NYC, Hells kitchen
Nick was packing rest of his things for his trip to boot camp. He turned around looked at the mirror. Blonde long hair drawn - he will have to cut it, undercut, blue eyes sarcastic look and regularly shaven beard but only by hair clippers. Nick turned around as the doors opened. His sister Jemma walked in. "For the last time Jemma I won't change my mind. You have joined S.H.I.E.L.D. and our parents didn't say anything about it. Now I have chosen to join army as medic, so what's wrong?!" Nick was again arguing with Jemma as they have for last 3 days caused by displeasure of theirs parents of Nick's decision. "But you haven't told us. We had the right to know. You could join S.H.I.E.L.D. not the ARMY! Jemma almost now shouting at him. "No you didn't have that right! Our parents all the time forcing me to go to medical university. And S.H.I.E.L.D., an massive shadow organization literally caused the attack on Manhattan? No, sis that's nothing for me." He said and took his bag. "Sis, I love you. Tell that to mum and dad." Nick added and hugged her and kissed her on the forehead. "I am still your older sister Nicky. You could have at least talked about this with me." Jemma hissed and grabbed his shoulder. "Yeah! And you start to look like it!" Nick said and pushed her hand away. "I did... I told you 3 days ago. So now bugger off! And if they want to talk me out off it they can bugger off as well!" Nick hissed back and glared at her. "Nicky... for the last time... please." "Jemma... just... bugger off."
"Simmons, you up?" Sergeant said and poked into Nick. "Yes sir, just trying to get my last sleep in US." Nick said confused as he tried to remember his dream. It was weird and probably just because he was worried. "Yeah that's nice. Well we are now arriving at the airport." Said staff sergeant Colin Rich. Guy in 40's, with typical general mustache. The car stopped, 3 doors opened and Nick, Rich and some private get out of the car. Nick was in the car as higher rank. Private first class. They could see magnificent scene, B-52 was landing. "Never gets old." Rich said looking at the B-52. 8 cars and 3 trucks arrived after them. Other troops got off the trucks, about 3, his friends from boot camp. Then some voice echoed through the far sound of engines. "Good morning princesses! We are leaving in 10 minutes that B-52 is your taxi now. Get your things and go for your guns in that hall." It was lieutenant Theodore Quinn, 35 years, face covered in scars. Everybody saluted and then went for equipment. In 10 minutes they were all equipped and sitting in plane. Nick grabbed his backpack and bag. The camelbag was still full. 4 liters of water. The uniform was quite comfortable. But it was getting hot. "Hey... that's what I was waiting." Nick said and quickly declined a call. From his father. He didn't want to talk with them now. He took a seat in the middle of the plane. Hopefully it won't take long before they land. He was fine with flying in plane. But the jumping out of it... that was worse.
6 months ago
"In army we call ourselves by first name so I am Sergeant, and WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU!?" Shouted sergeant at boot camp. "Nick Simmons reporting for boot camp, sir!" Nick shouted as an answer. Others continued, taking Nick as an example. "Well fuck, we have some black-ass here. You will be known now as a Snowflake! You like that?" Sergeant shouted at black private with name John Lincoln. "Sir, yes sir!" He shouted to respond sarge. "And you, you will be known as Kim Chong." Sarge shouted at some Asian recruit. "Sir, yes sir!" He responded same way as Lincoln did. "Uncle not again please." Nick said sarcastically, as sarge turned around and shouted "WHO SAID THAT? WHO THINKS THAT IT IS FUNNY?! Who did an uncle rape joke?" That Angry face of his almost in Nick's face. "Sir, I did sir!" Nick responded immediately. "So we have a joker here! On the ground asshole and give me 20!" Sarge shouted and punch Nick in stomach. Causing Nick to fall down on the ground but in few seconds and started doing push-ups.
Next few weeks went in a same way. Shouting, drill, exercise, range shooting, running, field training, strategy simulations, fighting armored vehicles and jumping out of plane with a chute. Two months of being locked up with mostly men. Nick truly had changed throughout those 2 months. He was tired. Mostly thinking about killing most of them, he got more frustrated but also felt really good about himself. That he actually made it in the end. It was truly satisfying. He reached his top. Kind off. After finishing the boot camp, he was assigned to 101st airborne division as combat medic, after 3 months he was sent to reinforce
"Hey rookie! Wake up!" Rich shouted at Nick. "What? Yes, sir where are we?" Nick asked still half in sleep. "About 20 mins from landing point. In Syria now, kid." Rich responded his question. "You are going to join the airborne company as medic, right? I don't want to scare you but most of the airbornes won't come back home." Rich said with real compassion in his voice. "I know sir... better then being stuck at home with parents right?" Rich laughed and nodded "fair point private. So you got out of momma's basement through army?" Nick shook his head. "No more like they don't have to pay the rent. And I don't have to talk to them." Rich nodded lightly and smiled, "sure they don't, just pray you will come back able to take care of yourself... otherwise... I would pray for death."
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