Time skip because I'm lazy sorry
"Chris." I ask "hm" he says "what's it like at the Olympics" I say "oh it's great scary but great on girl here do t forget this" he says and puts on a sparkly earmuffs he puts on his "see perfect" he says I hug him "I love you" I say he hugs me back "I love you too" he says wanna watch top model" he says "He'll yes" I say and grab the remote and the. On the tv
Yura come into the hotel "what the hell why is she going home I mean her walk mayhave been awful her technically was off and her pictures made her look like she was chicken nugget but....ohhhhhh I see it now" I say "um hello" yuri says "hi" I say he kisses my hair here" he says handing me a corn dog "ohhh yum" I eat it "what" "she's been craving those all week" yuri says "thank you" i say "don't talk with you mouth full kitten" he says I laugh "okay." I giggle
As much as I love her pregnancy mood swings are getting to me "we have practice soon" I say "practice sucks it's a pile of shit" she's says "but it helps us get better" I say "which is why I like it even though it sucks" she says "alright I'm going to go I'll meet you there" I say "I love you" I say to her and kiss her she kisses me back we pull abway I walk out
"Did you know that he's the best he's super amazing h-he's the one person I ever could've dreamed of a-and if I hadn't been born on the same day none of this w-wouldn't have happened" I say and cry "aw y/n do t cry" chris says "i-im so sprry im just so happy." i say he chuckles "god im so pregnant" i sya we both laugh
i lean on the side and and look at y/ns tissue cover and fiddle with it "yuri is anything bothering you" victor says "no its nothing" i say "are you sure" he says i sigh "yes its y/n" i say "is everything okay" "im just well....scared i dont even know how be a dad" i say he chukles "is that it" he says "HEY if youre not going to help then why should i even bother-" "yuri you dont have to be a good dad just be a dad sure youre deffinatly going mess up alot but youll be there if youre scred about y/ns pregnacy dont be you'll be fine" he says i look at him "oh" i reply "plus youre daughter or son is going to love you" he says i sigh and smile "thanks victor" i say "youre welcome." i say and puts his hand on my head
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