Fire in my soul
I woke up. My body was on fire. Just not exactly. It burned as hell. I've had memories I shouldn't have. I saw by his eyes. I was him. Nick. There were 2 women. One was called Sif... I guess. The other I have read her name somewhere. Sanngriðr. That was the one from Syria. The feeling of me being him. Horrible. I am trying to remember. I was with Coulson and... and Skye. I mean Daisy. Well Nick was with them. Not me. And there was the fire!
"What the hell are you doing?" Daisy asked when she got to the lab. "Ugh... smoking?" Nick mumed with cigarette in his mouth and quickly dropped a metal plate with radioactivity symbol on the table. "There is a reason why there is the radioactivity symbol for some reason. Do you wanna die?" She added like a threat not realizing it wouldn't hurt him. "Fenrir is doing his job well so I am not even affraid. Also I held this before. It's like the thing... uhm... obelisc, only some people can touch it. You know your inhuman stuff, the obelisc. There are some runnes. Nordic I guess. I have no clue how it got to Syria. How even did Coulson get his hands on this? Talbot?" Nick said and shook the ash from the cigarette to the asher. "Yes probably... what does it say?" She asked and went closer to him to take a look too. "This means Valhalla. And this Odin. And this symbol is Valknut." Nick said pointing at the runes and then raised his hand to her. "I have it tattoed here. And this is symbol of ravens. Odin has two of them. Huginn and.... Muninn. I guess." Nick added and looked back to it. "Coulson wants you in the office. He said something about some trip." Daisy said and tried to read something on it. Nothing she could understand. "Yeah great Fenrir is quite hungry" Nick added and smiled at her. She rolled her eyes and walked to the office.
"I can't work with him sir... he thinks too much like Ward... and reminds also..." Daisy said to Coulson and he finished it. "Also Lincoln. I know that's hard for you. Just keep doing what May though you. Don't get distracted by him..." Coulson said and squeezed her shoulder. "By who mate?" Nick said as he walked into the office without knocking and with beer in his hand. "Isn't it bit too soon for a beer?" Coulson asked trying to put the conversation to more comfortable point. "10 am... perfect time. Why did you call me?" Nick replied and sat down on the table. "And Hunter" Daisy muttered to Coulson who nodded and made gesture to be silent now. "Well I gave you the desk for some reason. Since you have found it in Syria the alien activity was going only up. Krees, Asgardians, Klyntars..." Coulson said but was interrupted by Nick "pardon me isn't it because you used Teseract and brought Loki on Earth?" Nick said bitterly and took a sip from the bottle. "Well that's true but if this thing is something special..." Coulson added defensively "I am glad you ask Phil... you know Phil I did my best at translation. Although there are runes that are new... I mean made probably in 15th century. Well in 10th century Vikings got to Middle-east and I guess they were looking for something... they left something like a note at this. It's a metal from heaven. Or that's what's written on it." Nick added and smiled at Daisy. She rolled her eyes and looked at Coulson. "So where will we head?" She asked trying to finally get to the point. "He is going to Asgard. You will help him to get at the location, Lady Sif or someone will take him. We don't want any attention." Phil said and started looking for something on the desk. "Wait wait wait wait. Why? You know it's fine to go on a trip... and with Daisy even better but why me? And why Asgard?" Nick asked and jumped down from the desk after Coulson started looking for something. "Sif said something about your familiar... and you have found that thing... they want it back." Coulson said and smiled. If I can call it like that. "So she is my nanny? Oh fuck off! I mean it's nice but I can do it on my own."
"Nick... shut up. I don't want to hear anything else from your high school days." Daisy said but smiled. "Come on love... I know you are smiling." Nick said and smiled too. He made himself bit more comfy in the carseat while he looked at her smile. "Well we were on the toilet... and then... heh... and then he came back with the electric razor and hand of hairs and said 'I couldn't do it... it stuck and I had to tear it off.' And then we realized he had the belt on free..." Nick added and started laughing. "Well we were talking about his armpit but he really did it!" He get out of him during laughs and coughs. Daisy chukled and looked quickly at him and then at the road again. "Nick! I didn't have to heard this." Daisy said still bit smiling. "Well you weren't smiling for some time... I like you now more." He said and tried to look and sound normally. "I don't want to talk about it." She said bit coldly and stopped smiling. "I am sorry... I didn't want to bring it back. I just know how it feels and I know people can't get used to it."
"Who is that?" Lady Sif said and looked to Nick who walked towards her with the desk a step behind Daisy. "Nick Simmons, Jemma's brother." Nick said and looked at Sif like measuring how dangerous she was. Probably quite a lot. "You have the desk? It was a shield. Human should not touch it if an Asgardian won't give it to you." Sif said and looked at Nick bit suspiciously. "One Valkyrie gave this to me." He said wanting to add when I almost died and had pukes all over my bloody singlet. "S.... s..." he added trying to get on her name. "Sanngriðr" said Fenrir as his face appeared from Nick's shoulder and showed his teeth in something he would call warm smile to Sif. "Is that... for Odin. You have to be really brave or really stupid if you host a Klyntar. Those creatures are capable eating you from inside as well force you to eat others." Sif said clearly shocked by this. Klyntars don't have good reputation in the universe. "We have got along quite well love... don't worry about it." Nick said with smile pulling out a cigarette and lighter. He took a puff from it and spit on the ground "well what now?" He added now bit more comfortable since Daisy wasn't really for smoking. And for sure not in the car. "I have to take you with me. The Allfather would like to speak with you in person." Sif said bit unsure looking at the cigarette. "But that's..." Daisy protested and made one step ahead but Nick interrupted her. "That's fine. Make sure that Fitz won't create with Radcliff some bloody Terminator from Aida. And keep an eye on Jemma. I will be back in no time." He said with smile and gently squeezed her shoulder. She nodded but wasn't sure about all this. "And make sure the new director will keep his nose from my room... he doesn't trust me. Neither I trust him." He added and stepped next to Sif. "Farewell" he said with amused smile. "Heimdall open the Bifrost!" Sif shouted and in few seconds rainbow light went down and they were gone, leaving only the ornament.
Nick appeared in a giant golden room with two holes. One was the entry to Bifrost. The other was heading to Asgard. He looked around in awe and then his eyes ended in Heimdall. "You have brought a mortal... Allfather won't be pleased." He said measuring Nick by his eyes. Those eyes made Nick feel uncomfortable. Like being pinned down to the ground. Like Heimdall knew everything about him. Which was probably true. "I did... he was the one who found Uru stone on Midgard. Do you have any idea how it got there?" Sif asked and slowly heading to the gates of Asgard. "This is my last watch. Allfather is sending me to exile. For disobeying his command after assault of the Dark Elves. If I were you... I would try to get him to Midgard as soon as possible." He added with a simple shrug. Uru is the strongest metal in the universe. He had no idea how it get to the hands of mortals. Metal forged by dwarfs in Nidavellir. Metal for gods. "So would you mind waiting a minute... I am lost. I don't know what are you talking about." Nick complained quite loudly to stop them from talking only about something he did not understand. Sif quickly explained Nick what is Uru. She did it bit loth but at least someone. "This thing belonged to one warrior who died long ago. During times of the old Valkiries. Not those you have met. Those were warriors. Most fearsome women in all nine realms. But the shield belonged to Berserker. Those are..." Sif added but was interrupted by Nick "I know... warriors with power of bear and stuff. They were fighting without clothes or armour. Woah..." he said as he stepped outside on the bridge heading to Asgard. "Gods... this is beautiful... why there are so many golden statues of Loki?" He asked once he saw more of the Asgardian infrastructure. "He died during dark elves invasion. As far I hate to say it... he was protecting Thor. And he still is Odin's son. But Allfather is behaving bit weird for last couple of moths." Sif replied leading him to the gates.
"My Kinng..." Sif said and knelt down, Nick quite surprised of his action did it too. "Rise... who is the Midgardian?" Odin asked and drank from a rummer of wine. "He is a Son of Coul's friend..." Sif said and slowly stood up. "I have found this... 4 years ago my King, one valkyrie gave it to me... well I was sent to find it but we got captured and she set us free. Well me... and my friend." Nick continued handing modestly the shield to Odin. "That's enough boy... you can keep the memories. We can send you back now..." Odin replied calmly taking the shield from him. Nick's eyes went up and looked at Sif. "Yes... my King. I guess you can." He said bit unsure of all this. Mostly because it wasn't Odin he expected. Well to be honest it was Loki but how could he know. Nick looked behind him once he heard some quiet steps. And breathing of someone who was trying to breath quietly. "Lady Sif take him back..." Odin said but stopped as Nick turned around and transformed to Fenrir. He thought it will be awkward or really cool. Man in light armor jumped out from behind a corner with two daggers in his hands and charged at Odin but did not expect longer reach of Fenrir's hand. Fenrir knocked him down and with teeth an inch from his face he pinned him to the ground with snarling. The man winced and looked at Odin "it's Loki! It's not Allfather!" He shouted but got hit to his temple by Odin's Gungnir. "Sorry about that... but my son would never do such a thing." He said with bit upset voice. Fenrir stood up and looked around with quite a height difference he could see the surrounding bit more. "So what should we do with him?" He asked opening his gob ready to add some nutrition. "We will lock him down and then we'll see... GUARDS!" Odin shouted and looked at Fenrir. "Maybe I was wrong with you... there is a feast... maybe you can join." Allfather offered turning away to finish his rummer. "Gladly."
"Well I would like to thank you somehow... if we won't talk about the feast. I have found something for you." Odin said as Nick passed the table with tankard of beer. "No need for that my King... I was just doing what..." he said bit surprised by the gratitude of Odin since he did not show any of those signs before. "No...nobody uses it here. Come with me. We will come back soon."
Odin led Nick to the vault. His mouth were opened in awe. Gold, weapons and jewelry. Odin pulled out a pendant with wolf's head. "Here as my thanks." He said and put it around Nick's neck. "Thank..." he said and then screamed in pain. He felt like all hi body was burning. He felt it inside. His lungs, stomach, head even bones. All of his nerves were telling him he was on fire, only the eyes saw the truth but he couldn't keep them open thanks to the pain.
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