Fire in my hands
That would explain a lot. That's why the symbiote could survive the fire. If he only knew that Odin truly was Loki. But once he would find out it might be funny to watch.
Odin left, Nick was laying on the ground, hunkered down in pain. After few more minutes of agony he was able to move. He gasped for the air wanting to feel the cold. But he couldn't. "What the fuck happened?" He muttered and only reply was Fenrir's in his head. "We burnt but didn't at the same time." "Thanks a lot." Nick muttered sarcastically and slowly headed to the exit. Back to the feast. Something to drink. "Do you think he wanted to kill us?" Fenrir asked supporting Nick from the inside. The muscles gained the strength to walk. "No... then he would just kill us. Also as I know Odin is a protector of mankind as well as Thor." Nick replied and looked around. The head table. Odin and few other gods were sitting behind it. Odin rose his rummer to him with nod. At this point Nick understood. He knew it will happen. But he didn't want Nick to know. Nick grabbed a tankard and rose it towards him too. Then he headed to the table where he had his place. Nick had few more beers and few shots of mead. Well to be honest more then few. A lot.
"And I am telling you... I charged at them with knife! And until I felt the last drop blood on my hands I had no clue what I did. Well... then I... I fook, I forgot what I wanted to say!" Nick said with hard accent through his and some other people laughs. It was about 3 hours since he came from the vault. He was drinking way too much. "Hey... do you think she blinked at me?" Said a man Nick couldn't get on the name. Maybe because it was some Finish or so. The group turned to the direction the Finn was pointing. Two girls from their group giggled. Another one bit shook her head in disapproving way. The last one was bit too busy with trying to get out of their sights for some reason. This would make him more suspicious bit at this point he was happy he could at least be sitting. "At you? Heh... well she would have to be blind!" Nick said with wide smile and gave him light punch to the shoulder. "Watch this!" He said and took two shots of the mead. Kick them both in and stood up. He almost fell down on the table and then back over the wooden bench. "I'm bloody fine." He said and bowed for them. He stepped over the bench and headed to the girl. "Hey... I am Nick..." he said once he got to her and she turned around. He went sober as quickly as never before. It was Sanngriðr. The one that got him from the deepest shit he ever was. "The Midgardien..." he added more like his brain just wanted to proceed then anything else. "This is awkward..." he muttered and looked in her eyes. He truly was feeling sober now. Until he looked down at his feet. He almost fell down but she managed to catch him. "You are welcome... but you should call it a day. You had more then you can take." She said and Nick smiled. "I should... but..." he said and then went to full offense. Thanks to the alcohol he felt brave enough to try anything and the pendant did something too. "But I would like to pay a visit to someone... like a thanks. And I have no clue where the someone exactly lives." He added with wide smile but he wasn't entirely sure if this was the time or the place. "You will know..." she said and returned the smile before heading away. Nick was bit surprised as well as confused. He turned back to the group of his friends and bowed sarcastically. "I guess one more beer and then I will go to sleep." He said with shrug and the Finn laughed "what it didn't work out?" He said after he started coughing. "I am not sure... well cheers! To fame, glory and gelt!" Nick said rising the tankard. "To gelt!" They said with laugh and clinked by the tankards spilling the beer all over the table. After this one beer Nick's memory was blind. But on other hand he later doubted it was only one beer.
Nick woke covered by pelts in quite comfy looking room. Unfortunately he wasn't in state he would admire the style of Asgardians. He turned on his other side and fell down from the bed and hit his head. "Fuck... bloody... where the hell are we?" He asked quietly more to himself but Fenrir responded "Sanngriðr's room... how much do you remember." Nick stood up and sat down on the bed again. "Not much bit of a brushup wouldn't hurt..." Nick said and looked at the wall. There were claw marks and then Fenrir put his memories to his head. Although it were his memories too. "Gods... I see..." he said and sniffed. He didn't smell anyone else here until now. Sanngriðr opened the door. Nick gave her weak smile which she brushed off with raised eyebrows. Nick's went up too but now in a question. "What happened?" He asked and rubbed his eyes. "You know... it was fun and all... I've enjoyed, you two either... but to be honest do you think this would work?" She said and took a sword attaching it to her belt. "I don't know... I guess I've just wanted to try it... and I am not talking about the bed." Nick said trying to defend himself after Fenrir gave him the memories. "Alright I see... well you have told me how you are ashamed, how you hurt people, that you can't take it, you can't accept it. How you saw your friends dying." She said quite harshly which quite projected at Nick's face. He gulped and wanted to say something but she continued. "That you don't feel like you belong somewhere, you don't see your family. I don't want to sound harsh or mean... but it was pathetic. I don't mean it badly... it was just... this wouldn't work. I am 8l9 years old. Do you think I didn't had this type of man before? I want someone who would stand up even after he was broken. You are broken. But you let yourself shatter even more. A dust. It's not personal." She added and gave him weak smile. "But I might at least say it was great..." she said and threw him the shirt. "And you should tale that off." She said and pointed somewhere at his neck. Nick gulped not willing to let those words in. Then touched his neck and his face went bright red. It was a collar. "What... why..." he muttered and quickly took it off and put it away. "We won't talk about this... right?" She asked as Nick stood up and quickly pulled on his shirt and started to spool to his pants. "I... I... of course not. If you wish so..." he replied and checked the pendant he got yesterday. "I...I should go." He said and pulled on his combat boots not even tieing them and headed out of the room. He was telling himself that he is fine, his feeling aren't hurt. But they were for sure. He knocked to someone in black armor "excuse me... I am sorry" he got out of himself and then man in the armour something muttered and walked away. As Nick could hear it was something uncomplimentary about his mother. Nick stopped and turned back. "Really? Is that something you tell normally." Nick shouted behind him and his hand slid down to his gun. Although against Asgardian it would be useless. The man turned over and shook his head. "Continue walking kid..." he said at this point making a big mistake. Kid. Last time someone called him a kid was a boot camo officer. Nick got 150 push ups plus 10 more kliks for running. The officer got nice bruise around the eye. Nick made few steps to him.bit more relaxed now not to look so dangerous. Before anyone could say anything he punched him to his throat and gave him a push kick to the knee. The knee went to the other side it should have been with a scream of pain. "I've heard you Asgardians heal fast... you will need it." He said quietly and pulled a baton from his belt. He moved by his hand so the baton stretched out and Nick hit the Asgardian to his jaw. He fell to the ground and got another punch by the tip so Nick closed the baton by it. "And probably cold hearted too..." he muttered and headed away. One of the Asgardians girls who looked like maid steppes away from him quickly covering her mouth and then headed to the man in the armour. Nick was walking down the stairs heading to Bifrost so he could get back home. He didn't blame Sanngriðr for how he felt. He was pissed at her. But he blamed himself.
{USA, NYC, 8:00am, January 1st 2016
Nick was hanging over the toilet puking from hangover. After a while he stood up and washed his face. He reached over for a small metal box. He pulled out a greenback and rolled it. His hand skillfully pulled out a small plastic bag full of white powder. He put some on the box and by ace of spades he made two lines. He put the rolled greenback to his nosehole and inhaled the first line. Then the other one. "Hey are you ok?" Female voice sounded from the bedroom and Nick coughed a bit and cleaned the rest of the powder. "Yeah sure love... I am. Do you want some? For waking up?" He asked and showed her the bag. "I am not touching that shit Nick..." she said as she walked to the bathroom. "As you wish..." he said and stopped trying to remember name. "Sara..." he added and bit proud of himself smiled. "I am sorry... if I told you anything last night... I am sorry... I didn't mean it. I don't want to be rude but could you just eat your breakfast and go home?" He said bit lost now. He didn't want to offend her or something. She understood him.}
First one night stand, affecting him now. And with Sanngriðr he finally realized how it felt. How it felt being pushed away after feeling something.
{USA, NYC, 8:00am January 2nd 2016
Nick was hanging over the toilet puking from hangover. After a while he stood up and washed his face. He reached over for a metal box. He pulled out a syringe, spoon and lighter. His hand skillfully pulled out a small plastic bag full of white powder. He put some on the spoom and melted it by the lighter. He filled the syringe and used his belt to choke a bit his hand. Then he inserted it in and pushed the piston. He closed his eyes letting the liquid work. "Hey are you ok?" Female voice sounded from the bedroom and Nick sat down. "Yeah sure love... I am." He said and started trying to remember name. "Jane..." he added and bit proud of himself smiled. "I am sorry... if I told you anything last night... I am sorry... I didn't mean it. I don't want to be rude but could you just eat your breakfast and go home?" He said bit lost now. He didn't want to offend her or something. She slapped him.}
The next day didn't stopped him from doing it and now he regretted it. He could have normal life. Stop drinking, using drugs and be sure that the next day, he will wake up next to someone who he loves. But no. He had to ruin his whole life so he could ruin it to others. In the army he could be a hero. But as once was said, either way you die as a hero or live long enough to become the villain.
"You are quiet... did something happened?" Daisy asked and looked bit worried at Nick. "No... I am just thinking." He replied quietly. His head running wild through his past. "You should tell her..." Fenrir said in his head and Nick just waved his hand like he didn't care. "Why not? It will be easier." Fenrir added which made Nick bit more angry then he was "shut up" he replied in his head and rolled the window down and started playing with the wind. He looked at his hand with still visible sings of needles. "What's wrong?" She asked and pulled over on the gas station. "I said nothing" he bit snapped and got off the car pulling out the cigarettes and lit one by his fingers. "Nick? What was that?" Daisy asked with raised eyebrow looking at his finger. "Later... not here."
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