♦ Furies ♦
"Everyone's on point okay?! I don't know the lingo."
She said.
The shield user face palmed, making her blue hair sway over the side.
And, her name was Triss.
"This is cool right?! Please~?"
"Uhm, No."
Erin chuckled, while the sniper rolled her eyes.
"Love ya, Triss~" As the girl did a heart.
"T-Thanks. . " Triss said shyly.
"Erin. . do you have any idea we could. . .uh. . power up??? Since you are the nerd here,get tinkering."Triss commanded.
"Yes, Boss!" Erin said while she started getting her note pad, with a lot of sticky notes all over.
"Okay,so. . Meg? Can you, uh, sniff, the boss?" Triss asked.
"Sure. . " Meg said slowly. "I just hope I smell cookies, not farts."
"Eh, Well, that's just needs some luck." Alex said. "Oh yeah, Triss, I heard that there was a dangerous human, that can control him or her when the human sticks the control device on the target." Alex said.
Triss, spitted out the tea. Surprised.
"W-W-What?!" She exclaimed. "Meh, let's just hunt that dude first, then will attack Menotieus." Triss said while she sips again her tea.
"Lub. . dub. . . " Meg said.
"Okay, Triss. . . This is fascinating, the device that human made is just made of Helium,Nitrogen, Carbon Dioxide, and poison ivy. " Erin said while she is looking and scanning her note pad. " But, the device contains complicated stuff, so I technically can't understand it."
Triss blinked, confused while drinking her tea.
Triss removed her cup of tea from her face, and put it in her mini bag.
"Okaaaaayyyy. . . " She said.
I don't understand anything at all. Triss said in her mind. I didn't study well when I was a kid. . .
"Hey, are we gonna go attack him or what?" Alex asked impatiently. "I wanna fight already!"
"Alex , we don't know what that guy is doing, Attack or not, we'll get hurt." She warned.
"I agree with Triss." Erin said. "Besides, you might even get controlled, ya know."
Alex let out a deep sigh, yes, she's frustrated. She really, really wanted to fight that dude she mentioned.
"I smell . . poison." Meg said nervously.
Triss noticed, when Meg said that, her body was shaking, and Meg's face was sweaty.
"Hey, Meg, you okay?" Triss said while she moved her hand closer to her.
While it was reaching out, Meg slapped her hand.
Triss eyes turn wide; startled. What's this. . feeling? She asked herself. Meg, what the heck?
"Meg?!? What the heck are you doing?!" Alex yelled. "You'll be sorry for this!"
Somehow, Meg just turned around and ran.
"Everyone, go out and scout for Meg. I'll scout as well." Triss ordered.
When Triss was just walking to the forest, she heard a rustling sound. Alarmed, she put her hood on and raised her shield for protection. Well, of course since she's a tank. (Tank means defender, if ya don't know.)
Meg's sniffing is like a dog. Triss thought. She likes cookies, so maybe she might be able to smell it. .
In Triss's bag, she unzipped her bag, and grabbed a cookie, and started "fake-chew" it.
Then, Triss heard a sound of a bullet.
Here it comes.
"Who are you?" Meg asked suspiciously. "Why are you following me?"
"Don't act stupid. . . Meg, come to your senses, and go back to camp." Triss firmly said. "You probably don't want to mess with me right now."
What am I saying?! Triss realized. She was acting scary and cool, but it ended up she was the one who's scared.
L-Lub. . du--. . "
Lub dub, you meant.
Meg raised up her sniper and started aiming for Triss.
But, still.
All she could do is. . . defend herself, cause she doesn't want her to get hurt.
Erin's Point Of View.
I released the drone that I made to a certain place to find Meg.
Still, she's a amazing girl, My first time seeing a girl use a sniper.
Wait---Stop. Get right back at finding Meg.
I slowly walked in the forest, and I could hear. . uh. . shots? I dunno, maybe I'll just let my drone take a look.
I took out the controller of my drone and held the joystick, going forward to the place I heard.
Yes, It's them.
I ran to North, and somehow, I just saw . . . Triss defending? Wait, she's not attacking. Maybe, needs help???
I put out my gun and aimed for Meg.
But, Triss stopped me with her shield.
"Triss?! What the heck?" I said. "We are suppose to attack her, not to protect her."
"You don't realize it, do you? She's still Meg. And you know it."
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Instead, Meg just dropped her sniper,knelt down, and cried.
Alex's Point Of View.
I was hiding all along.
To be honest, It was really entertaining I gotta watch! But I just can't believe Triss defended Meg. Sure, Meg is controlled, but according to protocol, we need to attack her, so that we could ask questions. . . .
I finally came out of the bush I was hiding in, but I see Meg crying.
I was startled, so I immediately ran to her.
"M-Meg?!?! Are you okay?!? I'm sorry on what I said a while ago. . . " I said with an apologetic voice. "But, wow, you actually cry."
". . . . . " She was quiet. But, grabbed Triss' sleeves.
"It's fine, I told you Erin! And wait----Alex?!?! You didn't help!"She complained.
" Haha!" I laughed. " I was just watching how a tank should attack. But...just ended up defending!" I teased.
"Shut up. . . both of you. . . "
Me, Triss and Erin looked at Meg.
She talked! We all thought.
But, somehow, I felt something wrong.
And that's when Me and Erin fell to the ground; unconscious.
Okay, Aiko_Frost quicksilverfoxheart and Nightblade_Marvell you guys wished for it. Yeah, I suck at beginning, but I really want it to get intense already! Yeah, I'm the first one who made this fanfic, but feel free to make one like this too!
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