Red ridding hood and her pack
Octobre 2012, Tal Tamir, Syria base of the US army
"Hey you're the new guy, right? What's your name?" Asked woman with red hairs and red desert scarf. Quite pretty about in middle of 30s. There was an airborne logo on her shoulder. "Yes ma'am. Nick Simmons, new medic ma'am." Nick answered and saluted. "Cut that bullshit lad, I am your new boss now. My name is Jennifer Olson, I am captain of airborne company. Now come with me I will introduce you to my pack." She said and bobbed on him to follow her. "Yes ma'am." Nick said and followed her through base. "As I have said cut it kid, we call ourselves by a name so I am Jennifer, but guys call me Red hood. I guess it is by that scarf." She said and smiled. "Ok Jen, so why did you choose me." Nick said as he drank up from his bottle.
In few minutes they've arrived to small steel building with logo of wolf with demon wings on it's doors. "This is your lodging now, it is not Hilton but it will have to do." She said and knocked on the door. "Yeah enter!" Shouted somebody from inside. Jen opened the doors and walked in, followed by Nick. "Hey guys this the new one, a medic. Be nice to him. I will leave you to get to know better, duty calls. God I hate briefings." She said and walked out of the barrack. "See ya red." Said guy laying in bed on the right next to door. "So I am Johnny, that twins are Jimmy and Timmy but we call them Tom and Jerry, they can't last an hour without offending themself. Here that guy who is using his gun as guitar is Billy we call him Cowboy. And that guy who is missing is Phil, he is taking a crap so we won't see him for about 20 minutes. And you are?" He said pointing at his friends and then looks at Nick. "I am Nick, nice to meet you gents." He said and throw his backpack next to only free bed in there. "Where are you from, you are not from the USA?" Jerry said and poked to his brother. "No I am from Edinburgh. It is the accent right?" He answered and sits down on the bed. "Yup it was, a cigarette?" Twins said at the same time and Tom pulled out a pack. "Yeah sure thanks. So what happened to last medic?" Nick said and walks to Tom taking the offered cigarette. Pulls out the metal lighter and lit it. "Well he was quite an idiot, he got shot from sniper. Just poked his head out of trench like an asshole. I have never liked him, but he was part of our pack." Johnny said with sad face but it changed again back to tired neutral. "Go take a nap, briefing means that we will go somewhere. It is just a friendly advice." Cowboy said and puts down his gun. "Yeah I guess." Nick said and leyed down on bed.
"Wake up guys we have hostage situation here. Some Muslims are holding bunch of Kurds circa 200 kliks from here. They have informations about location of the armory of ISIS. We have to get there before Spetsnatz will." Jenn said and knocked by her gun on steel wall of barrack. "Yes, Tom go with Nick and bring parachutes. Jerry go for munition, Cowboy go grab food and water, Phil you have the toilet paper, and I will go grab the cigarettes. In 15 minutes at runway." Johnny said and walked out of the barrack. "Quickly come take your equipment and follow me." Said Tom and took his equipment. Nick quickly grabbed small bag with medical equipment and his guns.
V-22 Osprey, Iran, 20 kliks from Tal Afar
"Alright gents, in 5 minutes we are going to jump out of the plane, you all had the training so you know how to do that. It will be on my command. It will be about 24 kilometers to the camp and we will be there first, leaving nothing to Russians!" Jenn said looking at he pack with smile. "Yeah!" They shouted together and started checking their guns and bags.
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