Killua's face turned red, immediately getting flustered. "H-Huh? What- No-!" Mina squealed. "YOU'RE BLUSHING!" Killua's face turned as red as a tomato, he couldn't believe he'd made it so obvious. "Shut the fuck up!" He snapped, embarrassed. Mina flinched a bit, looking startled. Killua hesitated, then looked down. "Shit, I have no filter when I'm embarrassed." He mumbled, feeling bad. When he was with his close friends, it didn't matter. Usually Leorio or Gon ended up yelling back at him, it was just natural. But poor Mina had never heard him sound so aggressive before, and wasn't expecting it. "Sorry.."
Mina rubbed the back of her head. "It's alright. I was just surprised, is all." She said, awkwardly. There was a long beat of awkward silence where neither of them spoke. The silence was interrupted by a shrill ringing from the loud speakers. "warning, level three security breach. All students please evacuate the building immediately in an orderly fashion!" Mina gasped and got to her feet, but Killua grabbed her wrist. "Wait." Mina turned to him, looking panicked. "But-" He sighed. "Think about it, if there's an intruder in the building isn't the safest place inside? Every single teacher here is a pro hero or something right? It's smarter to stay here."
Mina blinked. "Oh, you're right." He let go of her wrist and she slowly sat back down as the students all around them started rushing towards the exit. What even is a level three security breach? Does the number mean how dangerous the villain is? Killua calmly returned to eating his lunch, completely unfazed. Mina was still nervous, and he could see she was shaking a little. Although his calmness seemed to make her slightly less nervous. Hm... Killua stood up. "I'll go check to see how dangerous the villain is, alright?" Mina's eyes widened. "That doesn't sound safe though-" Killua walked off, waving his hand dismissively. "ah I'll be fi-"
Killua stared outside, sighing in exasperation at what he saw. "Is that a good or a bad sigh?" Mina asked nervously. Killua walked back over to the table and sat down, crossing his legs. "it's the media, somehow they got past the gate." Mina slumped in her chair, deflating as her nerves evaporated. "That's a relief." Killua sipped some more of his chocolate shake. "Oh look the police." He said, watching the police cars pull up. Mina hummed. "Hey Killua can I ask you something?" Killua glanced over at her. "Sure." He replied. Mina squinted at him. "Why do you hang around me? I've noticed you don't usually talk to the rest of our class very often. I mean unless you have to."
Killua was quiet for a moment, unsure how to answer that. Honestly he wasn't completely sure himself. "Dunno really, you're just nice to talk to I guess." Something about Mina just made her really easy to get along with, he wasn't sure exactly what. Did I make a friend? He thought, leaning backwards in his seat. It's been a while since I've made a friend. "The lunch bell is about to ring." He said, getting to his feet with a stretch. Mina nodded. "Right. Oh look! Everyone's coming back now!" She smiled and ran off, most likely because she saw one of the girls in their class.
Detention was boring as hell. He sat in a corner doing nothing at all. Not even school work. And He wasn't allowed to have candy either. There wasn't even another teacher in the room with him, it was just a screen with a timer on it. What's stopping me from just leaving? He wondered. I might get expelled, not worth it. Dammit I'm so bored! He spent a good thirty minutes in complete utter silence, watching the clock tick by. After a while, he heard the door slowly creak open and his head snapped up. Allmight and his perpetual grin peeked his head inside. "Ah! Young Killua. Come with me."
Killua quickly got out of his seat and kept his stride even with the taller man's. "I thought I had detention?" He asked, raising his eyebrows. Allmight laughed. "Aizawa's too harsh, sure you need to learn how to follow the rules better, but it's foolish to keep you out of training simply because of that. Y-" Killua quickly darted into his classroom and grabbed his skateboard, then hurried back out. "Sorry, I need this. Carry on." He said, with a monotone expression. Allmight seemed to be a bit put off by his casual dismissiveness, and lack of respect despite him being the number one hero in japan.
"We're going to meet the rest of the class at the U.S.J, and catch the tail end of the exercises. So you might want to bring your hero costume." Killua shook his head and continued walking. "Just need my skateboard." Allmight nodded. "Right, let's go!" As soon as they stepped outside Killua hopped on his skateboard and easily kept up with Allmight, even as he started running. In all honesty, the old man wasn't impressively quick. However about five minutes later, he saw Iida bolting full force towards them. A frown crossed his face. His body language... Killua sped up. Iida looked like he was running like his life depended on it, or somebody else's.
Killua stepped off his skateboard, completely abandoning it. Allmight started to speak but he didn't listen, he ran full speed towards the U.S.J. He didn't say how many there were, doesn't matter. People are in danger. He threw open the door, eyes scanning the scene. There was a...thing, crouched over Aizawa. It was slamming his head into the ground over and over again. Killua acted quickly, darting forward and slashing deep down its side with his claws, tossing Aizawa over his shoulder. "K-Killua...run." He grunted softly. "Huh? What's this?" A blue haired man rasped.
Killua set Aizawa down near Mina and Sato, the closest students he could find. "Make sure he doesn't die." He said, before running back over to the approaching creature and sliding between its legs to the other side, slashing it as he went. His teeth gritted as he saw it start to regenerate. Not good, I don't know how strong it is either. Its best if I don't let it touch me. Killua's eyes went over to the blue haired villain, and he decided to reply to his earlier question. "The name's Killua, and you? Oh wait I know you who are. I saw you on T.V once." He said, with a sly grin. The man's eyes narrowed. "Eh?" Killua smirked. "It was some sort of documentary on the most pathetic villains in Japan." The villain's pupils dilated as he realized that Killua was taunting him, and he started scratching his neck. "Nomu...Nomu I want him DEAD. KILL HIM."
1238 words
To be continued...
And so the fun begins :)
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