First ga- I mean chapter children (Idc if you're older than me lol)
(Late warning: I can't take anything seriously)
(Sanemi Pov)
It was a (gay🏳️🌈) sunny day with birds (making out😘) singing.
"Ara ara~ Shinazugawa san, where are you going? (To Giyuu's estate if you know what I mean😏)" Kocho, the annoying mosquito asked as she appeared on my left.
"That's none of your business, Kocho!" I yelled with irk marks appearing all over my body. She's so goddamn annoyi-
"A (Gay🏳️🌈) short temper like always, Shinazugawa san? (Ay ay ay I'm your little butterfly🦋) Ara Ara! I guess it can't be helped (= you are always gonna be gay🥰)!"
That stunned me.
" Just shut up Kocho!" I flipped her off and ran away. (= I shouted " You are gay" and ran off)
" Shinazugawa san~!! That's not very nice~~! (I fucked Mitsuri last night😏)" Kocho shouted from the back. I dismissed her words from my head and continued to run until I hit someone.
"KYAA!! SHINAZUGAWA SANNN!!" It turned out to be Kanroji.
" Oi! Watch where you're going, Shinazugawa!" Obanai (The simping snake🐍) shouted at me.
"Sorry... Kanroji... (= I know what you did last night😏)" I mumbled.
" It's ok Shinazugawa san! Please be careful next time!"
(Flash back)
" Please be careful oni-chan!"
(End of flashback)
" G- Genya..?" I muttered.
"Huh? Who's Genya-"
" What the fuck, Shinazugawa?! Apologize now!" The snake screamed.
"..." My hands turned into fists and I stormed off.
"You're so rude, Shinazugawa san!"
I walked off, my veins popping out.
"So stupid!" I talked.
"Oh hey, Shinazugawa! I heard what happened with Kocho! Are you ok? I'm here for you if-"
" Shut up, Rengoku! I'm not in the mood!" I shouted.
" Oi, Shinazugawa! Calm down! You don't have to be so rude (and gay🏳️🌈)!" Uzui, that annoying fuck head yelled.
"Fuck off!" I yelled back. I wasn't in the mood for them. (= I wanted to be fucked by Tomioka😩😏)
"Ara ara~ Shinazugawa san, fix your attitude! We don't want a Hashira who's rude to everyone~!"
Annoying Kocho!
" Just fuck off, Kocho! You don't know anything!" I shouted with ice clear anger.
" Ara ara~"
"" God, fuck my goddamn anger issues!"" I thought as I sprinted away (to Tomioka to fuck him😏).
As I was walking, I heard people say stuff about me.
"God, is that the wind pillar? He looks so scary!"
" He curses all the time! So (gay🏳️🌈) aggressive!"
" He's very rude!"
"Look at his scars! So (hot😩) ugly!"
I couldn't handle it anymore.
" JUST FUCK OFF AND MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS" I screamed before storming off.
"Why does this happen to me..?" I pondered.
{ × ~ • [♡✯✿✯♡] • ~ × }
A/n: Ya better have enjoyed it (I'm looking at you, kanroji-mitsuri-chan 🥰🔪)
Anyway cya later? <33
Bye gay bitches 😩😍😘🤩
(Edit: My word count on my tablet is broken so future word counts may be inaccurate)
{Word count: 504}
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