Iran, Tal Afar, 19:14 of Eastern time
Soldiers sitting in their seats with black masks and shadow camo uniform, black combat boots and parachutes "As the lights turn green I will give you the signal, you will jump out and try to open the parachute as late as you can. But for the love of God not too late." Jennifer said looking at her pack and pointed at map, where they should lend. Back door of the Osprey opened, green light shined upon it. "Now, now, move!" Jenn shouted and Tom immediately jumped out followed by his twin Jerry. Cowboy was next and Nick jumped right behind him. The height was around 2000 meters. He did not see the rest but thought that they have jumped shortly after him, gained on speed, he thought his body will torn apart. In a few seconds he reached 120km/h. {God why did I choose this, this so high, so dangerous, I am so fucking stupid.} Nick thought in his head as he was falling down. In 50 seconds Nick opened his parachute and it almost break his spine, the power of 4G or so. He landed with roll on the ground, pushing 2 tacks on the parachute and it flew away. He managed to catch it again and started to pull it back to him. "You good rookie?" Cowboy said as he finally rolled his parachute and started digging a hole to the sand to bury his parachute. "Yeah mate I am good." The others landed shortly after him and started to do the same thing as Cowboy.
"Good job lads. Now we will head to the location, prepare your guns. This is gonna be hard. Nick contact the headquarters, will ya?" Jennifer said as she stood up from the ground after burying her parachute. "Romeo 5, Romeo 5, here is wolfpack, we are at the landing point. May you inspect the area around us? Over." Nick said to the walkie-talkie that he pulled out of his pocket. "Wolfpack, here is Romeo 5. Reapers are already looking for enemy tangos. We will inform you soon, now continue to your destination. Romeo 5 over and out." Responded male voice out of it, finishing their conversation. "Good let's move, we should prepare for worst." Jennifer said and primed her weapon. "Wolfpack here is Romeo 5, we have a car closing in, threat in 6 minute. Over." Male voice echoed from the walkie-talkie "thanks mate, we'll be on guard. Over and out." Nick responded and look at his watch, only 5 minutes and 40 seconds. "We could hide before the road and then storm it." Tom said pointing at the road but his twin shook his head. "No, we should stay down, it would reveal our position." Jerry said disagreeing with his twin, maybe because he was smarter or just he wanted oppose to him. "We will stay down, after the car we can move to the target." Jennifer decided.
Unit closed in to a house with boarded up windows, Phil scoped the area for enemies by binocular. "We have 5 tangos in front of the entry. 2 on the roof. Cowboy take Nick with you, go take a look for tangos behind the building." Phil said and started to set the scope on his gun "before the storm I will shoot down those 2 on the roof, Cowboy stay with the rookie behind the building, sneak to the building. They will be too occupied by the front. Rest stay with me, you will take down those 5 in the front." Nick with Cowboy went by long way around not to be spotted. "3 in the back, still 2 on the roof, I can't see fully in but I guess 20 to 25 tangos." Nick said making contact by the walkie-talkie with Jennifer. "Copy that, engage after those 3 go to the front." Jennifer replied, then came the silence. Several shots echoed from the other side of the building only 2 of the terrorists went to the other side, the third one stayed and started to look for other enemies. "Shit, rookie we have to engage." Cowboy said aiming at the terrorist, bang sounded to other shots from the front. Nick rushed with Cowboy towards the building and he planted an explosive at the blocked window. "Step aside rookie, we will make a new entry." Cowboy said and get on the side away from the window. "3...2...1... now!" He said and pushed the fuze. The wall was down, 1 meter in width and about 2 meters in height. "Go, go, go, go!" Nick said and bust in shooting only one standing person in the room "tango down!" Cowboy was behind him and shoot 2 guys on the stairs. "Where are the others?" Nick shouted and continued to the building killing 2 others "I have the hostages! They are good." He said and pulled down bag from the head of the hostage. "Fine, I can't see them. Jennifer what's the situation?" Cowboy said to walkie-talkie, still under fire. "Fuck, I've got hit! Rookie!" Cowboy shouted and backed away from the stairs, holding his left shoulder. "We have been engaged from behind..." echoed Jennifer's voice but was interrupted by a gunshots "surrender or we kill... the rest of unit." Some male voice echoed from the walkie-talkie. "Mate we are fucked." Nick said as he returned from the room with hostages and pushed his hand on the shoulder of cowboy. "Rookie, this may be the..." the bullet went through his head, blood and brain ended at Nick's mask and he immediately shot the person with 4 shots. "Surrender now, I kill them" voice said again with the worst accent Nick had ever heard. "Fine!" He shouted and headed to the door. {This is so bad, how could this happened. Gods I am gonna die. No, I don't want to... not yet.} He thought desperately as he got out of the building, twins were dead, Jennifer shot, Phil was uncunsines in the sand and Johnny was bleeding out. Nick was shocked his eyes filled with fear, hate and sadness. Before he could say something he got bashed in the head from behind, fell down cold to the ground.
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