Chapter 31: The Truth
I picked her and threw her onto the bed "oww, what the hell" she mumbles. I climbed into the bed hovering over her and started kissing her again roughly. She starts trying to push me away again until I grabbed both of her wrist and pinned them above her head. "Stop Kitten... I've been waiting too long for this! Now stop disobeying me!" I yelled. She started kicking her feet back and forth until she kicks me right in the face.
Oh shit I just kicked him in the face! gotta get out of here I thought before sprinting out of the room.
"Kim Areum! GET YOUR ASS BACK IN THIS ROOM RIGHT NOW!!" he screams, I continue running. I was running as fast I could until I heard footsteps behind me. I started crying as I started imagining the things Sehun would do to me. As I was running the footsteps started getting closer and closer. I then felt a hand cover my nose and mouth with a cloth. As I continued breathing my eyesight started getting blurry. "H-help me" I mumbled before everything went all black.
I woke up to the sound of voices talking, I kept my eyes closed as I started eaves dropping their conversation. "Is she okay?"
Is that B.I.? It sounds like it...
"Yeah she's okay, she's staying here tonight though I don't want her to be anywhere is she's not going to be safe... I'll protect her"
B-Bobby? I didnt know he cared that much about me...
"Bobby Hyung... be honest do you like Areum?" B.I. asked "no I don't like her... I love her"
"Huh?" "I didn't tell you about what Jinhwan did to me did I?" Bobby asked "no... what did he do?" "I told him I was in love with Areum and I told him I was going to confess to her... but he went behind my back and asked her out the day I was going to. He even brought her to the places I was going to bring her" Bobby says
D-Did that really happen?? I can't believe Jinhwan would do that!
"damn.. why didn't you tell Areum?" B.I. asked "I love her and she's dating my best friend... she looks happy with him I don't want to hurt her or break her heart or make her upset" "wow you must really love her" "I loved her ever since I laid eyes on her, everything about her is just perfect... I love her more than anything" Bobby says sweetly.
I can't believe Jinhwan did that! Thats terrible
"Are you lying to me Bobby?" B.I. asked "no! I'm telling the truth why would I lie to you about this?"
I cant listen to this anymore...
I slowly opened my eyes and sat up. As I looked around I seen I was in an unfamiliar room "B-Bobby? Where am I? What's going on?" I asked "Oh you're awake Princess? How do you feel? Don't worry Princess you're at my house... you're safe with me" he says "okay... but what happened when at the party? How did I get here?" I asked "uhm.. do you really wanna know? It's quite disturbing" "what happened?" "uhm... I seen Sehun dragging your body on the floor to a room... and I stopped him" Bobby says in disgust "oh.. thank you so much Bobby! If it wasn't for you I don't know where I would be right now" I said while getting out the bed and hugging him. "It's okay... uhm B.I. can you please leave us alone for a minute?" Bobby asked while hugging my back "yeah.. I'll just leave, see you tomorrow Bobby bye bye Areum" B.I. says before leaving "Princess?" he calls for me as I started crying onto his chest "h-help me.. B-Bobby I'm s-scared" I mumbled while crying "Princess please don't cry you're safe with me" he says sweetly "b-but I'm so scared... p-please don't let him get anywhere close to me.. h-he's trying t-to kill me" "WHAT! what do you mean he's trying to kill you?!" he asked "...I-I've never told anyone why... I-I'm afraid you'll leave me" "huh? Why would I do that? I would never leave you Princess" "b-but... I don't think I'm ready to tell anyone about it yet" I whispered while letting go of his waist "..oh okay that's fine, but don't be scared... I'll protect you Princess" "o-okay" "so.. what do you wanna do? Wanna watch a movie or something?" he asked cutely "anything that will get my mind off of what happened" I told him "okay! Lets watch a movie then go swimming!" "oohhh okay"
( 2 hours later )
I watched the screen in horror as the credits started rolling. "There's no way I'm going to fall asleep tonight" I said while hugging his arm "hehehe you're so cute Princess it wasn't that scary" he giggles "hey stop laughing at me" I pouted "I'm sorry Princess, you're just so cute" "Oppa~ s-stop~" I said as my cheeks started heating up "awww you're blushing! You're so cute!! Come on let's go swimming Princess!" he says while standing up and helping me up. I followed him as he left the room and went to another room. "Here..." he says, handing me a bag "huh? Whats this?" "I got you a swimsuit" "ohhh thank you!" "no problem, I'll be in the room across from this one when... when you're done changing just come out" he says before leaving. I open the bag then change into the swimsuit. As I was looking at the clothes I had took off I started thinking.
Wait... wasn't I naked earlier?? H-how did... did h-he see me naked?!?
I walked out of the room and seen Bobby taking off his shirt.
"B-Bobby... I'm ready" "Okay come on let's go!" he says while grabbing my hand and pulling me outside. "WOAH!! IT'S SO PRETTY! I WANNA GO ON THE SLIDE!!!" I screamed before letting go of his hand and running towards the slide.
"Yah!!! Don't run! I don't want you to slip and fall" he yells "Okay sorry Oppa!" "it's okay just be careful" he respond while walking towards the fireplace "Oppa!! What are you doing? Come down the slide with me!" I yelled from top of the steps "I'm coming Princess I'm just turning on some music and starting the fire" he yells back.
( 1 hour later )
"Oh my gowd!! Bobby this is so good!! How did you learn how to make this?" I said while walking towards him with the drink he gave me
"B.I. taught me how to make it... oh by the way there's a little bit of liquor in it" he says "that's fine.. I don't get drunk that easily" "oh.. okay wanna go sit by the pool?" he asked while grabbing his drink "sure~"
( 20 minutes later )
"I'm done with my drink... Oppa? Where do you want me to put my cup?" I asked "don't worry about it I'll bring them". He takes both of our cups and brought them to another table. As he was walking back towards me I stood up. "Hey.. Oppa come here~ come look at this~" he walks towards me. When he was standing right in front of me I pushed him into the pool. "Yahhh Areum!! You'll pay for pushing me into the pool" he says while swimming back towards me, I started running. He quickly climbs out the pool and starts chasing me. Before I knew it he was already behind me, he swiftly picked me up. "Oppa! Wait I'm sorry please let me down I promise I'm sorry!" I begged "fine~" he says while sitting me back down onto my feet. As soon as I was back on my feet I pushed him into the pool again "Yahhh!! Areum!" "Hehehe sorry" I giggled "I'll get in too... ready?" I questioned "yep" "Catch me!" I yelled while jumping into the pool. He caught me as I went into the water. "Yah why did you push me in again?" He asked while trying to act mad "awww are you trying to act mad? You're too cute!" I giggled, he smiled. "Yeah I tried.. I could never be mad at you, you're too cute to be mad at" he says, I started laughing "you're so cute!". He held me by my waist. As I was laughing in his arms, I looked up at him making eye contact. We stared at each other for a few seconds. The water beside me splashes as his hand comes out from the water and onto my cheek "B-Bob-" "shh...." he mumbles while looking deeply into my eyes. He slowly leans closer to me, I froze not knowing what to do. He slowly breaks the amount of space between us. His lips brushed against mine as he looked into my eyes.
He then presses his lips against mine, kissing me passionately.
I slowly started kissing him back. We continued kissing in the pool. I felt like I couldn't stop kissing him... his lips... they're so sweet so addicting. He lifts me up and sets me on the edge of the pool without breaking the kiss. I break the kiss breathing heavily, seconds later he pulls me back in for another one. He grabs my waist and pulls me closer to him.
"Bobby?!? What the hell" a voice yells from behind me.
End of Chapter 31: The truth
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