Chapter 23: Movie night
It’s been 3 months since Jinhwan and I have been dating… It has been the best three months ever! He’s such a sweet amazing loving person, I’m so lucky to be his girlfriend.
Of Course 3 months have gone by, things with Jinhwan and I have been amazing but… on the other hand, I’ve been having problems with Jungkook. He’s always staring at me, winking at me or biting his lip at me. It makes me somewhat uncomfortable, but I’m too afraid to tell anyone. I can’t tell Hobi or Rin, they’re best friends with him… I don't want to break their friendship. It’s extremely hard to deal with sometimes… like last week. Hobi invited the rest of his band member over, and they all stayed the night.
FLASH BACK!! ( a week ago )
“Areum!!!” Tae yells while running towards me “Tae!!” I yelled while running towards him. When I was close enough I jumped into his arms, he quickly embraced me. “AREUM!!!” Jimin screams from the door while running towards us. “Group hug!” Jimin yells while hugging me from behind.
“How have you been Princess? I haven't seen you in forever!” Tae asked “I’ve been great! How have you guys been?” I asked “ I’ve been great as well” “so… how’s your boyfriend? Is he treating you well? Because you know if he’s not… Tae and I will go beat him up for you” ChimChim says “true!” Tae says “hahaha you guys are so overprotective… don’t worry he’s an amazing boyfriend he’s been treating me like royalty… there’s nothing to worry about” I told them. Tae leans closer to my ear and whispers “Okay… but remember if he ever hurts you… I won’t hesitate to beat the shit out of him” “o-okay” I said while blushing. “Aww Princess… you’re blushing! You’re so cute! I have the most adorable best friend ever!” Tae says while pinching my cheeks
Hobi decided that we’re watching a few movies before we go to sleep. So we all started sitting down on one of the two couches. I sat next to Tae, then to the left of him was Jimin, Hobi then Joonie.
Jungkook came over and sat next to me, leaving between Tae and Jungkook. “Hey Rin… I’m kinda cold, is it okay I bring down some blankets?” I asked “of course it’s okay, in fact I’ll help you get them” Rin says.
We walked up stairs and went into the closet in her room. “Happy early birthday bestie!” I said before giving her a hug “Unnie! My birthday is in a week!” “I know… I’m gonna tell you happy early birthday everyday until it’s your birthday” “aww thank you Unnie! You’re such a great friend!” “thank you Rin!” “Unnie… can I tell you something?” she asked “of course! You can tell me anything”
“...uhmm well… the last date I went on with Mark… he told me something… he said that he has something planned out for the whole day of my birthday, and that he’s going to spend the whole day with me… and that it’ll be my best birthday ever”
OH MY GOWD HE’S GONNA PROPOSE!!!! I CAN’T I’M GOING TO CRY I’M SO HAPPY FOR HER!!! BUT!! I have to act like I don’t know… I promised him that I wouldn’t tell her. OH MY GOWD SHE’S GONNA BE RIN TUAN!
“Aww! That’s so sweet of him! I hope you have a great time!” “thank you Unnie!”.
Rin and I changed into pajamas then went down stairs with the blankets.
Rin’s pajamas^
Areum’s Pajamas ^
We both walked down stairs holding blankets. “AHHH!!” I screamed as I tripped over a shoe that was on the ground, I fell backwards onto my ass. “FUCK!” I groaned “oh my gowd Unnie are you okay?” Rin asked while giggling “uhm… yeah I’m okay” I told her. “... what was that sound- oh… Areum Princess… are you okay” Tae asked “yeah.. I’m okay”.
I walked back into the living into the living room with Tae and Rin following me from behind.
She walks in with Tae and Rin following behind her. She then sets the blankets that were in her hand, onto the couch.
DAMN! She’s only wearing an oversized t-shirt. Those milky white thighs… she’s driving me crazy right now, I’m getting so eager to touch her. Damn I’m getting hard just watching her. I watch quietly as she bends over to get a pillow off the floor. Damn… I get she has a boyfriend… but fuck! I want to fuck her so bad. Looking at her ass…. Damn I , wanna feel her ass bouncing on my dick. I wanna hear her screaming my name...
( ^Low key probably what every fuck boy thinks😑 )
“YAH! JUNGKOOK!” she yells, snapping me out of my thoughts “yes?” “do you want anything to drink?” “sure Princess” I said while smiling at her, her face instantly flushes red then she looks away. “Does anyone wanna help me pick out snacks and drinks?” she asked “I will!” I said “o-okay… come on l-lets go t-to the kitchen” she said while stuttering. I got off the couch and followed her to the kitchen. “So… what should we get for everyone to drink?” she asked while looking at all the drinks in the fridge.
“hmmm… oh STRAWBERRY RAMUNE!” she yells while grabbing two bottle of strawberry ramune. She gets a few other drinks then closes the fridge. “let’s go give them their drinks then we’ll come back for the snacks” “okay”
Areum and I are now back in the kitchen, after giving everyone their drinks.
“Hmmm… what snacks should we get?” she mumbles “Hey Jungkook what do you wanna eat?” she asked while turning around and looking at me. Before I could answer she turned back around towards the cabinets. I walked closer to her and wrapped my arms around her waist. “Well… If I had a choice… I’d like to eat you” I whispered into her ear while rubbing her inner thigh. “S-sorry that’s not an o-option…” she said while stuttering “are you sure babe?” I questioned, she didn't say anything. I started sliding my hand up her thigh and under her shirt. Before my hand reached her panties she quickly grabbed my wrist. “Jungk-kook? P-please stop…” she says while stuttering once again. I press her thumb against her clit and started rubbing it in circles, “mmm~ ahhh~ J-jungk-kook p-please stop!” she says a little louder. I continued rubbing her clit. I stopped abruptly after hearing footsteps coming towards us. I turned around and seen Taehyung, he watched me suspiciously as I slowly but surely let go of Areum’s waist. “Uhmm… is everything okay?” Taehyung asked “yes! We’re just getting snacks for the movie!” I told him “...Jungkook? Do you mind leaving so I can talk to Areum in private?” he asked. I was going to say no l, until we made eye contact… and damn… if looks could kill, I would’ve been dead like the old bullet proof vest…
Jungkook left out of the room after seeing the facial expression on Tae’s face. When he was out of sight I ran up to Tae and hugged him, “thank you so much!” I told him while burying my face into his chest. He quickly pulls me out of the hug and looks at me dead in eyes. “Areum don’t lie to me right now… what was he doing?” he asked “..h-he….” I could barely get out a word being under his deadly gaze. I looked to the ground as I felt tears in my eyes.he grabbed both sides of my face made me look at him. “ Kim Areum don’t fucking lie to me! Was he touching you?” he asked extremely angry “....y-yes” I said before bursting out into tears. “I’m going to beat his ass!” Tae says while trying to walk out the kitchen. “TAE WAIT!!!” I yelled, he turned around.
“....y-yes” she says before bursting out into tears.
I thought to myself while started to walk out the kitchen. “TAE WAIT!!” she yells, I turn around to see her with tears streaming down her face, I hate seeing her in this state. I walked over to her and hugged her, allowing her to cry onto my chest. She eventually stops crying, and started hugging tighter onto my chest. “Areum… I want you to know that you can tell me anything... okay?” I told her, she nods but I still don’t think she understood how much I actually cared. “Areum… look at me” I told her, she looked up at me “please don’t ever hide anything from me… I care about you so much… you can trust me with long has he been doing this?” I asked her. Before she answered I heard footsteps behind me, I turned around and seen Jimin. He looked at me with his face showing that he was confused and worried.
“please don’t ever hide anything from me… how long has he been doing this?” he asked. Before I could say anything, I heard footsteps coming towards the kitchen, I looked over my shoulder as seen Jimin… he looked really worried. “A-Areum? Princess? Are you okay? What’s going on?” Jimin asked, I didn’t say anything. “Jungkook was touching her” Tae tells him “WHAT!” he yells “Princess? Is that true?” Jimin asked, I nodded. “Why didn’t you tell us? We could address it with him-” “NO.. don’t say anything to anyone… just keep this between us” I told them “what… why?” Jimin asked confused “because I don’t want him to start acting like my ex…. I don’t want him to start trying to be possessive… if you say anything to him… it will just get worse… he’ll start being cocky. Please don’t say anything to him” I told them “....fine but don’t ever hide anything from us” Tae says. “oh by the way… what was the name of your ex that you told us about? You never mentioned his name…” Jimin asked “...His name is Sehun… apparently he’s an idol now, at least that's what I’ve heard” I told them “SEHUN!?!” they both yelled “yes? What’s wrong?” “...nothing we all know him… I didn’t know he was your ex…” Tae said. “You guys know him?” I asked
“yes we’re actually really good friends with him” Jimin says “oh… well… we should probably head back into the living room with the snacks” I told them “...okay… are you feeling better though?” Tae asked “yes… thank you both of guys for always being here for me, I could never ask for a better set of best friends than you guys are… thank you” I said while smiling at both of them “aww you’re welcome Princess!” Jimin says while hugging me, Tae joins in on the hug making it another group hug. “Okay let’s get some snacks and bring them to the living room” I told them “okay… by the way we’re not letting you sit next to him when we get back in the living room… you’re sitting between us” Tae says “o-okay”.
We walked back into the living room, the lights were off and the movie was already playing. “Yah!” I screamed “AHHH! Oh my gowd Areum, you scared the shit out of me” Hobi said “why did you already start the movie?” I asked him “...uhmm… you guys were taking a long time so we got sort of bored”
After 4 hours the two movies finally ended.
“So…. Can we go to sleep now?” I asked “yeah let's go to sleep!” Rin says before walking away and going upstairs. “Okay.. so obviously no one is sleeping in Rin’s room… but I’ll allow four of you guys to sleep in my room” Hobi says “I’ll let Tae and Chimchim sleep in my room” I told them “okay thanks Areum!” Hobi says “no problem! They’re like brothers to me” I said while smiling at both of them happily “awww!! That’s so cute! I’m happy you guys are getting along” Hobi said.
“Okay so everyone else let’s go to my room… and Tae and Jiminie… you better not do anything to Areum while she’s asleep” Hobi says, making my face flush red. “You’re telling that to the wrong perso-” Jimin starts talking, I smacking the back of his head after hearing what he was going to say. “Owwww! What was that for?” he asked while looking at me, I gave him a death glare. “Oh.. I mean… goodnight… we won’t do anything to her while she’s asleep” Jimin says “okay… goodnight” Hobi says.
“Hey Areum…. Can we call you something other than Princess?” Jimin asked “...uhmm… sure… just think of another nickname” I told him while opening my door for them to come in. I went into the bathroom while they changed into other clothes. When I was finished I walked back into my bedroom to see both Jimin and Tae without a shirt on. “Are you guys really sleeping like that again?” I asked them “yes… remember last sleepover? We always sleep like this” Jimin says “which sleepover? We’ve had a lot..” I told them. “ Hey! I have an idea for your nickname!!” Tae says “what is it?” I asked “what about Ari?” he asked, I sharply inhaled feeling the pain inside my chest as I heard him say that name. I took a moment to breathe before talking “....don’t ever call me that name ever again” I told him “huh? Areum? Are you okay?” Tae asked “never call me that name ever again!” I yelled “...o-okay… sorry Princess” Tae says while looking somewhat concerned “it’s okay Tae… just learn from your mistakes… let’s go to bed” I told them.
“never call me that name ever again!” she yelled “...o-okay… sorry Princess” Tae says while looking somewhat concerned “it’s okay Tae… just learn from your mistakes… let’s go to bed” she says while walking towards her bed. What the hell! Why is she so mad about us calling her Ari? I feel like she’s hiding something from us?
Tae looked over at me. “나는 그녀가 우리에게서 뭔가를 숨기고 있다고 생각한다 (I think she’s hiding something from us)” Tae says assuming she doesn’t know Korean “나도 (me too)” I told him. I looked over at her and watched as she crawled into her bed. “그녀는 이상한 행동을하고있다 ( she’s acting weird… )”
I said while looking at her, we made eye contact and she smiled innocently at me.
“나는 한국어를 이해할 수있다 ( I can understand Korean )” she says quietly “oh… sorry about that… we’re just worried about you Princess” Tae “it’s okay! Come on let’s just go to sleep” she said while gesturing us to get into her bed. “W-wait you want us to sleep in your bed?” Tae asked “duhhh! That’s what best friends are for!” she says happily “okay” Tae and I said at the same time.
I watched from my bed as they both walked towards me from different sides. Tae got into bed in front of me and Jimin got in behind me. “...Umm… guys… you forgot to turn off the light” I told them “oh sorry I’ll turn it off Jimin said while getting out of my bed. “Princess… I’m sorry about earlier” Tae says “it’s okay don’t worry about it! I’m sorry for yelling at you… of course you wouldn’t have know not to call me that…” I told him “ there a reason why?” Jimin asked before turning off the lights. I didn’t say anything, “Princess… you know you can trust us with anything… we care about you and we love you like a sister” Tae says before kissing my forehead “I love both of you guys as brothers… but I don’t think I’m ready to tell anyone about it yet” I told them “okay… we’ll respect your decision… but remember we’re your family now you can trust us okay?” Jimin says from behind me “okay Oppa… I love both of you guys so much! I wish you were my real brothers” I told them “what are you talking about? Like we said Areum… we’re family now” Jimin says from behind me “o-okay Oppa”. “Okay let's go to sleep now… goodnight Areum and Jiminie!” Tae while scooting closer to me and snuggling my body like a pillow “yeah… goodnight Areum and Tae” Jimin says while wrapping his arm around my waist, scooting closer pressing his body against mine and laying his head on my shoulder. “Goodnight Tae and Chimchim”
*both Tae and Jimin snores*
“awww you guys are so cute! Well… I guess I should be getting some sleep to…” I said before drifting off to sleep.
End of Chapter 23: Movie night
Well damn^^^^😶😶😶😶😶😶😂😂😂😂
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