Chapter 24: Mrs.Tuan
( BACK TO CURRENT TIME!! ) ( A week later than the last chapter)
Right as the time hit 12:00 A.M. Hobi, Mark and I ran into Rin’s room with the cake in our hand.
“RIN!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!” we yelled causing her to wake up. She slowed opened her eyes. “Huh? What did you say?” she mumbled “Rin… Jagiya wake up” Mark said while kissing her forehead “... Mark Oppa!” she screams while jumping up to hug him “hey babe” “Oppa why are you here so early in the morning??” Rin asked. “Remember Jagiya… I said I wanted to spend the whole day with you… I wasn’t kidding” he tells her “awww you’re so cute!” Rin says.
After another 30 minutes of talking to Hobi, Areum and Mark, we all agreed on going to sleep and waking up later. “Oppa… come cuddle with me” I told Mark “Okay baby… let me just take off some of my clothes” “okay”. After a few minutes I felt him climb into my bed from behind me. He wraps his arms around my waist. His hand starts sliding his hand down my waist and onto my thigh. “O-Oppa?” “good night Princess” “g-goodnight Oppa…”
( 7 hours later ) ( 7 A.M. )
When I woke Rin was still asleep. I gazed at her as she slept on my bare chest. Her hair fell across her face making it hard for me to be able to see her face, I brushed it off revealing her angel like face.
“Jagiya you’re so cute” I said while slowly stroking her cheek. I leaned closer and kissed her cheek, then her other cheek, then her forehead. My lips hovered over hers as I admired her facial features. I broke the distance between us and kissed her pationetly on the lips. It didn’t take long for her to start kissing me back. “Good morning
Oppa” she mumbled “good morning Jagiya” “Oppa…” “yes Rin?” I questioned “I love you” she says “I love you too” I told her. “Jagiya… are you excited for today?” I asked her “Yes!” “well then let's get up and start getting ready” I told her “yay!!!” she yells while jumping out of bed. I can’t wait until we get married.
I went into my bathroom, took a bath then changed into some clothes.
“I think I look cute” I mumbled to out loud while looking at myself the mirror, “I think you look gorgeous Jagiya” Mark says from behind me “thank you Oppa” I said while turning around. “You look great too Oppa” I told him
“thanks babe... Are you ready to go?” he asked “yes I’m ready!”
I held her hand as we walked out of the room and down the steps. I’m so excited… I hope she says yes.
[ Hey Tae! ]
[ Hey Princess! What’s up? Did you need something? ]
[I was wondering if you wanted to hang out today. Rin and Mark are going out on a date, so I don’t have anything to do today]
[ Sure! Do you want Jiminie to come too? ]
[ Of course I do! ]
[ okay… where do you wanna go? ]
[ To be honest…. I just wanna stay in the house, order pizza, watch movies and have fun ]
[ Sounds great! We’ll be there in an hour
[ K see you then… thanks TaeTae! ]
[ Anything for you, Princess ]
As soon as I hung up the phone Rin and Mark came downstairs holding hands. “Awww! You guys are so cute!” I told them “thank you Unnie! But you know that you and Jinhwan look better!” Rin says “aww thanks… do you mind if I have Tae and Jimin come over while you’re gone?” I asked “no I don't mind at all” Rin says “okay thanks! Have a great time!”. I wished Mark good luck, then they both left. I went back upstairs took a shower then changed into comfortable clothes.
( An hour later ) ( 9 A.M. )
*Knock knock*
As soon as I heard knocking at the door, I went and opened it. “Hey Princess!” Tae says while attacking me into a hug “Hey Tae” I giggled. “ChimChim! Why are you still standing out there? Come inside!” I told him from inside the house, he continues to stand there. “Uhmm.. Jiminie” “Areum… we got you something…” Jimin says “huh… really? You guys didn't have to get me anything” I told them. I watch as Jimin slowly brings his hand from behind his back. “Holy Shit!!!” I screamed as I seen what Jimin was holding.
It was the cutest dog I’d ever seen. I ran up to Jimin and hugged him, “thank you so much! You guys are the best!” I told them. “Only for you Princess!” Tae says while hugging me from the back. We broke off the hug then Jimin handed me the dog. “What gender is it?? What’s their name” I asked them “It’s a girl… you can name her” Tae says “ohhh… what about... Kiwi?” I asked “Kiwi! That's a cute name!” Jimin says.
( 10 hours later ) ( 7 P.M. )
*woof woof*
“Yahh! Kiwi! Come back here! That was my slice of pizza!” I screamed as Kiwi ran around the house with my slice of pizza in her mouth “Haha Kiwi! Come here” Tae yells. Kiwi comes running into the room with her tongue hanging out of her mouth.
“Awww she’s so cute! Kiwi come here” I said, she came running towards me and jumped into my lap. I started rubbing her head as she was laying in my lap.
“So… what should we do now?” Jimin asked “maybe we should go to a pet store so we can get some stuff for kiwi” I told them “okay! Here wear this” Jimin tells me while handing me a black mask, I put it on along with a pair of flips flops.
( 20 minutes later )
We arrived at the pet store. “Okay guys let's go” I said before getting out the car with Kiwi in my hand. They got out the car then we went into the store. Right when we walked into the store, Kiwi jumped out of my arms and started running around the store. “Kiwi!” I yelled while running after her. Before I could get to her, she ran up to a group of people, they all turned around and looked at Kiwi. “Aww oh my gowd this is the cutest dog ever” “so cute!” a few of the girls said while petting Kiwi. “Is this your dog?” one of the girls asked while looking up at me, I pulled down my mask and answered them “yes… It’s my dog”. I looked around the crowd of people and noticed that it was a group of girls surrounding a boy. The boy had on a mask, he looked extremely familiar though. “... Wait… aren’t you Jinhwan’s girlfriend?” one of the girls asked while looking up at me, I immediately started blushing “y-yes I’m his girlfriend” I told them. “Wow...really?” “y-yes… I’m his girlfriend” I said “wow… you’re even prettier in real life! You’re very beautiful!” she tells me “t-thank you… you’re one of the first girls that ever told me that” I told her while blushing “What! I’m the first girl that called you pretty!?!” she asked out of shock “y-yes… everyone is always jealous of me” I told her “well… I think that you’re very beautiful and that you and Jinhwan are the cutest couple ever!” “awww thank you” “Unnie… may we take a picture with you?” one of the other girls asked “of course I’ll take a picture with you” I responded while smiling at them “Thank you!”.
*gets in position and takes a picture*
“Thank you so much! Stay beautiful and healthy” one of the girls says “thank you” I told her. “Oh… and you… Sehun stay healthy as well” she says, Sehun… that name sounds familiar…. SEHUN!!! omfg I need to get away from him. I picked up Kiwi and walked away trying to find Jimin and Tae. As I was walking away I felt an arm wrap around my waist. I quickly turned around to see Sehun in front of me. “So… how have you been baby girl?” He asked while pulling me closer to him “Sehun.. stop! I have a boyfriend!” I yelled “calm down baby girl… I’m not going to hurt you… yet” he says while smirking at me. I push him away from me then ran towards the dog section, which is where I’m assuming Tae and Jimin are. When I seen Jimin and sprinted to him, I jumped behind him and hugged him. “We need to leave” I said out of breath “why? Are you okay?” “No we need to leave… Sehun is here” “he is?!?” “Y-yes” “okay the we’ll leave” he tells me. We found Tae then left the store and went back to Rin’s house. When we got there I noticed that Mark’s car was in the driveway. “Mark is here… maybe we should leave” Jimin says “yeah… Well Princess we’re going to head home now” Tae says before opening the door for me to get out. I got out the car then hugged him. “Okay, please drive home safely love ya brother” I said before breaking the hug “we will, love you too little sis” Tae says then kisses my forehead. “Bye bye ChimChim love ya brother, please drive home safely” I told Jimin “love you too little sis! bye bye!” Jimin says from inside of the car. After we said our goodbyes Tae Started driving back home, while I watched their car.
After their car was out of my sight I walked into the house. When I walked in Rin and Mark were cuddling while watching a movie on the couch. “Hey… Rin” I said causing her to look over at me, “Hey Unnie!” “uhm… I have a question?” I told her “yes? What’s wrong Unnie?” she asked “uhm… Tae and Jimin happened to… buy me something” I told her “oh… they did? What was it?” she asked “... a dog” I said while holding Kiwi in front of me “oh my gowd!!” she screams while running towards me. “Unnie… I need to talk to you” she whispers to me “okay… let's go to the kitchen” I whispered back to her “Babe… I’ll be in the kitchen with Areum..I’ll be back soon” she told Mark “okay”. We walked into the kitchen and I sat down Kiwi. “So what’s up?” I asked “...I think he’s hiding something from my Unnie” she tells me “huh? What do you mean?” I asked her “well… he’s been messing with his pocket a lot… and it looks like there’s something in it” “don’t worry about it… just enjoy the rest of your day with him” I told her “okay, thanks Unnie!” “you’re welcome”. After we finished talking we went back into the living room where Mark was. He was standing up and he had a rose in his hand. “Jagiya… I still have something planned for tonight” he says while walking closer to Rin “let’s go Jagiya” he said while grabbing her hand and pulling her outside the house.
Well I guess I’m alone again I thought to myself. “Kiwi!! Come here!” I yelled, after a few seconds she came running up to me. “Come on Kiwi let’s go take a nap until Rin comes home”
( 5 hours later ) ( 1 A.M. )
I woke up to the sound of screaming. I quickly ran down stairs to see what was going on. When I got downstairs I seen Rin on the floor. “Rin? Are you okay?” I asked her while coming closer. “U-Unnie” she turns to me with tears running down her face “Rin whats wrong?” I ask again, she doesn’t respond she just continues crying. Wait… she’s wearing the ring that Mark got… so she must have said yes, so why is she crying? I thought to myself.
End of chapter 24: Mrs.Tuan
2017 words 😉
This is the cutest thing I've ever seen It's so cute!!! 😢
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