Chapter 6: Fever
Kaiden's P.O.V
It was a few days later and we started traveling once more, it's been more than a week since we left my den at Lunaria.
I haven't see the white figure that was following us, nor have I smelled them.
But for poor Kyra, traveling has taken a toll on her. Her leg hasn't gotten better, but worse, she's been suffering an infection in her leg.
I turned my head over my shoulder, seeing her slowly limping and hardly keeping up.
Locin has been staying close with her any time she slows down.
Kyra's P.O.V
Traveling is becoming too much for me, how much further can I go? How much longer am I going to last with this fever kicking my ass?
I began to slow down and I couldn't walk anymore, the pain is too agonizing. Could this be it for me?
I fell to the ground, this fever of mine kicked my ass for sure.
"Kaiden! Kyra's down!" I briefly heard Locin yell until my vision went black.
I'm sorry... Kaiden...
Kaiden's P.O.V
As soon as I heard Locin yell my name, I turned around and raced to Kyra's aid.
She had blacked out. I felt her head against mine on the snowy ground.
I looked to Leora. "She's burning up."
Leora lowered her ears in worry. "I'll go out in search of herbs, you guys go find a den, quick."
"No, Leora! It's starting to snow, you won't make it back in the storm." Locin argued.
She grinned lightly. "You'd be surprised, I'll make it back. Just take care of my friend for me, please Kaiden, she needs you."
I swallowed hard and nodded.
"Go now. Make sure to keep her warm and make sure to keep her head cool." Leora said as she vanished into the forest of snow.
I watched her disappear and looked down at the unconscious Kyra.
"Locin... Turn her human." I persuaded.
He nodded and laid his hand on her head. When she became human, her face was reddened. I became human as well. I gulped hard and looked at her injures.
Her leg was awfully red and a little swollen.
"It's no wonder she was struggling. And why she's so sick." I brought her close to my chest.
"Come on, bro. We need to get her to a den. Once there, I'll give her my clothes to keep her warm." Locin insisted.
"Thanks man." I thanked him.
"Anything for your girl." He smiled.
My girl? Heh, I wish she was by now. I did something terrible. Why did I reject her as a mate? She begged for me; man Kaiden you screwed up, you need to tell her you love her, a human is not your life.
I picked Kyra up in my arms, holding her to my chest.
God if she dies, I'll never forgive myself. I told myself as I gritted my teeth.
"Kaiden, come on, we got to go, the snow is really falling!" Locin yelled.
I ran and jumped into the trees to get a higher view to find a den.
Damn it, please let there be one!
"Kai! I found one!" Locin said a few feet in front of me.
I leapt from the trees with Kyra clutched in my arms.
"Start a fire the best you can." I ordered Locin as we walked in.
"Will do." He said as gathered what he could and started a fire.
"The good thing is, there's a lot of fur, so she'll be warm." Locin smiled.
"That's true. But we need to cool her off." I said.
"Uh, bro what's it doing outside?"
"Snow is what?"
"Oh! Ice!"
"Congrats blondie!" Locin laughed.
"Shut up!" I shoved him playfully as I went to go get some snow.
"How are we going to keep this cold and keep her hydrated?" I asked myself.
"Kaiden!" I faintly heard.
"Leora? Where are you!?"
"In the tree." She said as she jumped down.
"Please tell me you have something to put snow in." I begged.
"Yes I do, I don't carry a bag full of herbs for nothing. A metal bowl should do and once it melts, the water she can drink and keep her head cool."
"Thank you, Leora. Could you go tend to her?"
"Of course." She said as she walked into the den.
I gathered as much snow as possible and ran back inside.
"Let's see, Feverfew, Horsetail, maybe some Lavender, some Marigold, and that should do for now." Leora said as she laid out all her herbs.
"Leora, some of these are flowers, these flowers don't bloom till spring." Locin said as inspected the herbs.
"I know. I always keep some in handy." She told.
"But, how's it still look freshly picked?" Locin asked.
"The same way to preserve a body from the time of death; you freeze it." She explained.
"That's so cool." He grinned.
I too grinned at her specialties, but I paid my attention to Kyra.
I laid a small handful of snow on her forehead. It didn't take long for the snow to melt.
I scowled and gritted my teeth at the sight of Kyra's reddened face.
"Leora, what can I do to help?" I asked her.
"For now, place the Lavender underneath Kyra's nose, the scent should settle down the fever for a little while. I need to grind up the Horsetail and Marigold, then I need to chew it a little." She instructed.
I placed the Lavender under her nose and rubbed her sweating face.
"What's the Horsetail and Marigold for?" I asked.
"This will cure her infection. But I must ask, do you want me to apply it while she's still unconscious or when she's awake?" She asked.
I raised an eyebrow in confusion. What would be better?
"We'll try when she's awake." I told.
"Okay. Locin, grind up the Feverfew, she needs to eat that when she regains consciousness." She instructed.
"Okay." He answered as he got a bowl and a clean rock to grind up the herb.
"Mmgh...." Kyra moaned as she awoke.
"Kyra, you are awake. How you feel?" I asked her.
"Horrible... Where are we?" She asked quietly.
I shook my head. "Never mind that, Leora is going to make you better."
Kyra shifted her head to her friend and smiled lightly. "Thank you..."
"It's the least I can do for you, girl." She smiled.
"Hey, Leora, this Feverfew, is it okay to add a little water so she can drink it?" Locin asked.
"I wouldn't see why not, she does need to rehydrate herself." Leora told as she stuck a small wad of Horsetail and Marigold in her mouth.
I watched as Locin added a small amount of water to the leafy remains of the Feverfew.
"So this looks okay, Leora?" Locin asked as he showed her the bowl.
"Perfect." She said as she took the bowl and handed it to me.
"Have her drink this. It won't taste too good, but it'll cure her. She should be better by tomorrow morning." Leora instructed.
I nodded and took the bowl from her.
"Come on, Kyra, you have to drink this." I told her gently as I sat her up.
She looked at it, then backed away from it. "Do I have to?" She whined.
"If you want to be better, then yes." I urged more firmly.
She swallowed hard and started drinking it but she was having a hard time choking it down due to its bitter taste.
"Come on, Ky. You need to finish it." I said as I pushed the bowl to her lips again.
She began to drink again and it wasn't long for her to finished it.
"Good girl, Ky." I smiled.
She let out a low growl. "I may be part dog, but don't treat me like one."
I gulped and rubbed her back. "Heh, sorry."
"Well, the medicine for Kyra's infection is done." Leora told as she place some on the tips of her index and middle fingers.
Kyra's eyes widened. "Infection? From what?"
"Your leg, pup." Locin told.
"Oh man, I know what you made Leora and that shit burns." Kyra whimpered.
I wrapped my arms around her and comforted her.
"Just cling on to your boyfriend there, Ky and it'll be over before you know it." Leora teased.
I began to blush just as Kyra did.
Leora applied the mixed herbs for Kyra's leg and rubbed it over the affected area.
Kyra had her teeth clenched and her hands clutched to me in pain.
"Mgggh..." Kyra whined.
"It's alright, Kyra." I soothed her.
She growled in agony, I could feel her nails digging into my skin.
"I'm finished with the medicine, it'll hurt for the night but it should be better tomorrow, just keep it wrapped and don't touch it." Leora urged as she finished bandaging Kyra's leg.
Soon I heard someone's stomach growl awful loudly.
"Locin, was that you?" I smirked.
Kyra looked at me and then at Locin.
Locin grinned in a giddy manner. "I'm sorry, I'm hungry."
"Then you and Leora go hunting." I ordered.
"Don't sound like a bad idea. Come along my lady." He flirted.
She smiled and followed him out.
I then looked to Kyra and she became really pale.
"You alright?" I asked her.
She nodded lightly.
My eyes narrowed. "Kyra, something is on your mind, I know it."
She closed her eyes and a tear fell from her right eye.
"I can't live with out you, Kaiden." She whimpered.
"Kyra, I'm always going to be here for you--"
"NO! No... I mean... I can't be without you, as a mate. I can't be alone." She cried.
My mood lightened and I became sad.
"Kyra, I was thinking about how I told you at Leora's tribe; that I didn't want to be your mate. But I thought it over and I was wrong, I want you as a mate." I leaned into her.
Her face became apple red.
"You do?" She asked.
"Mhm. I'll protect you with my last dying breath. I won't let you die under my watchful eye." I sternly told her.
My hands were cupped around her warming face. She smiled lightly and pushed her lips to mine.
We kissed and then our lips parted away and her blue gaze met mine.
Her face became even more red as she looked at me. "So, uh, do we have to uh, you know, uh 'mate.'"
My face became red as well. "I guess we do."
Kyra's head flopped down on my shoulder and she was shaking a little.
"Ky, are you scared?" I asked her.
She picked her head up and nodded.
I put a hand under her chin and she looked at me. "Kyra, you know I won't hurt you. You'll be okay, you're in very good hands." I smiled to reassure her.
She smiled back at me and nodded.
I was the first to start undressing, I took both shirts off.
Kyra's P.O.V
I saw Kaiden take off his shirts and I think I was hypnotized. His body was ripped, six pack of abs, good set of arm muscles, was this wolf really the one for me?
My face felt like it was reddened from Hell.
Kaiden faced me and smirked. "What? Your face is red again, your fever coming back?" He said as he placed his hand on my head.
"I... I... Uh..." I couldn't make out any words, the only reaction I could do was poke one of his abs.
He took my hand and entwined it with his.
"You seem very satisfied with my human body." He grinned, his wolf fangs just slightly showing.
My face was still flushed and I could only nodded. Ugh! Stupid girl hormones!
He gently pushed me down on the den floor and got on top of me. With one hand, he had both of my wrists in his grasp.
"I could undress you or would prefer if you did so?" He asked with his face reddening.
I smiled. "I trust you."
He returned the smile and let go of my wrists and took my plaid shirt off and lifted my tank off me.
Feeling his touch was so reassuring again. He was so gentle.
He moved my hair to one side and unhooked my bra; setting my clothes aside.
He sat me down on his lap, my legs spread apart, one on each of his sides. He laid his head down on my neck; I could feel him licking in my scent.
I still had a fever, but I blushed as he licked my neck.
I felt him open his mouth and bite down on my neck, much harder than Locin when he bit it.
"Owww..." I whined quietly.
"Sorry, Kyra. Just something leaders do to their mates, pretty much a very painful love bite." He said as he let go, and laid his hand on my bleeding neck.
I began to shake again, I never knew that biting that hard was to claim possession of someone.
"Aw, Ky, don't shake, it's okay. It's what I was taught when I would get a mate." He moved his hand licked up some blood.
I swallowed hard and laid my head on his shoulder. My hand slid down his chest and on his abs.
He turned his head towards me, I blushed at his gaze.
"Is the fever too much for you? We don't have to mate tonight if you are too sick to stay awake?" He asked as he stroked through my hair.
I shook my head. "No, I want to tonight. Who knows when we'll get alone time again?"
He then frowned. "You're my mate, Kyra. I'll always have time to spend with you. Yes, I'm the leader of the pack, but that doesn't mean that I won't spend time with you."
"Are you sure?" I asked as I turned my head towards him.
He laid me down and kissed me. "I am sure. I love you."
My eyes blinked a few times and I put my hands on his face and lifted my head and kissed him. "I love you too, Kaiden. You have no idea how long I've waited for you to say that."
He smiled. "And you have no idea how long I've been waiting to say it."
I blushed but at the same time smiled at him, my heart was with him now.
He sat up on his knees and unzipped his pants. I could hear him taking them off.
My face was getting redder as I felt his hands move along my hips to get my pants off. He managed to get them off and he was soon rubbing up on me.
"Are you afraid?" He asked me.
I swallowed hard. "A little. Are you?"
"Hell yeah!" He said.
I smiled lightly.
"But, I made a promise to you and I was not going to hurt you, I'm going to keep that promise." He said as he began to 'mate' with me.
I wrapped my arms around him.
Since he was a bit 'bigger' than Locin, it seemed to hurt more.
As much pain I was in, and with my fever still hanging around, I tried to keep quiet, I didn't want him to stop, pain from him I could take, I was going to embrace it.
He leaned his head down and bit down on my neck again. Was he in pain? I swallowed hard and tried not to think about it, but his fangs were as sharp as razors, it was hard not to whine through the pain.
Locin's P.O.V
"We had such a good hunt for it snowing this much. How'd you know the deer were there?" I asked Leora through a mouthful of fur.
"It's called smell, Locin." Leora giggled.
"Right. At least Kaiden and Kyra will be happy." Locin told.
We were almost to the den, we decide to let the meal sit a few feet away to keep the meal preserved in the snow.
"Kaiden, Kyra din---" Leora almost ran into the den until I grabbed her by the scruff and yanked her to the side.
She let out a yelp of pain and growled at me. "What the hell, Locin?!"
"Shhh. Just peek in real quick." I told her.
She twitched her ears and looked inside. She damn near fainted until I pulled her to me, her eyes glazed over.
"Leora? You okay?" I asked her.
"They are mating? Why now and why here?" She asked me.
"I don't know. Kaiden told me he made a mistake in telling her no to her before and now I think he won her back."
Leora narrowed her eyes. "Ya think?"
I grinned in a giddy manner.
"How long will this last?" Leora asked.
"I don't know. I know for a while." I told her.
She lowered her ears. "I don't want to sleep outside tonight, not in the snow."
I lowered my ears too. I licked Leora's head to comfort her.
Leora began to shiver and lay in the snow. I didn't want her to get sick too, I laid down behind her and laid my head on her back.
"Thank you, Locin." She sighed.
"Anything for you." I smiled.
Kaiden's P.O.V
It was an hour later I finished mating with Kyra. She was finally asleep and now she could get rid of her fever.
I smelled Locin and Leora outside. I stepped outside but they were no where to be found.
"Locin! Leora!" I howled.
I finally saw the snow move and I saw Locin's head pop out.
"Hey man." Locin barked.
"Where's Leora at?" I asked.
"In the snow with me."
"Brrrrr." Leora chattered as she lifted her head out of the snow.
"Leora, you okay?" I asked her.
She didn't answer she just jumped out of the snow and went in the warm den.
"Poor girl." I whimpered.
"Yeah. So how was that little mating session with Kyra?" Locin said as he shoved me into the snow.
I shook the snow off of me. "You saw?"
"Leora damn near walked in on you guys." Locin growled a little.
"Oh, whoops. I'm sorry, Locin. I didn't know you guys were back." I lowered my ears.
"Bro, it's okay. I'm glad you and your girl are finally mates. I'm happy for you." He grinned.
"Thank you, bro." I said as I licked his ear. "Let's get some rest."
Locin's P.O.V
I watched Kaiden walk in the den and I gulped uneasily.
I really hope the pup is his. I prayed to myself. I guess we have to see in about a week or so.
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