere. Somehow, the atmosphere that the person dragged me to is somewhat, jolly, loud, and full of excitement.
"You could open your eyes now, ladies."
I opened my eyes and saw him and that man from earlier.
"You. ."
"Now, Now,Triss, don't worry! He doesn't bite, right Dylan?"
He just scoffed.
"Alright, Lemme explain. So basically, you are gonna have a singing contest, with your squad of course. Furies Vs. Taverners. Is that okay?!"
Is this okay for me? What if something goes wrong? How, When, Where?
"Of course we'll do it!" Erin blurted out.
"You girls are sure determined, aren't cha'? Anyways, you guys could practice for that. Next week is the concert, Kay'?"He said while he turned around and headed for the door. " See ya, there." As he waved goodbye and shut the door.
"Erin?! Why did you say that?"
She giggles sadistically. "Well, I couldn't help it! You are good at singing Triss!"
I blushed a little. "Stop, you are flattering me."
"As expected, anyways, we are gonna plan now, right?" Erin said while she looks up, thinking.
"Hm, maybe we could decide who plays the instruments and sings?" Alex suggested."But, it's really obvious you are gonna sing, Triss."
"Fine, I'll sing, but what you guys gonna do? Dance? Play the instrument?"
Meg raised her hands a bit.
"I could play the flute, if you like."
(Meg actually plays the flute in the game!)
"Oh, sure, you can." I agreed. "Erin, you could. . ."
"Drums!"She exclaimed. " I like the drums!"
That was easy.
"Okay, you could play the drums, Alex, you like guitar right? Guitar it is then."
"Okay, Bos-I mean, Triss!"
"Kennedy, you can sing with me right? I'm gonna be alone if I just sing."
"Well, Erin,Meg,Alex you guys could be, uh, playing the instruments and be back up singers, right?"I asked.
"Well, that settles it. Problem is I have to-"
"Search for a song." They said, continuing my sentence.
"Yeah, a song alright."
"I can't choose, give me some time."
Then, they all just laughed.
"Why are you laughing?!?"
Ugh, Crud. I can't freaking think of a song. . . Kennedy will have to wait for a while, but the concert is next week, wait, what's the day today?
5 days to practice.
Ugh, seriously, Erin.
"Guys, are you practicing?" I asked.
"YES." They all replied with a firm answer. Is there something wrong?
"I better check on them. . "
I went to the second room, seeing Erin, Meg, And Alex on the floor, exhausted.
"Guys, give it some break. Every 5 minutes, rest."
"Thanks to be such a considerate leader bo- I mean, Triss."
Still not used to it,huh?
"Here. Catch." I said while tossing 3 water bottles to them.
They caught it.
"Thank you. . . " They all replied staggeringly. "Heaven. . . "
I chuckled.
"By the way, where's Kennedy?" I asked with concern. "She isn't kidnapped, right?"
Meg shooked her head. "No, She's at the third room, practicing."
"Oh, Okay, Thanks, I'll check on her." I said while running to the third door, seriously, how many rooms are there?
I opened the door and gasped in surprise. Kennedy's singing like an angel!
Kennedy's Point Of View.
Oh no, She heard me. . no, no, no!
"Oh, Hey, Triss!" I said while I trembled.
"Oh, Hi Kennedy, I like your singing, Thanks for practicing."She complimented me.
I looked away.
" N-No, It's just, I practiced ."
"Hey, Don't go back to your stutter side. It's giving me goosebumps." She complained.
"Sorry, anyways. What song are we gonna sing?"
Triss just looked down.
"I don't know yet. . ."
"It's okay! We could do this in no time! Besides, singing is much more easier than playing an instrument."
She nodded. "True."
She looks up. And looked to me.
"Kennedy, what kind of songs you like?"
"To be honest, I like rock and roll music, but, When I'm feeling sad, I like calm,serene music." I admitted.
"Oh, Okay. What mood are you usually feeling?"
I thought about it.
I don't want her to know. . . .
"I feel happy and excited."
"So, rock and roll music then?"
"Okay, you can continue practicing your voice, while I just. . talk to Finlay." She said while she goes out of the room.
Back To Triss' Point Of View.
I went out of the third and second room, and went outside, seeing Finlay. . . and, a girl? I bet that's his daughter.
I decided to ignore them, yes, I lied to Kennedy. I just wanted some fresh air.
Inhale, Exhale.
"Dad," I hear her say. "Who's that?"
"Her name is. . . Triss."He replied back.
Good thing he still remembers my name.
" Seriously, isn't she a noble? She dresses not so lady-like!" She exclaimed. "Like who the heck would want to talk to her?!"
"Hush, Scarlett. That's rude."
I looked back at them.
"Hey, That's kinda rude you know?"
Yeah, cliffhanger! (I think.) Tbh I like this chapter. Yeah, first time. XD.
Something's gonna be completely wrong in the next. .
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