𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 012
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Having no choice but to join you in your silly antics, the silver-haired boy finally decides to let go of his worries and counter your attack with a mighty splash.
Your eyes widen for a second. A smile eventually tugging your lips, pleased to learn that he finally decided to stay and help and, pretty much, have fun with you.
"—why you?!"
Narrowed eyes while you shriek him in a menacing tone, you did not give him a chance to get that hit without any repercussion.
Splashes here. Splashes there. You guys end up in a very soaky mess of a competition. No worries, it wasn't really anything serious. Aside from being slapped by water on the face, no other harm is done.
Anyways, it was a nice summer day.
The sky is perfectly clear of clouds.. The sun graces you both with her majestic rays. And although the fountain waters is lukewarm, that does not prevent you both from receiving your fun.
Your friendly banter lasting for quite some while before it finally drains the energy out of your body.
You stop chasing him. Hands on your knees—you catch your breath. And when you have enough oxygen in your system, you proceed to gather the metallic coins that you were there for in the first place.
You blink your (E/C) eyes and suddenly Luck's standing beside your body. Stooping down, the man accompanies you in your deeds just like you wanted him to. You were quite taken aback by his actions and even more so when you caught wind of his heavy breathing.
He gets tired?
You shoot him a curious look. Never did you expect him to get so tired so easily by a water fight, especially when he is someone magical. It's kinda odd, but maybe he isn't that all too powerful.
Giving Luck a few more looks, you eventually shrug off those thoughts. You proceed to retrieve all the currencies your hands can reach out for. Unbeknownst to you, Luck feels faint upon sensing your gaze on him earlier.
His heart beating fast to faster. He isn't familiar with this suffocaring feeling, so he gets more anxious. Luck heard that this can be a symptom of love, but that seems rather too impossible.
The development is too soon.
His racing heart only decides to settle when you finally pull your gaze away.
Luck sighs. He just met her yesterday. Maybe this isn't what he thought to be. He stares down at the coins in his hand. It could be the heat of the sun? Exhaustion? Those thoughts are obviously foolish. He might just be getting ahead of himself.
A smile tugging your lips as you discern the glimmering coins in his palm. Without even saying anything to warn him, you snatch it all from his grip.
Despite your rudeness, he doesn't seem offended though as he merely stares at you.
"You think it's enough?" you lightly ask him.
He blinks his dark-blue eyes at you, yet his stares never cease. The only time Luck snaps back to reality is when your eyebrows start to furrow from his strange behavior. He quickly wipes off his dazed expression, inserting his infamous grin.
"Hmm... Maybe? For a day or two?"
"A day or two?"
You thoughfully take in as a frown instantly replaces the smile that the guy has been ensnared with a few seconds earlier.
You walk towards the border, dropping the coins in your hold. A harsh metallic sound follow; clinking as each of those coppers and bronze strike the concrete. Then, you proceed to reach for the remaining coins in your pocket, dropping it again on the pile.
Luck trails behind you, observing you carefully count all those coins. One by one, you place each of it inside your little (F/C) purse with an assigned verbal digit. "I think I should really go look for work.." You can't help but utter in the midst of counting.
Lucks nods, agreeing.
"Yeah, you can do that."
"Or—" A mischievous grin settles on his face. "You can go back to Star and stay and amuse him." As he remarks those words our loud, it strangely leaves a bitter taste in his mouth. However, seeing your disgusted expressions, he can definitely say that it's worth it.
"I hate you." You glare at him.
Luck chuckles. "Well, I'm only saying that as a joke. It's still up to you on whether you want to take my word for advice."
You scowl at him.
Sure—you did enjoy hanging out with Luck earlier, but right now you only have the strongest urge to strike him on the head. Everytime he opens his mouth, Luck really never fails to be vexing.
Maybe you should have let him leave earlier..
You heave a sigh, rolling your gaze away from the being and to the purse containing all the stolen coins.
You feel guilty in a sudden. But then again if you decide to return these coins, then what about you? What would happen to you?!
You unconsciously rub your arms, and Luck sees it. The being, right then, was made aware of the moral dilemma you are currently in.
He laughs.
"Are you seriously thinking twice right now?"
"I couldn't help it," you mumble, "I have never done this before. Never did I commit a crime, and this is probably going to be the first time I—"
Your voice starting to get a bit louder and jittery. Luck perceives it and immediately drops a hand on your tense shoulder.
"Hey, calm down."
He gives you a warm look. "..No one would jail you for this, I promise," he suddenly swears, which made you blink at him.
Your heart, fluttering.
As if his affirmation has some magic to it, your muscles loosen its tightness as your body gradually relaxes under his hold.
You suck in some air.
You exhale.
You realize that he is making some more promises again that you're certain he wouldn't be able to keep. As much as you hate it though, you did not bother to try and argue with Luck anymore. You're tired, and you do not want to exhaust your mind any longer.
You look away.
Somehow having an idea that you are still worried about being jailed, he gently squeezes your shoulder. "Ey don't think too hard on it."
You merely nod, despite not believing his claims, as you then brush his hand off you.
Since you were done with collecting the currencies, you then finally resolve to leave the fountain. Climbing over the barrier, one of your legs is already outside the water when you accidentally slip.
You yelp, surprised.
Fortunately for you, your companion's standing beside you the whole time so he's quickly able to save you from falling.
"Hey, careful there!" he cries, grabbing onto your waist.
Slightly tilting your head to his direction, you laugh out some nervous laugh. Fucking damn it. You felt like you were going to die there for a second. "That's close," you breathlessly speak out, "thanks for saving me, and sorry about that."
"Your welcome." He tries to grin.
"Oh, also I didn't know you can be so clumsy, (Y/N)— " Luck drawls your name and even attempts to wink as he willfully tries to conceal the embarrassment he is feeling right now from holding your waist.
It's just that it's so squishy—and so warm that he almost never wants to let go.
Luck blinks his blue eyes that just dimmed earlier. Then he immediately shakes those strange thoughts away. He never dropped your pretty waist though as he eventually decided to assist you in climbing out the fountain.
"Thanks!" you chirp.
You begin to fix your stuff. Shoving your (F/C) purse in your bag, you later take out a red hand towel to dry your wet hair. Squeezing the excess water first, you soon dab on your hair.
Dab. Dab. Dab.
You were quite engrossed in drying your wet hair that it took you a little while that something is wrong. Usually, at this time, with Luck being beside you—silence is not usually welcomed.
Him being quiet for a long time? You could not help but wonder what's up with the man, so you correspondingly sneak a glance.
As soon as you meet those bluish eyes, you instinctively take a step back.
What in the fuck?
You suddenly felt like you were gazing at a dark, empty abyss with how intense his gaze is. It even almost feels like you're a prey under those predatory eyes.
You frown.
This is the second time...
The person in question snaps out from the trance that he doesn't even realize he was in.. Upon gaining his senses, Luck perceives your eyes looking at him, glimmering in curiosity as they do so.
A trace of uncertainty on your face—you didn't prevent yourself from questioning him. "You really have to stop giving me those looks, you know? I am starting to get a bit uncomfortable.."
You furrow your brows.
"I mean, do I really look that strange to you?! Or is there something on my face?!" You touch your face but do not feel anything weird, making you frown more.
"Well whatever. I just want you to say something instead of giving me those strange looks."
Luck's eyes widen, never expecting you to be blunt for a second there. But— He stares at you and those inquiring, lovely eyes of yours. Should he say it?
He looks away.
"I'm just wondering..."
"Wondering what?" you ask, a bit too fast, as you stare directly at his eyes.
When he averts his eyes from you as if he was shy, your curiosity straight off increases. The red alarms inside of your mind blaring loudly. You raise your brow, trying to brush that inside, but that all completely fails with what he said after as it even nearly causes you to choke on your saliva.
"Instead of sending you off to others, I'm just wondering if I can take you instead..." He returns his gaze to you, sending a toothy smile in your way.
There appears to be a blush spread all over his cheeks as he, out of nowhere, grabs your hands and gently holds it in his own. At his random confession, you're left gaping back at him.
You stare at Luck in disbelief, pondering if whatever he was saying is true. If you should actually believe him.. But then again— "Nah, it couldn't exactly be true!" you let out a laugh.
Luck pouts.
"Aw! How'd you know that it's a joke?!"
You roll your eyes.
"Because it's way too obvious, you dimwit!"
"—and who in the hell would fall in love in two days?!" you exclaim as if it is the most stupid thing. You are extremely annoyed with Luck's antics just now.
Did he really think that you were going to fall for that?! And boy! While he may be handsome as fuck, Luck is just too vexing to be your type.
Instant rejection he is to you.
"Who knows? Me?" Luck continues to tease you.
You retrieve your hands from him, pushing his beautiful face away with your hands. You might have overdone it though as Luck stumbles back, falling back to the water during the course.
"Hey!" Luck whines.
You're violent! Too violent!
The silver-haired being grumbles under his breath as he picks himself from the knee-length water... more soaked than ever.
You only roll your eyes at his drenched sight, not really worried for his state. He's powerful anyways, so he can take care of himself. Right now, you're more concerned with other matters such as this..
"But seriously, what are you wondering about?"
You inquire again, clicking your tongue after. Haha.. did he seriously think you'll let go of the matter that easily?! Nothing can really vanquish your curiosity away until it is fully satisfied.
Upon hearing your inquiry, Luck cannot help but sigh as he then places a hand on his temple. Violent. And damn, too stubborn! He can already see you forcing the answer out of him.
He sighs again.
You stare expectantly at him.
Luck opens his mouth.
"You don't have to know," he says, mercilessly crushing those expectations shining in your (E/C) eyes. You pout, looking so heavily disappointed and betrayed as Luck, on the other hand, unconsciously finds delight in your reaction.
His heart, involuntarily jumping.
But well, there's really nothing for you to be pouty for. Luck did tell you the truth earlier—well half of it—but you chose to deny it.
And yes, as embarrassing as it is—you did consume his thoughts earlier. But it doesn't mean that he loves you, okay! His mind was just acting weird and is still is to the point that he doesn't want to think anymore.
"But is it about me?" you ask.
Luck shakes his head, effortlessly lying, as he begins to climb over the barrier too. While you can't decipher his true answer, you have a gut feeling that what he replied just now to you is a lie.
You do not, however, choose to pursue that topic when something catches your eye.
A car?
Luck follows your gaze and frown.
Sighing, he turns to one side and is about to leave.
Oh no he won't! Alarmed by his movement, you quickly catch his arm for the second time. A glare expressed on your gaze; you threaten him in a low voice, "Don't you dare!"
You were tired being left alone at such critical moments, so you couldn't help but snap at him. Luck's eyes widen from the hostility but does not immediately respond. He stares at you for a long time. The vague stare starting to appear warmer as it proceeds on. It almost feels like that he doesn't oppose you anymore.
Well, that's what you initially thought.
"That won't stop me, you know?" he says, amused.
Luck's lips turns into a full smirk.
Raising his other hand, Luck snaps his fingers.
His thumb forcefully striking down his middle finger; as soon as a click heard, there goes a poof.
And voila!
Luck is gone. Nowhere to be found. And you, my poor reader, is abandoned again by that asshole. Right now, you can only angrily curse at the air before you, but you swear that the next time you see him... you'll have your fucking revenge.
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