Final Chapter: Unforgivable Truth
Kyra's P.O.V
My fangs were bared at my mate, I couldn't understand why he was protecting an intruder.
"Kyra, take it easy. I know her from Lunaria. She is a Moon wolf, her parents are humans, they told her to be a human in the town." Kaiden explained.
It seemed a little hard to believe but I sighed and shrugged it off. Calming myself down, I bowed my head apologetically, limping back home.
Kaiden stepped in front of me. "How'd that happen?" He glanced down at my hovering right front paw.
I turned my head away but still moved my eyes to his gaze.
He swished his tail irritably. I could hear a growl rising in his throat.
Soon, we heard a small patrol head back to the den site; Locin leading the patrol.
"Locin." Kaiden called out to him.
Locin came to him, his patrol eyeing up Yue, as if she was a rare stone, when in fact she definitely seemed like one.
"Yes, Kaiden?" He barked.
"Take our guest to the den site, her name is Yue. Please, keep an eye on her." Kaiden told him.
"Sure thing. Come along, lovely." Locin flirted, walking around her, his tail under her chin.
Yue seemed uncomfortable with his flirty behavior. Kaiden gave a warning growl to him, with that, they proceed to the den site.
It was now just me and Kaiden in the forest, alone.
"You going to tell me what happened?" Kaiden sternly growled.
"It's nothing. Don't worry about it." I softly growled.
"Kyra, your paw is scraped and swollen. I'm not going to ignore an injury that was inflicted on my pregnant mate, so tell me what happen." He growled, his face just inches from mine.
I lowered my ears and stared into his emerald gaze.
"I followed your scent into the forest to find you. I didn't want you to see me, so I changed into my human form, tried to climb a tree and lost my grip." I explained.
He let out a heavy sigh. "You have bad luck with trees. And for your info, I smelled your blood before you even showed up."
I whimpered in embarrassment.
He came closer to me and nudged my head down to his chest. "I'm just glad you are safe. You got really ill, you have to keep yourself fed, darling. I don't want to lose you. Or the pups."
I don't want to lose you in general. When I tell you the truth, you'll certainly be angry. I thought to myself.
I nuzzled into his chest fur; it was warm and comforting, but how long would I have it for much longer?
"Come on, we need to get you looked at by Leora. Afterwards you need to get some rest." Kaiden told as he walked away from me while I was still snuggling in his fur.
I lowered my ears. I looked up into the galactic sky, the stars seem to meet my eyes, almost like to talk to me.
"Kyra! Come on." Kaiden called for me.
I looked to him and stood to my three functions paws, limping to him.
We entered the den site and for the remainder of the night, I saw Leora and met the Phantom medicine wolf who aided Leora. Afterwards, Kaiden and I went to an empty den and rested.
It was later in the night I awoke up from a deep sleep, dreaming about my sins that still were left unspoken to the one I loved the most.
I looked to Kaiden's calm sleeping figure.
I smiled, but at the same time, it brought tears to my eyes. I laid my head in between my paws and just silently cried, I knew the inevitable was waiting for me when I spoke of my sins to him.
I shut my eyes to let myself just drift to sleep.
The Next Morning...
I awoke up in the den alone. I scanned for Kaiden, but he was no where to be found, but at my paws, laid a rabbit and some raspberries.
I smiled at the thought of him bringing me breakfast, but I knew it would be short lived.
I reluctantly ate my breakfast. Afterwards, I limped out the den, stretching out myself.
I knew before I would tell Kaiden the truth I had to see my mother and father.
I saw a wolf who looked to be Locin. I walked up to him.
"Locin, could you tell me---"
"Oh, hello. You mistook me for my elder brother."
I blinked in embarrassment, but in shyness. This wolf looked almost identical to Locin, they were the same colors, just the only difference was, he had a soft spoken male voice, and blue eyes, just like mine.
"I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to mistake you for Locin." I stuttered.
He smiled. "No worries, my name is Echo. What were you wondering about, I'm sure I can help, Lady Kyra."
Lady? Last I checked I'm not a priestess from the feudal eras.
"How did you know my name?" I asked wonderingly.
"I'm good friends with all your siblings, especially your sister, Nikita. She is a little hard-headed and stubborn, but she's very kind." He told, I could tell he was slightly blushing.
"Thank you." I smiled softly.
"You know, she does feel pretty betrayed that you left home a long time ago. Me and your sibling may have only known one another for a short time, but Nikita has opened up to me quite a bit. Please, be there for your sister through tough times." Echo told, his voice was so gentle, almost so similar to Kaiden's.
"Thank you for being there for Nikita. I'll do all I can to be there for her as much as I can. But, could you tell me where I can find my mother and father?" I asked.
"Ah, yes I can. Follow me." He told, swishing his tail in the direction of a massive rock cave in the center of the smaller dens.
Well I could've guessed that all the alphas slept in the bigger den. I flicked my ear in spite of my own stupidity.
I followed Echo towards the den. It was finally time to see my mother once more. And to meet my father.
I gulped uneasily. In a way, I was afraid my father wouldn't approve of me for being half-wolf, but I don't know how I could think like that, my mother is a dog, a purebred Siberian Husky who is living with probably over 50 wolves.
"Here we are. I will call for your parents. My parents do not know you so I must apologize in advance in case my father is rather—- harsh." Echo told.
I nodded. But oh no, I already knew his and Locin's parents would be rather judgmental of me.
Echo raised his head and let out a howl to call for the alphas to assemble outside their den.
I watched as I saw five pairs of eyes appear in the darkness of the dens. I could already recognize Ivy's dark green eyes to the far left of the den.
"What is it, Echo?" Barked a deep voiced male wolf.
"There is a wolf here we brought in yesterday with the other wolves, she is here to see her parents." Echo told him.
"And who might her parents be?" The dark gray alpha male stepped out of the shadows and revealed himself.
"My mother Riva and my father Kato, I believe is his name." I spoke.
"That's impossible! They had told us that one of their pups had run away and had most likely died!" Growled the alpha male.
"Well, clearly I'm not dead, am I!? I demand to see them!" I snarled, my fur beginning to bristle.
The alpha male sharply barked and began stalking down the rocky den.
His growls grew closer, I watched as he walked passed Echo, Echo bowed submissively. I gulped hard as he approached closer to me.
Soon, me and him were face to face, his sharp fangs bared at me. I flattened my ears back as I looked up into his golden gaze.
"What gives you the right to speak to an alpha in such a manner and to give demands?!" Snarled the dark gray alpha.
"Wouldn't be the first time I did." I snarled, flattening my ears against my head protectively.
The dark gray alpha shoved me to the ground with his massive paw on my shoulder.
I let out a little cry.
"Stop it!" Snarled a female voice.
The alpha looked in the direction to the right side of the den.
I looked up to see my mother, the beautiful reddish-brown Siberian Husky; her coat shining like a flame in the sunlight.
"Let her up at once! There is no need to be hostile." My mother demanded.
"I will not take orders from a dog!" Snarled the dark gray alpha.
He pressed down hard on my shoulder.
"Oww!" I let out a little howl.
"Father, stop! You are hurting her!" Echo barked as he tried to stand up.
His father let out a sharp growl for his son to bow submissively again. Echo unfortunately obeyed him and bowed again with a whimper.
"That's enough!" Snarled a more soft spoken male voice.
I looked up to see a brown wolf, with pure golden eyes.
"You will take orders from a wolf." The brown alpha spoke.
This must've been Kato; my father. His voice sounded calm, but sharp. With an interesting, English accent to it.
"Pff, Kato, you really dare challenge my demands? This is MY pack after all." The gray male snarled snickeringly.
I watched as my father's eyes narrowed into slits. He jumped down from rock to rock down to the ground.
Soon, Kato and the gray alpha were nose to nose, both had their muzzles wrinkled challengingly to each other.
I gulped nervously, I was prepared to see a fight between two alpha males, one being my own father.
"I do dare challenge your demands, Leon. But I would prefer that you didn't threaten my daughter so harshly. Or punish your son when he simply escorted her here to speak with her parents. She's never met me and you are desecrating her wishes? What if that was your mate or Ayame's wishes?" Kato snapped, teeth bared angrily.
Leon was at a loss of words, his eyes moving towards my direction, to Echo's, then back to Kato's.
"Ugh! Fine! She can speak with you and Riva." Leon scoffed, walking and leaping back up to his den, his head low in submission and humiliation.
"Forgive me for my mate's rudeness. He's never like this towards newcomers. I don't know what has gotten to him." A lighter gray female apologized, her ears solemnly low.
I watched her follow not far behind her mate; watching her light gray figure disappearing into the darkness.
"Kyra, you may stand now." Kato approached, his paw just inches from my head.
I stood up slowly, I looked up into his golden gaze, I felt so lost in it, as if I remembered this look before.
"Welcome home, my daughter." Kato said as he lowered his head to mine. I nuzzled into his soft fur, tears of joy touching his fur.
"Welcome home, darling." Said my mother's soft voice.
I left my father's embrace and went to my mother's. I was just a size bigger than my mother, while I was a size smaller than my father.
"I'm so sorry.." I choked up as I stared at the same blue gaze of my mother that matched my own; tears trickling down my cheeks.
"Now, now, my dear, you have no need to be sorry. You are home now, that is all that matters." My mother told me as she caressed me with her head.
"May I ask that we speak in private? I have so much I need to tell you. And some advice I may need." I told both of them, my ears pinned to my head.
They both looked at each other and nodded. Kato gestured with his tail swish to follow him to their den.
I followed them up the rocky ravine to the dens. I let them enter first, I watched as my parents figures faded into the darkness. It wasn't long until I followed them inside.
Kaiden's P.O.V
I watched as I saw Kyra's figure disappear into the Alpha's den.
"So badly I wanted to attack your father, Locin." I snarled as I turned and stalked away.
"Bro, I told you my father is a hard ass. He doesn't play around. Especially not with outsiders." Locin trotted up to me.
"Kyra isn't an outsider! She's part of our pack, MY pack. He threatened my mate." I growled, slitting my gaze at him.
"Your beef isn't with me, Kaiden. I'm not anything like my father. I get it, you are upset, but you are on my father's territory. His rules, no matter who or what says. He was kind enough to take Kyra's family in." Locin scoffed.
"Not like your father, huh? Sounds like something Leon would say. Is that the same with my family? My mother, brother and sister?" I growled threateningly.
Locin hunched down slightly, ears slightly down. "Bro, that's not what I meant, really."
"His territory or not you're under both our commands. Just saying, but you better watch what you say around us both. Kyra is my mate, and no matter what I will always take her side first." Kaiden snarled.
Locin narrowed his eyes angrily. "Is that so?"
Kyra's P.O.V
"So, Kyra, please tell me why you decided to leave the pack and go on your own? Me and your father aren't mad at you for it, but we were worried for you all these years.." My mother questioned me with saddened eyes and lowered ears.
I too lowered my ears in embarrassment and sadness. "I felt father would reject me. Since he wasn't around very much when I was a pup, I didn't know if he was ashamed of me or all of us. I guess it's a stupid reason to leave as I got older. But, I've been mistreated so much because of my pedigree.
Kato and my mother both looked at each other with wide, sad eyes.
I kept on. "I know, father you love Nikita, Areo and Aspen more because they look more wolf than I do. I'm not saying looking like mom is bad but... I've been insulted by being called half-breed all my life." I wept in silence.
"Kyra, nothing on this earth is more important than my pups and your mother. Your mother lived with humans but chose to leave and be with me. I was in love with her. Dog or wolf, I see no difference. They both still have fighting spirits like any other wolf would. I would have another litter of pups with her at anytime of my life until I can't no more. We both love you Kyra, don't ever think we don't. Your siblings are all equally loved by us both. No one is favored, all treated equally." Kato told me with such love.
My father approached me and knelt his head down to the back of my neck and embraced me against his chest.
He was so warm. I looked to my mother giving me such a loving smile.
Kato stepped away and sat back down next to my mother.
I inhaled a deep breathe and lifted my head to look at them both. It was time I told them.
"I have something to tell you both but you must promise me, it doesn't leave us three? Please." I begged them to promise.
They both nodded and were ready for anything for me to say.
"I'm .... pregnant." I slurred out.
"I know, Kyra" My mother grinned blissfully.
"What? How did you know?" I quirked my head in a slight tilt.
"Your scent. I can see also you have a little pudge going on. It's not quite as noticeable yet but I'm your mother, it's just intuition, motherly intuition." She wagged her tail in excitement.
I let out a heavy sigh. "But there is more to it than that."
"What do you mean?" Kato questioned.
I gulped hard. "I don't know who's pups they are..."
Both widened their eyes. My mother was the first to speak.
"Well, aren't they Kaiden's? Your mate?" She wondered.
My head knelt down, my ears pinned back against my head as far as they could go. "I... I don't know.. it's hard to say cause the time frames were so close together."
"Time frames? You mean, you had sex with more than one male?" Kato growled slightly in a protective manner.
"Mhmmm. I didn't mean to, it just happened.." I whimpered.
"Relax, Kato. Kyra, does Kaiden know you slept with another male?" She asked calmingly.
My eyes widened, ears pinned up half way. "No! Please, he doesn't know."
"Kyra, you need to calm down. Who was the other male? Just be honest, we are your parents. We aren't going to be mad at you." My mother soothed as best as she could.
I could feel my paws shaking beneath my weight. I was so afraid. But, she was right. I needed to tell at least them. For their sake.
With a shaky sigh, I let it out. "Locin. It was Locin I slept with first."
"I knew it...!" Said a familiar growl.
Both me and my parents shot our eyes to the entrance of the den to see the slitted, green eyed gaze of my alpha, my mate.
"Kaiden..." I whimpered.
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