Chapter 4: The Jay Feather Tribe
Kyra's P.O.V
I lead the way to Salmon Creek; a place I went to several times when I began my life as a lone wolf.
Kaiden and Locin kept a steady pace and we were nearly there.
I looked over my shoulder and saw Kaiden and Locin talking. I blushed seeing Kaiden smile at what there were talking about.
I saw him lift his head, he must've saw me looking at him and Locin.
I blushed and stopped looking and continued forward a little faster than them.
My fast walk turned into a fast run and I ran through the woods feeling everything around me, but didn't hear Locin or Kaiden's footsteps.
"Huh, where are they?" I asked myself.
I looked around frantically and heard crackling around me.
Soon both ran out of the brush and tried to pin me down but, before they could, I had turned human and leaped into a tree, watching them clunk their heads together.
"Ouch." I giggled and winked.
"You little cheater!" Locin complained.
"Oww." Kaiden whined.
At this point they were humans too. Both were rubbing their heads.
"Get down here." Kaiden growled playfully with is fangs out in his smile.
I smiled. "Gotta catch me first." I said as I vanished to another tree.
I listened carefully and heard rustling in the trees.
I could smell Kaiden's scent nearer to me and Locin's further away.
I stood still, until one of them made a move, and I turned my head to see Locin in front of me.
"Ahh!" I screeched.
He tried to grab me but before he could, I fell off the branch I was on.
"Kyra!" I heard Kaiden panic and came out the tree at his fastest speed.
Kaiden's P.O.V
I jumped out of the tree and caught Kyra before she could hit the forest floor.
"You okay?" I asked her.
She trembled slightly. "Y-Yeah I'm okay."
I looked up at Locin and growled. "You could've gotten her hurt, Locin!"
He jumped down and faced me. "I'm sorry, it was an accident..." He sighed.
"Don't worry about it, Locin. I'm not hurt, that's the important part." Kyra said softly.
I looked down at Kyra and nodded.
I placed Kyra down and looked at Locin.
"We should continue to Salmon Creek." I suggested.
Both Locin and Kyra looked at me and nodded in unison.
All three of us went back into our wolf forms.
Kyra lead the way once more with me close behind her and Locin beside me.
Kyra stopped and sniffed the air. "We are close by, I smell the creek."
She began to trot off towards the smell and we followed her, but out of the corner of my eye I saw something white.
"Huh?" I stopped and looked around.
I sniffed the air and smelled a familiar scent. The white object I saw, was no longer in sight.
Who is following us? This scent is familiar and yet I don't know who it is. Have they followed us all this time?"
I shook the thought away and saw Kyra and Locin waiting for me. I went over to them after the little daze I was in.
"Is everything okay, Kaiden?" Kyra asked me lowering her ears slightly.
I grinned and walked over to her and licked her cheek. "No worries, I'm fine."
She felt much better and wagged her tail a few times before going on to walking to the creek.
"We are here." Kyra she said as stopped at the edge of the forest vegetation.
She pounced through the vegetation and we followed her and we saw a beautiful crystal clear creek. Since the snow was melting, the water was much higher.
"We have to swim across." Kyra told.
Me and Locin nodded.
She grinned."Who wants to go first?"
"You!" Me and Locin said in unison.
"Fine." She growled quietly and jumped into the possibly freezing water.
"Brrrr!" I heard her whine.
She made it across safely, but I visibly saw her shivering from twenty feet across the creek.
"N-N-Next!" She chattered through shivering.
Locin was next one and he swam quite quickly.
I saw him jump out of the creek a few seconds later and shook his fur out.
"It's not as bad as the mutt said it was." Locin teased.
"Could you not push my temperament today, Locin?" Kyra growled.
"Don't you two start fighting, again." I snarled.
I jumped into the ice cold water and swam across as fast as my legs could take me.
"Brrrrr!" I jumped out shaking out my fur. "It was too cold, Locin!"
"It wasn't to me." He smirked.
Before we could move on to our next objective, we were ambushed by a group of wolves.
"Intruders!" Said a black wolf with a cardinal feather along his neck.
"Kyra, do you know any of these wolves?" I glanced down at her.
She shook her head while she was hunched over, trembling behind me, unsure how to react.
"Don't be afraid." I nuzzled her.
"Listen, we don't want to start any trouble." Locin barked.
"Leave our territory at once!" Said a female tan wolf with a lilac flower and swan feather along her left ear.
"Please, we just want to see a wolf named Leora." I asked politely.
"How do you know, Leora!?" A dark gray and white male wolf asked with a crow feather hanging from his right ear and tail.
Kyra shyly stepped forward. "I know her. Her and I are good friends."
"And you are?" Asked the black wolf.
"My name is Kyra." She said.
The dark gray male stepped out of the group and started sniffing Kyra, making me growl.
He the pinned her to the ground and growled at her.
"You're just a half-breed! How do you know Leora!?" He snarled; baring his teeth at her.
I couldn't hold my anger in anymore, I shoved the dark gray male off of Kyra.
"Stay away from her!" I growled hovering above Kyra, protecting her.
"Why you little--" The dark gray male snarled.
I growled viciously and stood my ground.
"I will not take any crap from a small group of wolves." I snarled.
"Just who do you think you are talking to, kid? You're no match for all of us, take you and your little pack back where you came from." Said the black wolf.
"No way, I'm here to seek a pack member of your's help to find my pack or know of their location." I announced.
I must've have gotten their attention for the leader of the patrol; the black wolf pricked his ears.
"And what pack might this be?" The tan female snapped with a smug grin.
"The Solar Pack." I told with a serious stare.
They all had widened their eyes and ears were pricked.
"You are one of them?" Asked the tan female.
I nodded. "Indeed. Am the son of alphas Ivy and Nova."
They all gasped in shock, did they not know I was their last born son?
Finally the patrol leader nodded and nudge his head to follow.
"You are letting them in?" Said the dark gray male.
"Yes. We will see if Leora will know this wolf is a Solar Wolf." Said the black patrol leader.
The dark gray male wanted to protest further, but he didn't.
I nudged my head to Kyra and Locin to follow.
"Are you sure we can trust these wolves, Kyra?" Locin growled lightly.
She nodded her head.
"Are you three coming or not?" The black wolf growled.
"Yes, sir. Sorry." I heard Kyra apologize.
The patrol group escorted us to what looked like an Indian tribe camp, the camp seemed huge.
In this camp there were wolves, and humans.
"What in the hell? Humans and wolves? In peace?!" Locin gasped.
"Hush, Locin." Kyra growled.
"Kyra?!" Said a female voice.
A light ginger wolf came running up to us and pinned Kyra to the ground.
"Oh my God! It is you! I'm so glad to see you again! It's been so long!" Said the ginger she-wolf licking her face and nuzzling her.
"I missed you too. I'm glad to see you too! It's been a year since I seen you!" She returned all the attention.
"Is this Leora, Kyra?" I asked politely.
"Yes it is." She said with a grateful smile.
"And are these your mates, Kyra? Is that why you disappeared for so long?" Leora smirked.
"Oh, hush Leora, that's not true!" She said through embarrassment.
"Hehehe! So they are your mates?" Said as she stuck her tongue out.
"No!" She blushed.
"Is the gray one, available?" She flirtatiously smiled and circled Locin and wagged her tail along his chin.
Locin blushed and looked at her.
Leora returned the smile and went back to Kyra's side.
"So, what brings you here?" Leora asked us.
"I told my friend, Kaiden, that your tribe knows a lot about many wolf packs." Kyra explained.
"This is true. What pack do you need help with?" She questioned.
"The Solar pack." I told.
Leora was speechless.
"What?" I said.
"Heh, it's funny, we recently seen sightings of that pack, they stopped for herbs and medical supplies." She told.
"Who lead the pack?" Kaiden frantically asked.
"Easy, Kai." Locin relaxed him.
"It was a patrol, a small one. A black and white female lead the patrol, had green eyes. Alpha Ivy and her medicine wolves." Leora told.
"Ivy is my mother." Kaiden said easily.
"I can see it. You have her markings and certainly her eyes." She told with a smile.
Kaiden blushed. "Thank you. How did you know I was her son?"
"Easy, markings, eyes and Kyra."
"Why Kyra?" Me and Locin questioned.
"She knew she would meet a Solar wolf, and her prophecy would come true. And I saw it happen in dreams." Leora told with a sparkle her eyes.
"What kind of wolf are you?" I walked up to her and sat in front of her, ready to press my head against hers.
"She's a medicine wolf herself." Kyra butted in.
"Correct. Medicine wolves have special abilities. We can figure out what wolf is related to from just clues. We're able to receive prophecies and we obviously help the sick and injured." Leora explained.
"That's amazing." I praised as I licked her cheek.
"Heh, Kyra, guess I got both the boys after me now." She teased.
"Mgggh. No you didn't..." Kyra blushed in jealousy.
I saw Kyra get up and walking away.
"Where you going?" I called out to her.
"I think she was a lil jealous." Leora pointed out.
"Why? I don't even like her." Locin said.
"Now is not the time, Locin." I told.
"Come on, let's go get her." I told them.
"Ugh..." Locin groaned but followed.
"Let's split up and look for her, I'll follow Leora." I told.
"Fine..." Locin moaned.
Kyra's P.O.V
"Stupid, Kaiden... He must be blind that I have been hinting to him that I like him." I mumbled to myself.
So many scents were around, so it wasn't easy to figure out where Kaiden and the others were.
The tribe was big, but I managed to get out of it and patrolled the little ravines near Salmon Creek.
"Was it a mistake coming here?" I asked myself.
"I don't think so." Said a familiar male voice.
"Huh?" I spun my head around to see Locin.
"L-Locin!" I blushed.
He twitched his ear in confusion. "Why surprised to see me?"
He walked up to me, compared to me, I was a size smaller than him.
I flattened my ears and whimpered as he got close to me.
"Would you relax, mutt, I'm not here to fight. Just want to bring you back to the group." He said roughly.
I kept my ears low. "I don't want to go back, Kaiden was showing Leora affection, when I like him, even you know that."
"Heh, yeah. He told me he has a crush on you." Locin chuckled.
"Why do I bother though, he seems fond of Leora."
"Actually, you are wrong." Locin pointed out.
"Mhm, just because he licked her cheek, it doesn't mean anything. He's done that since he was a teenager to girls he met." He explained.
"Oh, well I feel dumb." I blushed in embarrassment.
"Heh, no need to, just an honest mistake." Locin reassured with a light nuzzle.
I smiled and playfully nudged him and he did it back.
Soon we were acting like a pair of pups and pinning each other and play fighting.
He pinned me down again and I was tired out, didn't even feel like shoving him off.
"Had enough?" He asked.
I blushed and licked his nose, and he too blushed.
"Uh, maybe we should get back." Locin pointed out.
I merely just nodded, I then gently pushed him off me with my paws.
I got up and shook out my fur and looked at Locin.
"You coming?" He asked.
I smiled and followed him.
"Am I crushing on Locin now?" I thought to myself.
At the thought I blushed lightly.
I strayed a little behind Locin and I trotted to catch up to him.
Kaiden's P.O.V
"Ugh. Kyra could be anywhere." I groaned.
"I agree. Our territory is quite big." Leora agreed.
"Damn it, Kyra. Why'd you run off on your own?" I questioned angrily.
Soon I picked up Kyra and Locin's scents.
I followed their scents and met up with them.
"There you are. Where'd you find her?" I asked Locin.
"She's alright. She just needed to blow off some steam, that's all." Locin assured.
"Phew, good." I sighed with relief.
Kyra peeked from behind Locin, her ears were low and facial expression looked to be frustrated.
I growled lightly under my breath, my ears twitched irritably.
"Locin, Leora, may I speak with Kyra, alone please." I asked.
"Of course, come along, Locin." She lured him with her sweet talk.
"Comin', my dear." He said sweetly.
I turned human and looked down at Kyra.
"Come on, we need to talk." I told a little roughly.
She sighed and turned human. When she turned human the first time, her flannel shirt was tied along her waist, this time, she was wearing it.
I began walking into the forest outside the camp, but I didn't hear Kyra walking behind me.
I turned my head over my shoulder and saw her gazing at the ground, as if she didn't want to follow.
I sighed and walked over to her and picked her up and threw her over my shoulder.
"Ahhh! Put me down!" She screamed.
"Shhh. Keep it down. And no I won't. We have to talk." I told her.
"I said put me down." She demanded.
"No way." I told.
She let out a snarl and bit my side.
"OW! Stop that!" I growled.
She refused to listen and bit harder.
"That's it!" I warned.
I threw her forward and pinned her to the ground, both her wrists were firmly in my hands.
"What's gotten into you? I thought Leora was your friend? And why won't you talk to me, especially with what's wrong with you?" I asked her angrily.
Her face turned red and she seemed embarrassed.
"Are you going to answer me?" I asked her.
She shook her head lightly and turned her head to the side.
"Mmmmgh." I growled lightly.
I lowered my head down to her neck and bit down.
"Ahhh! What are you doing? Stop!" She whimpered and wriggled underneath me.
"Not till you tell me what's wrong." I said through gripping her skin through my teeth.
I could feel one of her hands at the back of my head, gripping my hair and the other slightly pushing me away from her.
"Fine... Just let me up..." She whined.
I smirked and let her go. I got off of her and helped her up.
She let out a sigh and looked at me. "I was jealous..." She groaned.
"No... I wouldn't have guessed." I said sarcastically.
She growled. "It's not funny..." She whined.
I leaned forward to her face, about a few inches away from her flushed face.
"Never said it was." I told her.
She closed her eyes. She seemed to be embarrassed.
"Why were you even jealous? I don't like Leora like that." I asked her.
"I don't know... Just a dumb girl hormone. She's my friend, she knew for a long time I would fall in love with a Solar wolf. Just didn't know who else there was I would fall in love with of the Solar species." She explained.
I smiled. "Well, there is my older brother."
She shook her head. "No thanks, I'll stick with you." She kissed my cheek.
I blushed.
"We should get back. I want Leora to be part of my pack." I told.
Kyra's eyes widened and was angered again.
"Mmmgh. Why?" Kyra groaned.
"For one, she's very helpful when it comes to information, two, she'll be helpful with medicine and wound treating and three, I think Locin found himself a mate or a possible mate." I told.
"Well, the first two things I'm good with too." She said.
"Yes you are. But Leora, not to be mean, is just a little bit better." I said to not hurt her feelings.
"Oh, I see." She sulked.
She began walking back to the tribe, in mid-walk she went back to her wolf self and sighed.
"Kyra-" I tried to talk.
She let out a snarl and bared her teeth. "Leave me alone."
I gulped and kept my distance from her fury.
"Yikes, never saw her that mad before. Aw, Kaiden, why don't you keep your mouth shut?" I asked myself.
I followed farther behind. I could feel the vibrations of Kyra's paw steps, she must be that mad.
"Oh boy, I should apologize, but for what? For wanting her friend to join with her? Ugh.... women don't make sense..." I mumbled to myself.
As if she heard me, Kyra spun her head around with her teeth bared and her ears low.
I shook my head and approached her.
She let out a vicious bark and snarl, but neither fazed me in the slightest.
"I said leave me alone." She growled.
"No." I told her.
"I heard what you said, you know what to apologize for." She snapped.
"Mm... Not exactly.." I turned one ear to the side.
She growled and bit my chest. I managed to pull her off me without hurting her and pinned her back to the ground.
"You should show more respect to your leader." I told her.
She just kept her teeth bared and her ears low.
"You do understand that I care deeply for you, and I do like you, but I'm not ready for a mate yet. I maybe leader, but I'm just not ready for a family yet or a mate. This isn't to take personally, I'm just in search of my mother and siblings, then I can think about a family." I told her.
Her expression faded, but this time her expression change to sad.
"Oh, I see. I should've known." She said as she crawled out from under me.
I stepped in front of her and looked at her.
"Kyra, I know it's hard to hear, but you are too young for pups, you still have a life ahead of you. I could never put you through that at such a young age." I told her easily.
She lowered her head and ears.
"I just wanted you as a mate, not any pups, least not yet, but..." She whimpered.
"Like I said, I'm not ready for that yet, and neither are you. My mother had my sister and brother at age 15, my father was age 19, he was older, but both inexperience parents, we were raised well, just they were too young." I explained.
"I see..." She whimpered as her eyes closed. "No half-breed deserves pups, what pack wants mixed breed pups?"
"Kyra, you misunderstand. Of course you deserve pups, you are just not ready to be a mother. You wouldn't be able to hunt, you would be at the den most of the time, then birthing is the tough part. Some mother wolves will lose their pups or even their own lives. Do you want that?" I told.
She shrugged. "No... but.."
"I don't want another wolf to come between us..." She whimpered as she faced me and laid her head on my chest; tears began to soak onto my fur.
"Kyra... why would you think that? I could never let that happen, I would never put you through such heartache. I do feel the same for you, I just can't have a mate. I'm sorry." I said as I comforted her for a few moments.
She looked up at me. Tears were in her eyes. "Please..." She begged.
I backed up away from her and shook my head. I then walked away. I did feel guilty from putting her through such a sad confession, but I wasn't ready, but I also still had someone else I liked, that human girl; Yue.
I left Kyra in tears, I could still faintly hear her whimpers and sobs.
I could understand where she was coming from, she was a mixed breed and not many wolves treated her equal. I wanted to very much go back and comfort her, but after all that, she would never forgive me, I'll let her calm down on her own.
"I'm so sorry, Kyra...." I told myself.
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