Chapter 9: Sleep
"Sorry Taetae but I'll have to sit on your lap since you're sitting in the back" I tell him, "ok".
I carefully climbed over the seat and carefully sat on top of his lap. I happened to accidently sat back to far, I could feel his chest on my back. "Hey Princess? can you scoot up a little... I have to put on my seat belt" Tae asked.
"Hey Princess... can you scoot up a little? I have to put on my seat belt" I asked her, she slowly scoots up and sits directly on my 'member'. "Is that enough room for you to put on your seat belt?" She asked "y-yes". Damn... if she stays there any longer I'm gonna get a boner.
I hear the seatbelt click, "ok you can scoot back now" Tae says. I scoot back, "is it okay if I take a nap?" I ask him "NO!! Don't let her take a nap!" Jimin says "why not?" Tae asked him. He (Jimin) looked around and noticed everyone was looking at him, " umm... never mind... hahaha" he said, then nervously laughed. "Ok I'm taking a nap" I said "Yeah!! Everyone should take a nap so that when we get back to Hobi's house we can watch a movie!" Jackson yells "that's a great idea... goodnight everyone!" I said "goodnight everyone except Namjoon said "Goodnight!" Namjoon says sarcastically. "B-before we go to sleep... is it okay if I hold your waist?? So you won't f-fall or anything" Tae asked while stuttering, I turned around to look at him "Tae Oppa? Why are you stuttering?? We're best friends remember! You don't need my permission to do everything... but I do appreciate the fact that you asked" I told him before turning back around "Okay Princess!"he said while wrapping his arms around my waist. I leaned back so my head would be on his shoulder then closed my eyes. He's so cute!! Hahaha he asked for my permission that's so cute I thought to myself, before falling asleep on Tae's shoulder.
"Princess! Princess! Wake up!" Someone says while shaking my shoulders "huh? What's wrong?" I asked while opening my eyes "we're here!" Jimin says "really! I slept the whole 2 and a half hours?!" "Yep" Tae says from behind me. Just as I look out the window, we pull into Hobi's house. Something caught my attention though... the incident that happened earlier with Jiminie Oppa... was he perhaps... lying? It didn't seem like I did anything to Tae while I was sleep hmmmm... "Areum!!" Jackson yells, snapping me out of my thoughts "y-yes?" I asked "come on! Everyone else is already in the house... you were sitting in the back spacing out" he tells me "ohhh... sorry about that" I said while getting out of Namjoon's car. We walked inside the house to see everyone sitting on different couches in the living room. "UNNIE!!" Rin yells "y-yes?" "Come with me to get blankets and pillows! Everyone is going to sleepover tonight!" She says while grabbing my arm and pulling me upstairs. She grabbed the pillows and I grabbed the blankets, I only grabbed 6 covers assuming that Mark and Rin would share one and they were extremely heavy anyways. Rin was still getting pillows, so I just decided to start bringing the blankets downstairs since they were so heavy.
I slowly walked down each step. When I reached the 5th step I tripped over one of the blankets. "Ahhhh!!" I screamed as I started falling, but instead of falling head first, I fell on my butt and started sliding down the steps. When I got to the bottom of the steps I landed on top of the blankets that already fell, "Are you okay?" "Princess? You good?" "Uhhmmm..."
"AHHH!" Areum screams as she falls down the steps. Yes!! I hope she gets hurt! Kookie suddenly gets up, along with everyone else. They start crowding around the steps, where she laid with her whole body getting smumshing into the covers. "Are you okay?" "Princess? You good?" "Uhhmmm..." they ask her. "Hahahahahahaha" she starts laughing all of a sudden, "why are you laughing Princess? Are you okay?" TaeTae asked her "I'm okay!! I'm just really clumsy" she says, everyone starts laughing. Ughh I hate her so much!! She's literally stealing everyone's attention! And they're already calling her Princess ughhh!! Why won't they call me Princess?!?
We all went upstairs and changed into comfortable clothes. I had on an oversized t-shirt that was all pink and said Princess on it. It reached mid thigh so I decided not to put anything on under it. ( shorts! Yes she has on panties!!😂 ). After bringing down everything we needed everyone got on a couch.
Couch 1
Irene & Jungkook
Couch 2
BamBam, Jackson and Namjoon
Couch 3
Mark & Rin
Couch 4
Tae, Jimin and I
"What movie should we watch?" "IRON MAN" Jungkook yells, hahaha that's so cute! He must really like Iron man "No Jungkook we watched that movie like 7 times!" Namjoon yells back "how about... Sausage party!" Rin says "ok".
Rin starts the movie and we all start watching it... I occasionally laughed at the stupid sexual jokes that were made. Half way through the movie I started getting really tired. I looked around and noticed that there were only a few people still awake. Jungkook was still awake while Irene was sleeping in his lap, he looked so uncomfortable. Jackson and BamBam were still awake, they were screaming and laughing at the jokes. Mark was still awake while Rin wasn't, instead of watching the movie he was cuddling with Rin and showering her face with kisses. Tae and Jimin were also asleep. I tried as hard as I could to stay up, but eventually fell asleep.
Suddenly I felt my body getting lifted up off the couch. I slowly opened my eyes, I looked up and seen Jungkook staring at me.
He continues to walk up the stairs, then walks into my room. He opens the door then closes and locks it behind him, which caused me fully wake up and notice whats going on. "J-jungkook?" "Yes baby girl?" He asked while looking me "N-nothing". He places me on my bed then quickly hovers over me. Without wasting anytime he starts kissing me...
End of chapter 9
Me^^^^^ 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
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