The next morning Killua pulled on his uniform and dropped Haka off at the pet center, he got a few surprised looks as he walked by. Presumably because of his uniform. His commute to U.A was pretty far so he had to leave a bit early. He definitely caught a lot more stares than usual. About an hour and a half later he arrived at the school. It didn't take long for him to find his classroom, once he did he opened the door and walked in. Several of his new classmates looked up as he walked in. One of which was the pink skinned girl who he'd seen at the exam. "Oh hey you made it!" She exclaimed, beaming. "I'm Mina Ashido by the way! I never got a chance to introduce myself."
Killua sat down and leaned back in his seat, resting his feet on the table as he unwrapped an ice cream sandwich he'd bought on the way to school. He'd have preferred something with more chocolate but it would do. "hey." He replied, before taking a bite. Almost immediately this blue haired guy started shouting at him. "THAT IS EXTREMELY DISRESPECFUL! GET YOUR FEET OFF OF THAT DESK!" He demanded, with several odd hand motions. Killua looked him dead in the eye as he replied. "No." Class hadn't started yet, and he wanted to eat his ice cream sandwich in peace. "It's also EXTREMELY disrespectful to bring snacks into the classroom." He scolded.
Killua rolled his eyes. "just let me eat my damn ice cream sandwich and mind your business." He said, taking another bite. It was then that another guy came in, he already seemed pissed off. He sat down heavily in the seat a few spots away from him, resting his feet on the desk as well. The blue haired guy who'd been scolding him immediately started telling off the blondie as well. "Not you too! It's the first day and your already disrespecting this academy but scuffing school properly, you cretin!" The blonde teen grinned up at him. "You're kidding me right? Your old school put a stick up your ass or were you born with it?"
Killua watched the spectacle with amusement as he snacked on his frozen treat, "I didn't realize we were getting a free show as well." The blondie turned his head to look at Killua with a huff. "That's right, get a good look at your superior. Loser." Killua raised an eyebrow. "Superior? What makes you think that?" He could immediately tell that this kid was going to make U.A a whole lot more fun. He smirked. "I smoked the practical exam, no doubt I got the highest score unlike you extras." He sneered. Killua chuckled, stuffing the last bit of ice cream into his mouth and balling up the wrapper. He lightly tossed it at just the right angle so it hit him right between the eyes. "Sure."
His eye twitched, obviously pissed off by the sarcasm in his tone that was multiplied by the act of Killua throwing trash at him. "WHY YOU-" The door opened again, catching his attention. A shorter boy with messy green and black hair was standing there nervously. "it's him," the blue haired teenager said. Now that the attention was taken off him, he took that moment to remove his feet from the desk and put his bag under it. "what...is that?" One of his classmates asked, staring quizzically at his backpack. He noticed with curiosity that he seemed to have some sort of dispensers on his elbows. "My backpack." The classmate looked confused. "Why does it have six straps?"
Killua smirked catlike. "Makes it easier to strangle people." The kid's eyes widened and he looked horrified for a moment. "W-What-" Killua snorted. "Oh chill out, I was joking." Mostly. "it's just a design choice, I like the way it looks." His classmate responded but he didn't hear it, he was staring at the threshold of the door where he'd sensed a new presence. There was a man lying there in what he thought was a sleeping bag. The hell? He thought in confusion, unable to help a small frown. Another student walked in, this one was a girl. About three minutes passed before the man spoke.
"If your just here to make friends, than you can pack up your stuff now."
The room kind of froze, staring in shock at the odd sight. "Welcome to U.A's hero course." He slowly unzipped the sleeping bag and stood up, the old man looked tired. Is that a teacher? He thought, with a bit of doubt. "It took eight seconds for you lot to shut up, that's not gonna work. Time is precious. Rational students would understand that" He is our teacher isn't he. Killua thought, with concern. "I'm Shota Aizawa, your teacher. Right, let's get to it." Aizawa pulled out some tacky looking gym uniforms out of his sleeping bag. "put these on and head outside."
Killua took his P.E uniform and tried not to wrinkle his nose. Why? Ugh. He followed the class to the locker rooms, then hesitated. My back looks ugly. I should wait until they're done changing... It was one of his biggest insecurities. He shook his head and followed the boys into the locker room, slipping out a small mirror and an eyeliner tube. He could touch up his face a bit while he waited so he didn't seem suspicious. "What's that?" Kaminari asked. Killua had taken note of all of his classmate's names as he listened to conversations of the students around him. Killua glanced over at him. "Hm? Oh, its eyeliner."
"Isn't that for girls?" Ojiro chipped in, as he'd caught most of the room's attention. Damn, the exact opposite of what I wanted. "Eh? No, I mean women wear it often but guys can wear makeup too." He said, as he unscrewed the tube. "You know Hawks also wears some" He was amused at his classmate's shocked expressions. "H-Huh!? No way!" Killua sharpened one of his fingers into a long claw and rested it against his face. He'd found that using finger manipulation was the quickest and easiest way to get a flawless wing. He went slowly, careful not to mess up. "but like, what's the point?" Sero asked, squinting a little. Killua didn't break focus as he spoke.
"Is it a crime to want to look good?" He asked, finishing up his eyeliner and examining his face in the mirror to make sure it looked perfect. Why won't they just shut up and go back to changing. He grumbled internally. "I guess not." Kaminari said, "Do you just wear eyeliner or do you wear lipstick sometimes too?" Killua started brushing his curls out so they were less unruly. "not casually, I mean I have experimented with it before but usually I just use eyeliner and occasionally some really light eyeshadow."
Eventually the rest of the boys went back to changing, ultimately ignoring him. One by one they left, and soon enough Killua was alone in the room. He flipped his mirror closed and slid off his school uniform, before tugging his P.E uniform. Killua frowned down at how easily it could open, the top part could easily be ripped off in training. I'd rather not risk it. He thought. Killua took off the uniform, then pulled on a skin tight navy bodysuit. He wasn't taking any risks. The P.E uniform was a bit tighter after that, but he'd rather be slightly uncomfortable than have to deal with people noticing his scars. With that, he exited the room and made his way to the others.
1273 words
To be continued...
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