Chapter 1 - End of Vacation
Picture of Dakota at the top ^^^
Dakota P.O.V
"Dalton get up!!" I yelled at my son who still hadn't gotten up for school much to my frustration.
"He's still not up?" My husband Antonio asked as he entered the kitchen for breakfast dressed in a black, pin striped three piece suit which stil fits him so well after so many years and the cologne he never changed ever since we married. I love how it had a lingering effect even after he was long gone. I even wear it sometimes but then Antonio gives me an entire speech on how I'm stealing his signature scent and then I'll explain that he isn't the only guy that wears this cologne so he needs to chill. He also had beautiful hair and those beautiful green eyes but I think his Cuban accent is what really made me fall hard for him. I loved the way he said his words, he could make even the most boring of conversations seem interesting with that voice. Not to mention the dirty things he could tell me in Spanish were a plus and the biggest turn on for me at least. I was half Italian but he was pure Cuban but learned English after migrating to the USA as a child. I was born and raised here and I barely know any Italian and instead just choose to speak in English since it is my first language and a lot easier for me since it's the most common language here in the USA. Antonio uses English as his dominant language but sometimes he subconciously switches to Spanish but over time I've learned some Spanish words and I can understand him completely. Well that and the Duolingo app helps.
"No and I've been trying to wake him up for the past twenty minutes" I said out of breath from both yelling at my son and preparing breakfast. I love Dalton to death but sometimes he can be a real pain in the neck. He's always a late sleeper, never cleans up after himself unless I tell him, oh and not to mention he does whatever he wants without thinking of the consequences sometimes but I love him nonetheless.
"I'll get him up" Antonio said as he stormed up the stairs. "Didn't your dad tell you to get up and get your ass downstairs you little brat" I heard Antonio shout to Dalton from all the way upstairs. Our house was fairly big and despite being this big with thick walls we still managed to hear what was taking place sometimes but this morning Antonio was just yelling in an attempt to truly gain Dalton's attention and get him downstairs.
I began dishing out breakfast which was toast, bacon and eggs that just filled the kitchen with an aroma that made my appetite increase as I awaited the both of them. The kitchen was average sized and we mainly had breakfast and other family meals here if not the living room. We had a dining room but opted to use that only for special occassions since I was the one who was stuck cleaning it anyways.
"I'm up, I'm up!!" Dalton screamed as Antonio brought him into the kitchen by the ear.
"Geez you guys always gotta be so uptight. I just got dressed" he said as I eyed him up and down. He wore a dark green hoodie paired with black jeans and a pair of black sneakers, all of which he bought over the summer. He was growing into quite the handsome, young man from the way he dressed to his appearance. This wasn't the little boy we knew who was obsessed with Batman anymore. He had neatly combed hair, slight stubble on his face, beautiful green eyes just like Antonio and he had a decent, athletic build. He was a football player so he was the stereotypical jock.
"Uptight no, concerned about your education and your life then yes" I said as I placed his breakfast in front of him as he didn't hesitate to start eating the minute he got it.
"You got it easy all you get to do is be home all day watching tv and sometimes going to the mall to pass the time with shopping" Dalton said clearly not knowing the struggles of being a stay at home dad. He thought it was all sunshine and rainbows which was the furthest thing from the truth.
"Don't you talk like that to your father, chico" Antonio said clearly getting pissed that our son was vaguely disrespecting me. Antonio knew how hard it was for me just being at home all the time, having no one to be with and barely getting time to myself despite always being at home.
"I literally gave up my life to be a househusband and take care of you and this is the thanks I get? I should've just left you with some irresponsible nanny after having you" I said bitterly but I never regretted a second of seeing my son grow up every step of the way with my own two eyes and I took even greater pride and joy in knowing that I was the one who raised him myself with just the financial help from Antonio.
"Sorry dad I didn't mean that, it just sucks when the end of vacation happens. I'm sure you two get it, you were both in school" he said as both an apology and an explanation and actually he was right, I did understand that feeling but he seems to have a way better social life than we did back then.
"I get it. Now you're gonna be so busy with your studies that the only time you'll have to watch porn is on weekends" Antonio said teasing our son. I couldn't get enough of these two. These were the two most important people to me in the world and I would never have it any other way.
"I'm not the only teenage guy that likes porn. Puberty is real" he said trying to explain himself once more while stuffing his mouth fall of bacon and this reminded me so much of when I attended my last years of high school. Dating was actually the only thing to get you to stand out back then. Well dating or being in a club but dating required less committment. You could meet whenever you want instead of scheduled meetings.
"Easy there chico" Antonio stated and despite his macho exterior, Antonio was pretty soft on the inside especially when it came to Dalton. He is our only child and Antonio was thrilled at the idea of having a child, especially a son. Not that we'd love a daughter any less, we just thought with us being men and knowing men stuff then having a boy would be a lot easier for us.
"Well look on the bright side this could be the year you start dating again" I said trying to get him excited or at least enthused enough to attend school happily. He has dated in the past but they've only been short lived relationships. It's like, can this kid seriously commit to someone?
"Maybe but school's gonna have the same boring guys. I mean it wouldn't kill them to have at least one cute twink in that entire school" Dalton said which made me blush because I, myself was what these gays would term as a twink with my short and tiny build, small feet as well as hands and wide blue eyes like little sapphires as Antonio put it but my husband, Antonio on the other hand was another story.
"Told you he's a top, just like his old man" Antonio said in a playful voice and Antonio was fine with Dalton being gay as long as he was the "alpha male" as he put it. That way he'd be the one in control which we know isn't true because despite letting Antonio be the man of the house I still have a lot of influence over him and sometimes he even comes to me for advice and suggestions.
"We don't know that. He could be verse" I said much to the dismay of Antonio. He was adamant that Dalton was an alpha and to be honest even I had the same thought since he didn't act like the stereotypical gays and in my opinion even more straight than straight guys if that even makes sense.
"Naw I'm a top. Definitely a top" Dalton said confidently. It's like he loved the idea of having control. He loved having a power trip like Antonio apparently and I couldn't help but admire how cute the relationship these two have was.
"Why couldn't we have a straight son" I said jokingly but honestly Dalton being gay made it a whole lot easier for both Antonio and I. We didn't have to seek out advice from straight parents or even read magazine for tips that may or may not work. Although love is love it can still be complicated if you don't grasp the understanding of a relationship so if Dalton were to be in love with girls then we'd have our work cut out for us.
"You hypocrite" Dalton teased me as I shook my head smiling. I loved this boy so much. He was my little baby and a fully grown man at the same time. Oh how time flies. I hate being that nostalgic parent but it feels like just yesterday I had him craddled in my arms as I brought him home from the hospital. I always had to spend a great deal of time nursing him but I guess all that time and effort made it worth it when I look at the amazing, young man he's matured into.
"Are you done with your breakfast?" Antonio asked Dalton as he shook his head yes before Antonio collected the dirty dishes and glasses before taking them to the dishwasher. Antonio loved helping me every opportunity he got and I admired that about it. He rarely ever complained about his own job and sometimes I'd even have to beg him to relax and let me do my chores.
"Ok muñeco, I'm off to work" he said as he kissed my lips and even though it's been twenty one years of marriage, seeing him leave for work was the hardest part of my day.
"Get a room you two" Dalton said as we laughed and kissed again just to tease Dalton but we really did love each other that much and sometimes I wish we could spend the entire day just kissing.
"You still haven't kissed me" I said awaiting my kiss from my son as he hugged me and kissed me on the cheek while telling me he loved me as they both headed off to work and school. I couldn't help but feel the loneliness set in but I knew they'd be back soon enough. With a deep sigh, I head to the living room where I would most likely watch television until they returned home.
Micah P.O.V
"Elliot if you don't get down here now you can stay hungry until it's lunch" I yelled up to my son as my daughter and I sat at the kitchen table awaiting both him and my husband to join us for breakfast. The aroma of pancakes filling the dining room as it seemed to linger throughout the household.
"Take it easy on him, he's just a child" my husband Dominic said as he entered the dining room. I hated the fact that Dom viewed our son, Elliott as a baby since he was in his second to last year of high school not to mention the law of Pennsylvania states that a sixteen year old is now an adult who can give consent.
"You keep protecting him from literally everything. How is he supposed to learn?" I asked as I awaited an answer from Dom who was still trying to get his tie on but damn did that shirt look good on him. It outlined his torso perfectly and had it not been for our kids in the house I may have let him have me on the dining room table. Those beautiful blue eyes like the seas to a forbidden island. Italian men really do possess outstanding beauty even if he was only half Italian.
"Maybe he's a slow learner. Aren't all blondes slow learners?" He said sarcastically at me bringing me out of my thoughts and my horniness. He would often tease me about stereotypical blondes being dumb and I didn't mind but I was not in the mood this morning.
"You're lucky our daughter is here" I said glaring daggers at him as he held his hands up in defense clearly sensing I was in no mood to be messed with.
"I'm here. What's all the commotion about?" My son asked as he walked into the dining room not giving a damn that it's the first day of school. His attitude makes me regret having a second child sometimes but he was the apple of Dom's eye. Dom was thrilled when we had Dominique but he just lit up when he knew I was pregnant again, this time with a little boy. He literally picked me up and spun me around which in turn made me throw up on him but what do you expect from spinning a pregnant guy around?
"The commotion is you being late on the first day of school" I replied sternly, letting him know he couldn't do what he wanted, when he wanted but instead had to follow a schedule. Even I follow a schedule, it help keeps my life organized.
"Relax. I mean beauty takes time" he said flaunting the new clothes his father took him shopping for over the summer and it was rather provocative clothing which kind of made me angry that he would even wear such a thing. I was also angry that Dom even bought him these things without a second thought.
"I can't believe you bought him these clothes" I said clearly upset at the amount of money he spent on a few articles of clothing that looked like they were missing fabric and could clearly pass as rags but I guess that's fashion for the kids of this generation but damn was I pissed at my husband for getting him these clothes.
"He's my son I wasn't going to tell him no besides he looks like a little prince" my husband said clearly pissing me off. He looked like a male stripper in my opinion but I know arguing wouldn't do any good with him or Elliott right now and it would just make tempers flare so I just decided to let both of them do whatever the hell they wanted.
"So you won't tell him no but because I wanted to go to a summer party with some friends that didn't even involve drinking or smoking you said no" Dominique said clearly angry at her father. He loved her too and was protective with her but it came at a cost. It's like she couldn't even go anywhere but whatever Elliott wanted he got, no questions asked. It sucked seeing her get treated like that and sometimes I would take her out to make her feel wanted and special. Dom does the same too but it's clear she already knows Elliott is his favorite and that has left an effect on her sadly.
"Hey I offered to take you shopping but you refused" he replied back. "Besides, you don't see your brother going to any parties" my husband said proudly and I just wanted to smack him for even defending himself when he ought to be apologizing and at least making her feel cherished but Dom was blindly in love with Elliott that he couldn't even see that Dominique desperately needed and wanted him in her life. I mentioned it to him but in his opinion he treats them equally by letting them do the same things yet Elliott always gets to choose what they do.
"I bet you wouldn't even know if he did because he's always gonna be a little angel to you and I'm the big bad wolf" she said leaving a half eaten plate of pancakes as she stormed out of the dining room, clearly deciding to walk to school and I felt bad for her but when she was angry the best thing to do was let her cool off before even starting a conversation. I did make a mental note to speak to her later today though.
"Is she always like this?" Dominic asked clearly oblivious to any wrong he did or how bad he made her feel. Dom wasn't always like this but ever since Elliott was born he's been favoring him much to the sorrow of Dominique. I know he was psyched to have a little boy but that doesn't mean he had to sever his relation with his daughter. That doesn't sit well with me and no matter how much I tried to address it, he denies it.
"Not with me but then again I don't have favorite children" I said as I rolled my eyes clearly upset at him for not even reading the most simple of signs from his own daughter. He clearly know she feels unloved yet he keeps acting like he doesn't know what he's doing is wrong. I didn't marry an idiot but sometimes I feel I'd make more progress talking to a pig.
"Daddy should I walk to school?" Elliot asked clearly wanting a chaffeur. He had to maintain an image of sorts in his opinion since Dom had his own business. He basically had a queen bee personality and I hated it. He was self centred, rebellious and very much conceited but Dom turned a blind eye to all of these traits and portrayed him as a little angel. The only thing angelic about him was his appearance and that's thanks to my genes. He had blonde hair and green eyes which both came from me. Despite Dom being muscular and big boned he still maintained a tiny frame.....again, like me. It's amazing how much he can look like me yet be the total opposite. It's like having an evil clone.
"No sweetie. I'll still have time to drop you off and get to work on time" he said as he smiled at our son while still fixing his tie.
"No..... he can walk" I stated rather than said as I spoke up. This was not the age we're supposed to be babying our children or letting them take advantage of us in any way, shape or form and if Dom was blinded by his love for Elliott, I wasn't.
"But it's so far...." he began complaining but I cut him off not giving him an opportunity to pluck on his father's heartstrings and attain sympathy from him. He was legally a grown ass man by the law but even though I knew he was still a little boy in both our eyes I was teaching him a lesson on being mature and independant.
"If Dominique can walk to school then so can you. It's just a ten minute walk" I said crossing my arms as a sign that I was serious and adamant about my decision, not giving our son an opportunity to voice his opinion against mines since I already knew I was right without a shadow of a doubt. I dared him with my eyes to try and prove me wrong.
"Ughhh" he said as he stormed out of the front door slamming it behind him and I could care less about his little outburst, he had to learn sooner or later and I preferred sooner. He may not like it now but he'll thank me for it later on in life.
"You need to stop babying him" I said to Dominic clearly upset he didn't even back me up. His affection for Elliott blinds his judgement, he never gives him the wrong for anything and I wanted to prove how stupid he was for that.
"But he's a baby......" Dominic started but I cut him off already pissed by hearing those words. It was his go to line everytime we had a discussion about Elliott no matter how much I tried to persuade him otherwise.
"He's not a baby. He's sixteen years old. He's literally a teenager although the state of Pennsylvania grants him consent to make his own choices." I explained angrily to him like he had no common sense whatsoever.
"I hear what you're saying but maybe if you lightned up a little he'd like you more" Dominic said while finishing up his pancakes and coffee while still trying to get his tie on but lightening up with a child especially a rebellious one was something I would never do. I don't think it's effective parenting.
"He's been rebellious since he turned twelve and I would've had better control of him had you supported me" I said continuing the discussion that was slowly turning into a small argument but I was pissed that Dom never supported me in one instance against our son. It's almost like anyone Elliott's up against always gets the wrong in Dom's eyes.
"I do support you. I just have a different parenting technique" he defended himself. It didn't even sound like he believed that but just used it as a weak defense for me to get off his back but I persisted to press him.
"Whatever technique you have going on sucks and definitely needs working on if you are going to be an effective parent" I stated as I collected the dirty dishes before I began to walk out of the dining room.
"Wait! Can you help me with my tie?" He asked as I turned back to face him.
"Why don't you ask Elliott?" I said clearly upset as I continued walking out of the dining room and into the kitchen where I placed the dishes in the dishwasher and then headed to the garage to get my car so I could head off to work.
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