Chapter 5: Unwise Descisons
Kaiden's P.O.V
It was a few days later, I did ask Leora to join our pack, she agreed and she let her family know that she was in safe hands.
"How long has it been since we stopped to take a break, Kaiden?" Locin whined.
"Fine we'll rest at the creek up ahead." I said.
"Finally!" Both Locin and Leora said.
Kyra didn't make any reaction to stopping to rest, she seem to want to keep moving, but she stopped in her tracks.
It was also a few days that me and Kyra last spoke, when she wanted me to be her mate.
At the thought, I lowered my ears slightly, just still hearing her cries echoing in my ears.
I watched as she walked off on her own.
What could I do to cheer her up? She knew of my choice. But, she was my friend, the one I loved, but the only thing I could do was keep an eye on her.
I sighed as I walked off to the creek for a drink.
Kyra's P.O.V
"Guess I'm hunting for myself for a while..." I sighed.
I looked back at Kaiden, his back was turned and he was getting a drink.
I lowered my ears and just kept walking to the hunting grounds.
It wasn't long when I was in dense forest and I picked up many prey scents.
"Hmmm, what to hunt? Rabbit? Sounds appetizing."
I followed the rabbit scent through the forest, I was trying my best to keep my footsteps light and quiet.
Soon, I found a few rabbits, most look like young ones, I watched as the little youngsters played, until the mom appeared and snuggled with all her offspring.
I flattened my ears and was easily saddened. I got out of my hunting crouch and walked to an open thicket.
"I can't kill a mother's offspring, if it were my own, I'd be devastated." I whimpered.
"It's because you have too soft of a heart." Said a familiar male voice.
I turned my head over my shoulder to see Locin.
"So what if I have a soft heart?" I asked.
"It's not always bad, but I saw you, you broke out of hunting to feel sympathy for them and yourself if it was you." Locin explained.
I nodded and looked down.
Locin walked in front of me and sat down.
"I've noticed you have been acting a lot different, you aren't around Kaiden and you two haven't spoken in a few days." He told.
I shrugged. "What's it matter to you?" I asked.
"I already know of the situation. Kaiden declined you of being his mate. But he wasn't doing it to hurt you."
"Then what was it for?!" I growled slightly.
Locin lowered his ears and seemed to be easily irritated.
"He did it because you aren't ready to be a mother. He doesn't think you are ready for a mate. Or to mate yet." Locin explained.
I lowered my ears and felt my eyes start to tear up.
"He doesn't even like me, sure seems like it..." I whimpered.
Locin looked at me and turned human. He placed his hand on my head and I too turned human without trying to myself.
"How did you do that?" I asked through the tears.
"I transferred the same energy I felt when I turned human to you." He explained.
"I see."
"Look, I know this hurts you, I may not like your half-breed smell but, I can't see you this way. You're beating yourself up about this. Kaiden, he very much loves you, he has ever since he met you. You have to understand though he is not ready to be committed to someone yet." He told me.
The breeze blew through my hair and tears were carried from the wind. In the sunlight they looked like little sparkles.
Locin had this gently look on his face. His hand was still on my head. He lowered his hand to my cheek and I became over worked with sadness.
I put my face in my hands. I couldn't take it anymore, I was in love with Kaiden, but it seemed he wouldn't return the feeling, probably never.
Locin pulled me into his embrace and comforted me.
"I'm sorry, Kyra. I really am. I hate to see you this depressed." He told me.
I wanted to say words but they were all silent through my sobs.
For how cold Locin was at first to me, he was so gentle and caring.
I closed my eyes and just didn't want to let him go, I just needed, an embrace, and he was the only one who was with me through my heartache.
He placed his hands on my shoulders and pushed me to have me look at him.
He wiped my eyes and caressed my cheek.
"Kaiden isn't the only one who likes you. You're beautiful, you are." Locin lightly grinned.
I brighten a little and blushed.
"I thought you hated me?" I asked.
He shook his head. "No, at first I wasn't fond of you, but I do like you."
My eyes widened.
He put his hand under my chin and had me look up at him, he leaned in.
"Locin..." I blushed as my eyes closed slowly.
We kissed.
It was what seemed like ten minutes later, we stopped.
"Locin..." I said.
"Kyra..." He said.
We kissed again only this time more roughly.
Locin had pinned me down on the ground and was all up on me. He kissed me frantically, moving his hands to my hips, almost ready to strip me naked.
I grabbed his wrist and shook my head. "Not here."
He nodded.
We both stood up and Locin lead the way to an abandoned den.
Locin's P.O.V
What was going on with me? I am about to have sex with my best friend's crush, but he snoozed, he loosed.
I lead the way to nearest abandoned wolf den, which wasn't far.
I had ahold of Kyra's hand and was pulling her along.
Once at the den, we were back at it.
I had Kyra on the den floor and I was kissing her frantically. I then started biting her neck, hard enough to leave bruises but not to hard to make her bleed.
"Oww..." She whined.
"Shhh, sorry. Didn't mean to hurt you." I kissed her.
I was in between her legs. My male hormones were in full swing, I couldn't take it anymore.
I unbuckled my belt and unzipped my jeans. I took them off and rubbed up on Kyra.
She was sweating and shaking as well.
"You okay?" I asked her gently.
She looked at me and nodded.
"Are you afraid?" I asked her.
"A little bit." She whimpered.
I caressed her cheek to reassure her. "I'll make sure you won't get pregnant."
She nodded. "Promise?"
"I promise."
My wait was finally over, I had stripped myself down and her down as well.
This wasn't my first time having sex with another wolf, more of my third.
For Kyra, she was yelping and crying for some of the time, this must've been her first time.
I did all I could to be gentle with her but she would whimper through the smallest of my movements.
It had to be about a half hour later. Kyra was exhausted, as I was.
"You okay, Kyra?" I asked her.
She breathed heavily. But through her heavy breathing she nodded.
"Will you be able to stand?" I asked her.
"Let's hope so." She hoped.
I gulped. Hopefully she won't be too sore for Kaiden to see a limp on her.
We both dressed ourselves and returned to our wolf forms. We then left the den.
"Okay, here's the plan." I told her.
"You seem to have a small limp on you. So say you were injured in a hunting accident. Let them know you ran into me on your way back, I saw you injured and I was going to take over." I told her.
"I'm not injured." She told.
Kyra's P.O.V
Before I knew it, that gentle wolf I just had sex with had bitten me on my hind leg.
I let out a loud yelp but before it got louder, Locin had his paw over my muzzle.
"Shhhhh. I'm sorry, I really am. But this plan has to work." He nuzzled me.
I whimpered and was trembling on the ground.
"Kyra, I'm sorry. I'll take care of you when I come back." He told me as he comforted me.
I tried to stand on my own, but I fell back down with a small cry escaping my lungs.
I huffed and looked at Locin desperately.
"Let me help you stand up." He told easily.
His head was underneath mine, he pushed my head up and nudged my stomach up.
I was on my feet but I had to lean on Locin unable to stand on my own quite well.
"Come on, Kyra. Gain your balance." Locin urged.
I finally got balance on my three functioning legs as best as I could.
"W-What do I say I was injured by?" I said feeling slightly light headed.
"Say you were hunting a fox and the fox fought back." Locin told.
I nodded and began limping my way back to Leora and Kaiden.
It was almost another twenty minutes before I saw Kaiden and Leora within my sights.
Kaiden's P.O.V
I lifted my nose into the air, I could scent the smell of blood... Not just any blood.
"Kyra!!!" I yelled.
Soon I saw her walking back to us, only she was limping.
I ran up to her and before I got to her she collapsed.
"K-Kaiden..." She said softly in pain.
I had no words, just worry. "Leora!"
"I'm on my way!" She howled.
Leora ran up to her and saw her leg was bleeding.
"Kyra... How'd this happen?" She asked as she began gathering her herbs.
"I was bitten by a fox." She told.
My ears twitched in confusion. "Kyra, foxes are sneaky and you should know better not to hunt them."
She whimpered and looked to Leora.
Leora then changed to her human self; a beautiful young girl with flowing, fine light ginger hair exactly like her fur.
My eyes widened in surprise of her beauty.
Kyra's P.O.V
I said nothing to Kaiden; his gaze was to Leora, not me. I shifted my head to the side, one tear shed down my face.
Leora was treating my wounds soon enough, every now and again, there would be a stinging feeling, but nothing hurt more than my heart breaking in front me.
Once Leora was done, all I wanted was to be left alone.
"Kyra? Do you need help getting up? Let me help you." Kaiden urged to help.
I shook my head. "I can stand on my own."
I looked to Kaiden with a blank but serious stare.
"I can do it myself." I told.
He backed away and I stood on my own, stumbling every now and again.
I limped to the base of the creek and laid back down.
I stared into my reflection in the water and I sighed heavily.
I then turned human and looked at my reflection once more.
My eyes closed and I just thought, don't know what of, just thought.
I reopened my eyes to not find just me, but Kaiden too in my reflection, he too was a human.
"Are you okay?" He asked as he sat down with me.
I said nothing, just nodded.
"Come on Ky, you've been so quiet around me, talk to me. Say what's on your mind." He said.
I gritted my teeth, clutched my hands and cried.
"Kyra..." He said sadly.
"You have no idea how much pain I'm suffering with! None! Have you no idea or guessed I'm in love with you!? I have been for a long time, but I guess my feelings don't matter to you, all that matters is leadership and cheating reputation!" I screamed through the tears.
He was speechless.
I clawed the ground in anger and sadness. I had my knees to my chest and just cried.
"Ky we discussed this already..." He sighed.
"No! You did! You didn't even think twice about how I would feel!" I growled.
He lowered his head. "You are wrong. I did. I knew you would be heartbroken. And I'm so sorry for it. I didn't want it like this."
"Well look where you're now." I growled with sadness in my voice.
I could sense he was looking at me. I was staring back into the creek. The breeze blew, sending my hair drifting through the wind, I shifted my eyes toward Kaiden, he was staring right at me. His piercing green eyes were something I couldn't turn away from.
"What?" I growled slightly.
He shrugged. "Does this change your feelings for me?" He asked me.
I didn't say anything, I was just a little unsure.
"Well, you tell me..." I asked him.
"My feelings for you will never change." He reached out his hand and rubbed lightly on my cheek.
I just closed my eyes and sighed heavily.
"I hope you know I'll be here for you, no matter what. If you hate me. If you love me. I will be here. You'll always be in my heart, mind and soul." He said as he hugged me from behind.
I felt the tears trickle from my eyes and I gritted my teeth. I just wanted time to stop and have us stay this way.
As soon as it begun, the hug was gone and so was Kaiden. He had walked off back to Leora.
My heart sunk to the bottom of my stomach. I wiped away the tears of my sorrows.
What part do I play in this pack? Am I even worthy of being in the presence of one of the most known species of wolves in Wolfen history?
As I asked myself these questions, I remembered one wolf I saw in a dream when I was young, one every wolf knew, the first white wolf to search out for Paradise.
"Kiba." I mumbled to myself.
I looked across the creek, as if I was imagining it, I saw a pair of gold eyes in the darkness of the forest.
"Huh? Who is there...?" I whispered.
The next thing I saw was a flash of gray and I closed my eyes in fear.
"Open your eyes, missy." Said the familiar voice.
I opened them to find Locin staring down at me.
"You damn near gave me a heart attack." I blushed.
He let out a small chuckle. "Sorry, pretty thing."
He licked my cheek and gave me a reassuring nuzzle.
He got off of me and let me up. He changed to his human form.
"How was your hunt?" I asked him.
"Oh yeah!" He said as he sprinted back into the forest.
A moment later he dragged back a deer.
I smiled. "Least it was successful."
"Yup.." He panted. "Kaiden, Leora, dinner is here!" He howled.
They came running and began munching away. As for me, I wasn't all that hungry.
"Kyra, aren't you hungry?" Leora asked.
Soon, three pairs of eyes were staring at me.
I blushed. "I'll eat later, not all that hungry." I said as I limped over to a tree.
Since I wasn't hungry, might as well gather some sticks to make a fire. I limped back towards the forest to find some sticks.
Few hours later...
I got a fire started and it was dark out. I did eventually ate after everyone else.
Everyone was asleep, except myself.
Could it be that Kaiden might be in love with someone else? Maybe a human? There's something he is not telling me, and I know it. Maybe it's best I don't ask.
I soon dozed off, the crimson flames still blazing in the camp fire, warming my darkened fur.
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