The Next Day
Next morning Fuli woke up and decided to surprise him with breakfast. She got berries and a toucan for both of them. Kion then woke up. " Fuli? Love why u up so early? " Fuli smirked. " To give u this. " She laid the prey down and sat next to him. " So what u think? " Fuli asked, with hope in her eyes. " I love it!! Thanks Fuli! " Kion said as took some berries and half of the toucan. " Wanna eat? " Fuli nodded. They both went on eating until with the sun fully shined bright. " Thanks for that awesome meal! Your the best Fuli! " Fuli widened her eyes. She blushed slightly, flattered. " Awww Kion I will do anything for u. " She then out her tail under his chin, letting it free as she walk. Kion smiled widely.
As they walked Kion and Fuli saw a water hole. Kion decided to take a swim and refresh. Kion then signaled Fuli to follow him. As Fuli walked, she saw the water hole and got scared. If she was asked to swim, and if she tried, she probably drown. Although Kion would never let her die. She sighed as she shuddered. Fuli then sat near the water hole. Kion smirked. He went behind a tree as fast as lightning. Fuli then saw Kion not behind her. She got scared. Where was he? " Kion? KION?! " Then she heard a giggle. She turned and saw Kion leap from a high rock and went to the water hole. The big splash soaked Fuli. She shuddered as she coughed out water. Kion laughed as he swam to Fuli. Fuli gasped. " KION! " Fuli ran to him on water as fast as she can, keeping herself afloat as she can. She shuddered as she hugged Kion. " Oh Kion u scared me.... never do that again.. please... "
Kion let out a small smile. " Sorry Fuli. " Fuli licked his neck. " Oh Kion, it's ok. It's... it's that I can't swim. " Kion purred as he held her paw. " Hang on to me and kick and paddle. " Fuli nods and kicks and paddles. Then Kion lets her swim by herself. Fuli got the hang of it!
" KION! I..I am getting it!! " Kion smiled widely. " YES FULI YES! " Fuli and Kion swam for the rest to the day. It was sunset. They were extremely hungry. " Kion, I'm tired and sleepy. You want to hunt first though. I am also hungry. " Kion nods and licks his love. " Of course, my sweet Cheetah. You can go to our den, I will hunt. " Fuli gave a small smile. " Okay if your sure about it. "
30 minutes
Kion came by Fuli and Fuli smiled " Falcon! Right? " Kion nods. " Right. Eat up my love. " Fuli And Kion ate, smiling at each other. " Thank u Kion. I love u. So much!!! I don't know what I would do without you. " Kion leans against Fuli. " I love you too, and I feel the same way, Fulls. " Fuli yawned. " It is time to sleep. Good night Kai. I love you, forever and always. " Kion purred as she quickly drifted to sleep, hugging her close to him, pressing his pelt against hers, smiling as he kissed her. " I love you so much, forever and always. " He then closed his eyes, feeling her warmth as he dosed in, sinking very deep in her fur, sleeping. Tomorrow was another bright day.
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