Chapter 7: Evil in the Night
Kaiden's P.O.V
It was day break. As always, I was first up. The snow had stopped falling, and once outside, the world was nothing but white.
"Wow... Beautiful." I whispered.
"Yes, it is." Said a soft, female voice.
I turned over my shoulder to see the blue-eyed, reddish-brown and white wolf.
I licked her cheek. "How are you feeling?"
"Much better. Leg is still a little sore." She propped her head on my shoulder and sat down.
"I'll make sure to take our time so you don't over do it." I told her.
"Thank you." Kyra smiled and nuzzled her head into my chest.
I leaned my head down and licked her ears and head.
"Cool it, love birds." Locin teased as he rose his head from inside the darkened den.
Leora was still fast asleep, but that wasn't like her, she was usually up by now.
"Is she okay, Ky?" I looked down at Kyra.
She looked at me and lowered her ears. "Go check on her." She choked out.
I too lowered my ears at Kyra, she kept thinking I liked Leora, but that wasn't the case, she was her best friend after all, she's also a pack mate.
"Don't be that way, my love." I pressed my head to hers.
She let out a heavy sigh with a whine in the mix of it.
"You know I love you and you only." I licked her cheek.
She brightened only slightly, as I walked away, I could feel her sadness drifting back to herself.
I approached Leora with some caution.
"Leora?" I nudged her with my front paw.
She didn't stir awake.
"Leora, are you awake?" I nudged her again.
She finally opened her eyes and yawned. "Morning already?" She whined shifting back to her sleeping position.
"Come on sleeping beauty, you have to get up some time." Locin nuzzled her back.
"Does it have to be now?" Leora whined.
"Yes, we have to get a move on. We only stopped to get a rest and to cure Kyra." I told her.
"And for you two to have a mating session." Locin mumbled.
"What?" I growled.
"Heh heh, nothing Kaiden, darling." Locin laughed.
"Mgggh..." I could hear Kyra growling.
"Kyra, dear, he's just kidding." I reassured her.
She rolled her eyes and stepped outside.
"We will stay till midday then we are leaving. We still have that deer to eat." I told them as I followed Kyra outside.
Kyra's P.O.V
As I stepped outside, I fell into a deep snow bank, sinking damn near to my stomach.
"Ahh!" I yelped until I felt sharp teeth in my scruff.
"OW!" I cried out yanking myself out from the mysterious grip.
I spun around to see Kaiden spitting out a few of my hairs.
I blushed in embarrassment. "S-Sorry Kai."
He walked through snow with a smirk on his face.
"Uh.. Hun.. What are you do---" I asked.
"Shhh." He shushed me as he pushed me into his warm fur.
I blushed more feeling and hearing his heart beat.
"I'm just reassuring you that I only love you. I have no other feelings for anyone but you. That's why I made you my mate." He smiled.
"Oh Kaiden..." I couldn't help but turn human and hug his wolfen form.
He licked my face and nuzzled my face and he too turned to his human form.
"By the way, did I hurt you from biting you last night?" He asked as he pushed my hair out of the way.
"I-I don't want you look..." I said as I tugged my plaid shirt up upon my neck and my face turning red.
"Come on. You can show me. We are mates after all." He smirked as took hold of shirt.
I loosened my grip and he pulled my shirt down and he saw two pairs of bite marks, both his, but both badly bruised and deep puncture wounds.
"Oh shit.... I'm sorry, Ky. No wonder you yelped when I grabbed you from sinking into the snow." He placed his hand on my neck.
At the touch of his hand being put down on my neck, I clenched my teeth in pain.
"Ouch..." I choked out.
"Sorry. I just didn't think it was that bad." He said as he laid his head on my back, wrapping his arms around my belly.
I laid my hand on top his and smiled.
"I hope you'll be ready to have pups." He said softly.
I swallowed hard, at the same time, shaking at the thought. "I hope so too... I'm just really afraid."
"Believe me, I'm afraid too, but more for you. I don't want to lose you." He gripped me tighter.
I began to cry, he was right. Not all wolves survive through child birth, some pups don't either.
"Don't cry, Ky. I'll be with you through every step of the way, I promise." He said as he raised one arm to my chest.
"Good. I love you, Kaiden." I told.
He let go and faced me and kissed me. "I love you too, honey."
I smiled and blushed at him.
"Get a room you two!" Leora howled from the den.
Kaiden got up and went over to Leora and Locin, I heard him say something but didn't catch what it was.
I lowered my head and put my hand in the snow that once again turned back into a paw.
Hmmm, will they be full or half-breed? I hope he will love them all the same.
I felt someone brush up against me. To my surprise it was Locin.
"Hey." I greeted with a smile.
"Hey. I just wanted to say congratulations on you and Kaiden." He smiled.
"Thank you."
"But that's not why I wanted to talk to you." Locin said more sternly.
"Kaiden, may I speak with Kyra for a moment?" He asked.
"Sure bro." He replied.
"Come on." He told me.
He got up and we took a small walk through the deep snow.
"Kyra, what's going to happen if you start showing early?" He asked.
"Huh?" I turned my head to the side in confusion.
"Don't play dumb." He said as he took a step forward toward my face baring his teeth.
I swallowed hard and flattened my ears down.
"You may become pregnant with my pups, Kyra." Locin told in guilt.
"What? You said you wouldn't get me---" I stood up and growled at him. My fur on my back began to bristle.
"Shhhh. I'm sorry, there was nothing I could do, Ky." He backed away with his head low.
"You could've stopped before you--- you know what I'm saying." I snarled.
He lowered his ears. "I'm sorry."
I calmed down and sighed. "We will see."
"I guess so." He sighed.
"But what will happen if it is---"
"You guys ready to eat?" Kaiden came trotting up to us.
My ears pricked up and I licked Kaiden's cheek. "I am, I'm starving."
"Locin, you ready to eat?" He asked.
"Yeah, I'll be over." He got up and shook himself out.
We went over to the frozen deer kill, and began tearing chunks of meat off.
Kaiden's P.O.V
It was past midday and we had started traveling after eating. Kyra clung to my side, I loved her, yes, but I do need my space, even for a bit.
The scent of the unfamiliar white figure was among our trail again, but there was also a new scent, actually three new ones.
"Kyra, be on your guard, I smell some different scents." I told her.
"I know. I smell them too." She growled eagerly.
Unknown characters...
Among higher heights of cliffs, three wolves stood in the shadows, their eyes glimmering in the depths of darkness. One stepped out of the shadows, his chain necklace jingling as he walked.
"Are any of them the target we are after?" Asked a male voice.
"No. But we could always have a little fun with them." Snickered a slightly deeper male voice.
"Heh, a little fun? How bout a lot. Do you guys not see the markings on the black wolf? It's a Solar Wolf." A female voice appeared from the darkness, her ice blue eyes glimmering as they hit the setting sunlight.
"Well who are the others then? Shouldn't this Solar wolf be with his main pack?" Asked the deeper voice male.
"Hnh. I can smell a half-breed most definitely. The other two, I can't determine their scents." Spat the female.
"How should we do this?" Asked the other male.
"You two go down and attack as soon as the sun sets and I'll follow behind." Ordered the female.
"And who made you in charge, missy?" Snarled the deeper voice male.
"Well, your brother asked what to do, I merely just suggested as all." She said as she rubbed her tail under his chin and dashed up onto a higher rock.
"I'll look out. I'll come down once you guys reach half way down." The female sat down and nodded.
They both bowed their heads and followed the orders.
She watched as her pack mates took down the cliff side.
Kyra's P.O.V
I started to feel a little ill in the stomach. I stopped and sat down. The others all looked at me in confusion.
"Kyra, darling you okay?" Kaiden asked me as he sat down and tucked my head under his chin.
"Just feel a little sick as all. Just probably the medicine I had last night." I blushed in embarrassment.
"Do you need a drink?" Leora asked nuzzling my cheek.
I nodded and got up, but without being a little shaky in my legs.
"Maybe someone should go with you?" Locin suggested.
"No, no. I'll be okay." I smiled.
"Okay, just be careful." Kaiden lowered his ears slightly.
"I'll be okay, honey." I licked his cheek and trotted off toward the sound of running water.
I found a little stream not far from the pack and I bent down and took a few naps of water until I felt a sharp pain in my stomach.
"Agh....! What the---" I whimpered quietly.
I clenched my teeth closed and began to shake. Before I knew it, I threw up.
I coughed and rinsed my mouth out.
"That's a little weird. I hope I'm not what I think I am already." I told myself.
"Well my dear, you don't seem well, why don't you come with me?" Said a voice from the shadows.
"Who is there?" I growled.
I saw amber eyes emerge from the darkened brush.
"Ahuh..!" I gasped.
"Don't be afraid, my dear." He growled.
"Stop calling me that, I already have a mate." I snarled.
"Huh, that's too bad. I thought you'd make a lovely mate for me." Said the large male wolf that came from the darkness.
He was a big wolf, much bigger than me, but maybe a little bigger than Kaiden. This wolf was crimson red with black rimming the outside of the red and the rest of him being white, he looked like a Siberian husky. I saw a shimmer on his neck, there was no doubt it was a black diamond pendant.
"Y-You're an Assassin wolf." I trembled.
"She's a smart one, bro." Said another voice from behind me.
"Ahh!" I stumbled backwards.
I only saw the red eyes of the other wolf.
"Shhh. Wouldn't want your friends to hear your screams." Said the big wolf with the black pendant.
He pushed me to ground with his massive paws on my back.
"Oww! Get off of me!" I growled.
"No chance, young lady." He scoffed.
I growled and turned over on my back and bit down hard on his front paw, having him yelp and stepping back a foot or so back.
"You bitch!" He snarled as he sprinted toward me.
I crouched down and the next thing I knew it I saw a flash of black.
I opened my eyes to see Kaiden hovering over me.
"Kaiden.." I said softly.
"You okay?" He asked.
I nodded.
"I catch you put another paw on my mate again and I'll kill you." He snarled at the Assassin Wolf.
"Hmph. We were just introducing ourselves, my friend." He smiled.
"Heh. Like I'd believe a Blood Wolf." Kaiden growled.
"You know about his species, Kai?" I asked him.
"All too well. Blood Wolves are the main species of the Assassin Pack. They are masters of being killers and take bounties all the across ever territory." Kaiden explained while still growling.
"He's another smart one, brother." Said a slightly smaller male, only he was not like his brother.
"What? You two? He's a Metallic Wolf!" Kaiden growled in surprise. "How are you two related?!"
The brothers looked at each other and merely grinned.
"Same mother and father, of course." Snickered the larger red wolf.
"What, you two on a bounty hunt or just stop for a mating session with MY mate?" Kaiden snarled.
I trembled underneath him, he was a little scary when he got mad, as if a demon was ready to turn him.
"Aw, come on, you can't share?" The larger male began to circle around us.
"Like hell I'd let you touch her!" He growled as he lunged at him and bit down on his shoulder.
"Get off of me, child!" He shook off Kaiden and tossed him to side.
"Kyra, get up in the trees!" He ordered.
I nodded and got up off the ground and ran for a nearby tree and jumped up and turned human but before I could start climbing I felt teeth dig into my injured leg.
"Where you think you're going?" The Metallic wolf growled and pulled me down and threw me into the snowy ground.
"Ahh!" I screamed.
I sat up, shivering in the snow only to see my leg started bleeding again.
The Metallic male pinned me to the ground. "Why fight? Just give up." He snarled as he was about ready to bite me.
I then saw a flash of light orange and saw gray hovering over me.
"Locin.." I said as I looked at him.
"You okay, pup?" He asked as he licked my face.
"Yeah." I smiled and petted him.
"Locin, get her in the trees. For some odd reason these two males are after Kyra." Leora ordered.
"Right." He said as he turned human and took me into his arms. He took a massive leap into the trees.
"Stay put, I need to help Kaiden and Leora." He told as he sat me down.
I nodded and he took off back to the snowy battle scene.
Once his feet touched the ground he went back to his wolfen form. He ran and jumped onto the Metallic wolf's back, with Leora having his neck in her jaws.
"Get off of me!" The Metallic wolf snarled as he stomped on Leora's chest.
"Ugh!" Leora coughed and lost her grip and panted for breath.
I gulped hard and felt horrible that she just got hurt.
"Leora, you okay?" I called down to her.
"Huh.... Yeah." She panted.
"You'll pay for that." Locin snarled as he pinned the Metallic wolf to the ground. This time Locin didn't hesitate, he clamped his jaws around his shoulder and wounded him.
"Agh!" The Metallic wolf yelped.
"Sitka!" The Assassin wolf growled and went to aid his brother.
As the red wolf comforted his brother, Leora, Kaiden and Locin circled the brothers, baring their fangs.
I climbed down and got in between them.
"Kaiden! That's enough. He's hurt, they don't want to fight no more. Right!?" I said as I spun my head around in my wolf form and growled, baring my fangs.
This time, the two brothers nodded.
"Kyra, I appreciate your kindness and protectiveness but you are not the alpha, you don't make the decisions." Kaiden stepped forward.
My ears then went flat and I couldn't hide this time in the shadows. My fur began to bristle and I growled aggressively.
"Alpha or not, I'm still your mate, and as mates we need to make decisions together. They stopped fighting." I calmed down a little.
Now, I knew Kaiden was angry, his fangs were bared and he grabbed my scruff in his mouth and pushed me to the ground, in a manner to show I should give up and listen to the alpha.
I swallowed hard and tried so hard not to start shaking, but the trembles came anyway.
"You and I will talk later. For now, stay like that, if I see you move, I'll be more harsh next time if you don't back down." He growled.
I nodded. I stared at his paws until he walked around me to speak with the two brothers.
Kaiden's P.O.V
As much as I didn't want to do that to my own mate, I had to show dominance to her. I couldn't let her get away with it.
"I heard you say your brother's name is Sitka. And who are you?" I asked the red wolf.
"My name is Shade. But don't worry on remembering it cause we will leave as soon as my brother is healed." He growled as he helped his brother stand up.
"I see. Do you have any other partners in your group?" I asked.
"There was one other but we got separated about a week or so ago. Hope they are still alive." Shade sighed.
"An Assassin like you?" Locin snarled.
"They were being trained to be one, it was only their third time out to collect a bounty with us." He explained.
"Hm, I see. Well, Leora will treat your brother's wounds and then I expect you two move on." I growled.
They nodded and followed Leora.
My attention drew back to Kyra who was inching away from me.
"Kyra!" I growled sternly.
She flinched and turned her head over her shoulder.
"Where you think you are going?" I growled as I picked her by her scruff.
"Oww... Put me down.." She whined.
I put her down but with a paw on her side this time. I then looked to Locin.
"Keep an eye on the brothers and Leora make sure they don't try any thing stupid." I ordered.
He nodded and went to Leora's side.
I returned my gaze back to Kyra who flinched at my look.
"Come on." I urged as I walked a little ahead.
She didn't move. Was she going to make me turn human and pick her up that way?
"Mgggh... You are going to make me, aren't you?" I asked her.
"What?" She turned an ear to the side.
I turned human and walked over to her and placed my hand on her head, making her turn human as well.
I smirked at her.
"Oh, that." She grumbled.
"You can either take my hand and follow nicely or I can throw you over my shoulder and carry you, which one?" I asked her taking her wrist in my hand anyway.
"I...I... Um..." She stammered as she blushed.
I raised an eyebrow in confusion. "Well?"
"Can you carry me? In your arms?" She asked.
"If it's to talk about discipline, then no." I scolded her.
"Please?" She begged.
"Fine. Just this once, next time I won't let you off this easily." I pulled her into my embrace and lifted her into my arms.
Kyra's P.O.V
I pressed my ear to Kaiden's chest, I could hear his steady heartbeat that never grew old.
I clenched his shirt and sighed heavily.
"What is it, Kyra?" Kaiden asked.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to disobey your orders." My voice was shaky with sadness.
His head lowered and he looked at me. His green gaze was intense but so calm.
"I accept your apology, my dear. But may I ask why you stood up to me?" He asked as he sat down in a patch of dirt uncovered from the snow.
"Why hurt wolves that stopped fighting cause a comrade is hurt?" I asked as I shivered from the cold air.
He looked down at me and untied my plaid shirt from my waist, opening it up and placing it over my shoulders. "Because they tried to take you and hurt you, Ky. How can I let wolves like that go free without showing harm to them for hurting you, my mate?" He slightly growled.
I gulped and trembled. I buried my head into his warm chest and clenching hard onto his shirt.
Was I afraid to be away from him? My heart feels so tight against my chest.
"Do you want to be taken away, Kyra? I am the only one who can protect you. Your mother, father, brothers or your sister aren't here to do that. If you were take away, I'd be devastated. I wouldn't know what to do." He swallowed hard sorrowfully.
My eyes began to tear up. He was right, my family wasn't here to protect me, only he was, but he would be all I needed. My mother relied on my father to protect her until he taught her how to fight, no matter how much she hated it.
"I'm sorry, Kaiden. I didn't even think about that. And I was only worried about the well-being of wolves that are complete strangers to us. I'm sorry Kaiden, I'm so sorry that I put us in danger, put myself in danger." I wept heavily into his chest.
"Husssh. Don't cry, Kyra. You didn't know what they were capable of." He clutched me tightly, but so gently.
I looked up at him, the tears trickling from my eyes.
He laid his hand on my face and wiped the tears away. "Just listen next time to my judgement." He said as he pressed his forehead to mine.
I nodded and laid my head down on his shoulder. Still crying, I didn't want to be alone again, not without Kaiden.
"Ky, don't cry anymore. I'll always be here to protect you no matter what." He said, stroking my hair.
"Promise?" I wept.
"I promise." He told as he leaned down to my face and kissed me.
"By the way, Ky, how are you feeling?" Kaiden asked.
"Huh?" I was a little confused until I remember I threw up before Sitka and Shade showed up.
"You said you weren't feeling well, do you feel okay now?" He asked in concern.
"Yeah, I'm okay. Just must've been a reaction from the medicine Leora gave me." I explained.
"Are you in any pain?" He asked worryingly.
"Huh, no, no Hun, I'm okay, really." I said as I took his hand.
"I hope so." He said as the darkness of night became one around us and I only saw the silhouette of Kaiden and his glowing green eyes.
I looked up at his green gaze. My heart pounded so hard, just being with him was enough to make my heart skip beats.
"Why is your heart beating so fast, my love?" He asked as he laid his hand on my heart.
I clasped my hand onto his and just wanted to to stay in his warm lap for the rest of my life. But, as I thought to myself, he won't always be there to protect me, he will have our children to protect, the pack, our territory, etc.
"I just... Want time to stand still. Just for a few moments." I said as I kissed him with his hand still on my chest.
"Me too. But, time can never stop. It will only stop when the world will freeze over, like it did many years ago." He told as he stopped kissing me and laid his forehead on mine.
My eyes closed in thought, with my eyes closed, I could see just the image of the single white wolf, standing in the frozen over, empty world, alone, with just stagnant sound of silence. Watching the snow peacefully fall from the gray sky of this empty world. He looked down to see the wilted Lunar Flower that was once the Flower Maiden, Cheza.
I reopened my eyes. Kiba, you loved Cheza, and you were the first white wolf to surface from the world from years before. Is Kaiden your reincarnation of you? Am I Cheza? Or am I just making no sense? Will you answer me...? I hope so.
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