Killua hung out in the field even after everyone else had gone home, hands in his pockets. Aizawa let out a sigh. "Listen, Killua. You need to redo the test, and this time take it seriously." Killua huffed. "Why? I passed didn't I?" The old man shook his head. "This test wasn't about pass or fail, it was a way for me to accurately calculate your potential and how much you need to improve. The point was to gauge how well you can use your quirk effectively." Killua thought for a moment before replying. "My quirk doesn't really help with any of them though really except for the toe stretch one. Just so you know, so if that's the goal than me retaking it won't really help."
Aizawa looked him up and down. "You said your quirk was Body Manipulation, can you explain it for me?" Killua hummed. "well, it basically gives me a lot more control over my body. I can dislocate my bones at will, it increases my flexibility, my body can withstand a lot more than the average person, I'm pretty good at acting, oh and I can do this." He said, stretching his hand out and letting his claws stretch out about halfway. Aizawa's face was hard to read, he stayed silent for a few moments. "Interesting. What about your speed and strength?"
Killua shrugged, placing his hands behind his head. "I work out and stuff too, which helps." Aizawa sighed. "alright. You may be dismissed." He said dryly, turning his back. Killua walked away, wondering if he had time to stop by that cat café again today. After changing into his usual uniform he exited the building. As he was walking he saw two other students in U.A uniforms leaving the building as well. One of them was blonde, with ivory horns sticking out of her head. And the other was a red head. Killua walked past them, not planning on stopping. "Hey!"
Killua sighed, turning his head. "hm?" The blonde one looked at the red head. "hey that was the guy I was talking about! During the practical exam!" The red head blinked. "interesting. How'd you defeat the zero pointer? There was no way to fight that thing." She asked. Killua shrugged. "had to suck the power out of it, ended up being pretty difficult because of how much there was." The blonde girl nodded. "I'm Pony by the way! Me and Kendo are from class 1-B, you must be in class 1-A?"
Killua nodded. "yeah." He said simply, as he continued. Suddenly he heard an obnoxious voice pipe up from behind. "what, you think your better than us or something?" Killua turned his head to see a blonde teenager with a sly look on his face. "Hm? In what aspect?" He asked. His response seemed to put off the kid, and he walked forward in an attempt to intimidate him it seemed. "Well you just seem like you think your better than us with the way you can't even bother to slow yourself to talk to us." He said, combatively. Killua didn't slow down, he kept walking. "I have somewhere to be, doesn't mean I think I'm better than you. I mean I kind of am in most ways, but I'm just pretty busy today."
He said, his hands slipping into his pockets. The 1-B student said something snide to him again but he ignored it, not taking the bait. It was obvious all he wanted was to start a fight, and Killua wasn't planning on giving it to him. He had better things to do. "OH YEAH? WHAT'S SO IMPORTANT YOU CANT STAND TO TALK TO A CLASSMATE?" He hollered out of nowhere. Killua stopped for a moment, then turned his head to look over his shoulder at the three 1-B students in the distance. "I need to feed my cat." He said dryly, then continued walking. The pet center only fed the cats once every twelve hours, but Haka ate more often than that.
Once he'd gotten to the hotel, he picked Haka up from the pet center. He immediately crawled up his leg and onto his shoulder, purring and nuzzling his face. Killua laughed softly and held him securely in his arms. "Hey Haka, you hungry?" Haka meowed in response, ears twitching. He smiled and carried his beloved pet up to his hotel room and set him on the floor, putting some of his wet food in a bowl and placing it on the floor. Killua watched with a smile as Haka ate his food in contentment.
The rest of the night went as usual, with Killua spending a few hours doing exercises with his Nen and talking with Gon. At about 12 am he finally decided to go to bed, he could regularly run off little sleep. Killua lay down in his bed on his back, staring up at the ceiling as his thoughts started to wander. Will I actually go through with this? Three years was a long time, he didn't know if he could stand being away from his home for that long.
Haka crawled onto his chest and settled there, tucking his paws underneath himself. "Meow." Killua smiled softly and kissed his forehead, before laying his head down on his pillow. "Night Haka." He eventually dozed off, lulled to sleep by Haka's soft purring and the small bundle of warmth on his chest
1120 words
To be continued...
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