"No snacks in the exam hall!" A teacher barked, glaring at Killua. Killua rolled his eyes and stuffed the rest of the chocolate robot in his mouth, he'd be damned if he let even a bit of it go to waste. It was the day of the written portion of the U.A entrance exam. "You have approximately an hour and a half to complete the test, if you are caught cheating you will be automatically denied the chance to take the practical exam and you will be told to leave the exam hall. Is this clear?" Killua took a random seat, grabbing his pencil as he awaited the instruction to start the exam. "Ready? Begin!"
The written exam was fairly easily, especially due to the fact that he'd passed highschool level classes when he was only twelve years old. He paid close attention to the rules for the practical exam though, ignoring the interruptions. It sounded way to easy, he needed a way to spice things up a bit. I won't use my Nen, but that's not good enough. Killua tapped his chin as he made his way to area C. Suddenly, an idea struck him and he smirked. Oh, this'll be fun. Killua took a place at the back of the large crowd of people, his hands in his pockets as he waited.
"Right, let's start!"
Killua blinked, that was kind of sudden. Nobody around him seemed to be moving strangely enough. "There are no count downs in real battles! Run run run your wasting airtime here!" Present mic bellowed. The other applicants rushed forward almost immediately. However, Killua didn't. Instead, he strolled over to the watch tower and leaned against it, slipping out one of his precious chocolate robots. He stayed there for several minutes, making sure to keep track of the time. He didn't need the full time to gather enough points to pass. Not to mention, this way he'd make a better impression. He took a bite of his chocolate robot, salivating a little as the chocolate hit his tongue.
A frown crossed Aizawa's face as his eyes landed on the white haired boy, he wasn't even making an attempt to start the test. It had been four solid minutes and he hadn't taken a single step towards the gate. "Should we...do something?" Kayama asked, raising an eyebrow. The boy seemed to have no intention of actually participating in the exam. He looked to Principal Nezu for an answer. Nezu stared curiously with his beady eyes at the teenager. "Let him stay, I'm curious to see what will happen." He said, in a cheerful tone.
Aizawa sighed and let his eyes wander back over to the boy. What on earth is he doing? He's wasting whatever potential he has- "FIVE MINUTES REMAINING!" he winced at the noise, he'd have to tell Hizashi to keep the volume down next time. "Hey, the kid's gone." Kayama said, with a surprised tone. Aizawa blinked as he realized she was right, the boy was nowhere to be seen. Until, one of the cameras caught a blur of movement dismembering every robot in its path. The numbers were racking up insanely fast for whoever that participant was. It wasn't until the blur slowed down that Aizawa could tell who it was. Well I'll be dammed.
Killua took a small break, popping some more chocolate in his mouth as he perched on a building. He'd calculated that he'd gathered about 36 points in total in approximately three minutes. His eyes darted around quickly as he looked for more targets, time was of the essence. Suddenly a ginormous zero pointer emerged from the earth, towering over the buildings and crushing everything in its path. Killua whistled, taking in the sheer size of the thing. Damn, this school must have a massive budget. He was about to ignore it and take advantage of the fleeing applicants to get more points when he noticed that there were several students trapped between some buildings.
And the giant robot was heading right for them
At this rate, it would crush and possibly even kill them. I suppose the more heroic thing to do would be to help them, might as well. Killua leapt from the building onto the enormous robot's body, trying his best to cling to the ridges in the plates on its back. He climbed up to its head and started feeling around for some sort of kill switch, or possibly a way to divert the power. He knew a decent bit of knowledge about robotics and such but it was never something he was super interested in.
Killua swore under his breath as he realized that there wasn't either of the two things he was looking for, nor was there time to think if he wanted to keep those kids from being crushed and possibly killed by a gigantic zero pointer. Killua bit his lip. This is gonna hurt. He thought, as he ripped the large plate off the back of the robot and firmly stabbed his fingers in. a violent current of electricity ripped through his body, causing his hair to frizz up and his muscles to tense. Fuck. He could withstand over a million volts of electricity, but this thing was just so goddamn big.
It took 30 solid seconds for him to suck all the power out, gritting his teeth against the pain. The robot's whirring halted to a stop, then it started falling. Killua crouched to keep stability on its head, wincing as he looked at his hands. They were blistered and burned from the electricity, It looked a lot more horrible than it felt. And it crawled up his arm too, thank god he didn't scar easily or that might've been permanent. He quickly smoothed his hair out, it was an absolute mess. No way in hell he was going to leave the exam looking like a hot mess. After he did so, he braced himself and placing his hands behind his head. It was the best bet he had of concealing his injury.
The robot hit the ground with a deafening thud. Killua made sure to keep his feet level and stayed firmly on its head. There was coughing from down below, and Killua looked down to see two dust covered applicants staring at him with wide eyes. He was a bit startled by one of their appearances but he kept it off his face. "You guys good?" He asked, in an even tone as he stepped off the robot and made his way over to them. The pink one slowly nodded. "Y-Yeah-" she said, a bit shellshocked. "That was so cool!" The one with the yellow hair exclaimed, staring at the robot. "what- how did you even- you must pack some serious power man"
Killua shrugged. "No big deal, although-" Killua was interrupted by a loud bellow. "TIIIIIME'S UP!" A loud alarm blared seconds after, causing him to turn his head. "Oh, the exam's over. That was quick. Well, see you around." He said to the two other applicants, as he made his way out of the mock battle arena. "W-Wait! What's your name? you seem super cool!" Killua glanced over his shoulder once, contemplating if he should answer or not. "The name's Killua. I'll see you at U.A. If you make it." He added, with a teasing grin.
1225 words
To be continued..
Happy halloween Shippers! I thought about making a halloween special but in the end I didn't have any ideas for it, I wish you all a happy halloween though! i personally am dressing up as Killua this halloween :3 what are yall's costumes?
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