Killua yawned, opening his eyes. As he did so he felt a warm pressure on his chest. Killua blinked, looking down. "hm?" His pet cat was huddled on his chest with his paws tucked under him, having a good nap of his own. Killua smiled softly and rubbed the bridge of his nose with a knuckle. "Morning Haka." At the mention of his name, Haka's eyes opened and he yawned, then leaned forward and sniffed Killua's nose in greeting. "Mrrrow!" Haka had grown quite affectionate since he'd gotten used to Killua's presence. He sat up and ran his hands through Haka's fur. "You hungry?" Haka's head immediately snapped up and he meowed loudly, standing up and running over to the island he had in his hotel room.
His room was nice, it was one of the more expensive ones. He probably could've rented out an apartment for slightly cheaper but in the long run it'd save more money due to the food being free and not having to pay bills. Not only that, but there was also a pet center where he could drop Haka off if he ever needed to be gone more than a few hours so he would still get fed and taken care of. Killua kicked off his sheets and made his way over to the island, opening the cabinet and tearing open a can of wet cat food with his fingers. Haka winded around his legs, meowing loudly.
"Alright alright, settle down." He said with a huff, placing the food in a dish and then setting the dish on the floor. Haka eagerly started eating the food, tail tip twitching with contentment. The exam results should be coming soon, I wonder if they'll be able to deliver it here? He wondered, as he took a seat on a comfortable chair in his room. No matter, he'd still start working on his hero costume. Sure there's a chance he didn't get in, but it was low. He grabbed a pencil and started sketching on a stray lined piece of paper, he decided that he didn't really need much.
It doesn't need to be super flashy, it can just be casual. But maybe I could get some Nomex or Kevlar material woven into some of it. Or perhaps something synthetic and durable. I'll be fighting in these clothes, they need to be easy to move around in and- Killua's thoughts kept going as he sketched out several possible designs. Killua groaned and crumpled paper after paper, he didn't like any of them. They just didn't suit him.
Killua sighed and grabbed his phone, clicking on a gallery he'd specifically made to save photos of himself wearing different outfits. He loved putting together new outfits, fashion was always a hobby of his. Killua hoped looking through them would give him inspiration. He scrolled through the photos he'd saved on there for a few moments before he stopped on a particular outfit. That one, I like that one. What if.... Killua started a new sketch, adding a few new details as well as some doodles on the paper out of sheer boredom. Once he was finished he grinned, proud of his work. This is the one. He thought, grabbing out some colored pencils and markers to finish up. When he was done, he made sure to add his fake last name to the piece before stopping to admire it.
Killua was broken out of his thoughts as he heard a knock on his door. Haka's ears flattened and he hissed, darting under the bed. The staff outside of the pet center weren't very nice to him and he usually hid whenever they came. Killua opened the door curiously. "Hm?" He frowned, nobody was there. Well that's odd... It was then he noticed the envelope on the ground in front of his door. Killua picked it up and walked inside, his eyes shining as he realized it was from U.A. "It's about time." He walked over to his chair and opened the letter, tossing the small hologram chip onto the lone table in the middle of his room and settling down.
"I AM HERE! In a projection!" A loud voice exclaimed, followed by a hologram of Allmight. He listened as Allmight went on to do a speech that was obviously recorded hundreds if not thousands of times. "You got 36 combat points, and a whopping 64 rescue points! Putting you at an incredible score of one hundred!" Killua chuckled as he leaned back in his chair. Think it's safe to say I passed then. "Welcome to U.A high, Killua Zansatsu!" Killua continued to sit there as the hologram ended, in the empty silence. The silence felt so...weird. For a reason he couldn't place, it just didn't feel right.
A shrill ringing broke the silence, the sound of his phone going off. Killua looked at who the caller was and he quickly accepted the call. "what's up Gon?" He asked, a bit worried at first. "KILLUAAAA!" Killua winced, bringing the phone away from his ear slightly. "Yes?" He asked, gently stroking Haka's head as he leaned up to nuzzle his hand. "I just missed you a whole lot, you haven't called back once since you've gotten to Japan. What's it like there?" Killua smiled a little as he listened to Gon's voice. "You don't need to worry about me, I'm alright. Turns out I have to go to a high school to get that hero license though, so I'll be here for a while."
There was a plaintive whine from the other end. "What? Why?" Haka meowed loudly, very unhappy that Killua had stopped petting him. Killua huffed and pulled him onto his lap. "here-", "Killua, was that a cat?" Killua blinked. "uh..yeah?" Killua huffed. He knew what was coming. "Can I see? Please? I thought you hated animals!" Killua groaned and clicked on the video option, allowing Gon to see through the camera. He angled it down to Haka, who was curled up on his lap. "This is Haka, nobody wanted him because of a fur pattern he was born with." Gon was quiet for a moment. "You can relate to that can't you?" Killua hesitated, then sighed. "well- I guess. Sort of. Not the point though." He grumbled, angling the camera up to his face. "Thanks for that."
Gon rubbed the back of his head sheepishly. "Sorry, your right." Killua felt his face heat up a little when he realized that Gon wasn't wearing a shirt for some odd reason. "what are you doing-?" Gon blinked, noticing what Killua was looking at. "Hm? Oh, I've started sleeping without a shirt on. I just woke up. Sorry." He apologized, reaching for something. Killua rolled his eyes. "Idiot." Why am I acting like this? It's not like I haven't seen him without a shirt before. He grumbled internally as Gon put a shirt on. "Ne Killua, your face is a bit red. You alright?" Killua's face reddened even more as Gon pointed that out, and he scoffed. "Eh? I'm fine, just...a bit mad. At...at this stupid hotel." He lied.
Gon dropped it and they continued to talk for at least a full hour before Gon had to hang up. After the call he buried his face in his pillow with a groan, blushing so hard. How the hell is he so fucking cute? Dammit. He'd tried to deny his feelings for Gon, but as the years passed they just grew stronger and stronger to the point where he couldn't ignore it anymore. Killua was in love with his best friend. It'll never happen, but...I can hope. He thought, staring at a photo of him and Gon at some sort of festival. Gon's arm wrapped around Killua's side, and Killua's arm slung over his shoulder. Optimism usually wasn't Killua's strong suit, but this was one thing that he was willing to hope for.
1333 words
To be continued...
I've already decided I was going to add Killugon into this book, but would yall be interested in me adding in some Leopika as well? I'd love to hear your thoughts Shippers!
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